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moonwolf23 08-28-2010 04:24 PM

Originally Posted by knlsmith

Originally Posted by mzsooz
I once oil painted a scene with a reef shark for my husband. He complained so much about how inaccurate it was that I ended up giving the painting to my brother (who loved it). That was the last thing I ever painted :(

I'm so sorry this happened to you. It is a beautiful quilt.

Please keep in mind that art is objective. Unfortunately some people "object" to anything. Do NOT set the brush down because of one narrow minded person (even if it is your husband).


Also it helps you grow as an artist if you understand the "critique". The good artists, writers, quilters etc take the critism and grow and get better.

prairiequeen 08-28-2010 04:31 PM

I didn't give my Dad a quilt but a bird feeder I thought he would enjoy watching the birds. Wrong he said the birds would just poop allover. Didn't even take it home. I had put a lot of thought in that gift and I too was hurt.

prairiequeen 08-28-2010 04:32 PM

By the way I like the quilt.

moonwolf23 08-28-2010 04:43 PM

Originally Posted by kclausing
Honey I am so sorry. But let's not think he is a bad person. He is your dad.

Now, He said he didn't think it looked very patriotic. Is he a veteran? If so, he may not have understood the stas you used in the quilt. They are not the typical patriotic, american flag type stars. As quilters, we love these stars, but to someone else, they might just be 'not right'.

Sometimes we take offense easily because it takes so much time and effort. But people that don't quilt, don't necessarily see that. So we have to understand their point of view, or at least try to help our own feelings.

I agree with this. You make a very good point.

twistedsheets 08-28-2010 08:26 PM

I agree this was not an appropriate response from your dad. I am not making excuses for him especially if this has been his true nature all his life but as our folks get older their personalities change due to illness and medications they are taking. Due to heart attacks and strokes and the onslaught of medications I saw my parents personalities change from heckle to jeckle. And darn near anything could cause the sudden change, often they were never even aware how hurtful and resentful things they would have not normally said in their right mind became. My parents were both loving and tho sometimes off the wall they never intentially said things that would have caused such hurtful feelings , so I forgave them knowing they would have never said or acted out in such ways before the changes in their health that caused the downslide of their mannerisms! I lost Dad in Jan 1992 and my Mom recently in May 2010. I miss them both very much, not the way they were before they passed but the real personalities I grew up and shaped my life from! those are the people they would want to be remembered for!!

Mousie 08-29-2010 10:41 AM

Originally Posted by purplefiend
I'm so sorry that your Dad did that to you. You did a very good job on your quilt and it looks very patriotic to me.
Please don't let this unpleasant experience stop you from making more beautiful quilts. (((((( HUGS )))))
My SIL did something similar to me, I made a basket quilt for her and DH's brother as a wedding gift. She only shows the back of the quilt, not the front. I put a lot of work into the piecing the blocks and doing the quilting.


that's pretty! non-quilters just do not get it, but any gift should be appreciated! My goodness, how they are missing out!

Kitsapquilter 09-02-2010 08:47 PM

I cannot imagine why he didn't like this. I think it is very nice....if he doesn't want it you should hang it in your home and feel proud!! You did a great job. His loss your gain!!!

twinkiedog 11-24-2010 07:02 AM

I would take it home. Some people just don't realize we put
our hearts in the gifts we make. Even if we miss the mark of giving exactly what they wanted. It is with our hearts that we
made this decision. I have a relative that is a Nordstroms girl
unless it is from there it isn't worthy. So I decided it isn't me
it is them. They don't realized the work,time and love in the
gift. I give those money and keep the work of love for me
or someone who would appreciate it.

just-sew-together 11-24-2010 09:57 AM

Originally Posted by Boston1954
Go back and get it and keep it for yourself. My parents raised me to say a gracious thank you for anything and not hurt people.

I AGREE with you totally.........and to add a personal note...... Be rest assured .......I would never make another anything for him....parent or not! Being a parent does not give one the green light to be out right RUDE!!! If anything it's their place to BUILD us up...not try to tear down.

I would rather cut my tongue out than to hurt someone's feelings... knowing they worked sew hard at a special gift just for me. Hours upon hours go into these labor intensive quilts not to mention the money involved.

SORRY that your HEART IS BRUISED..... but I bet it isn't the first time. SEW..... just keep creating your BEAUTIFUL quilts and know that you are blessed with a wonderful talent and a GOOD HEART!!!

BTW........ you could always TAKE IT BACK...... then drive to your nearest VA Hospital and DONATE it to a GRATEFUL VET. :) :) :) Food for thought!

OKLAHOMA PEACH 11-24-2010 10:00 AM

Its a great quilt, anyone in my family would like it. Great job.

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