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jaba 08-22-2013 04:31 PM

I think I'd be calling the company and ask for a new one. 5 times? seems you got a lemon, don't you think? Hope they are covering this with a warrantee (sp) but what happens when they don't? I feel for you truly , just makes you angry or it would me.

tlambing 08-22-2013 07:20 PM

Today was the first time the machine acted for them the way it acts for me. And, yes I've been in contact with the company. This is their last chance to fix it. If its not, they are to give me another. But of course all of the attachments I've purchased only fit that machine. I sure hope she's good to go. Yes, it's under warranty!

Sewfine 08-22-2013 07:30 PM

Originally Posted by jaba (Post 6236274)
No need to hyperventilate tlambing, take a deep breath, you quilt beautifully. I'm 67, married for 17 years so far. I have 2 grown sons and hubby has 2 sons and 1 daughter. We're a combined family and all the kids get along great which is a blessing. I am retired and loving it, owned grocery stores when I was working. Hubby retired once, then decided to go back to work but he will be 62 in Dec., so he's saying he will be done this time....we'll see, he always finds something to do, me, I just go and sew...
Here is the center I think I'm going to send. Want a nice soft "girly one" this time for some reason. I have plenty of the print fabric and will send a half yard or yard with it and when someone runs out and needs it just let me know and I will mail you more. It's such a soft print I think it will need some of it on at least some of the rounds.[ATTACH=CONFIG]430459[/ATTACH]

Jaba, I like your block; what is the name?

jaba 08-22-2013 07:43 PM

Originally Posted by tlambing (Post 6250153)
Today was the first time the machine acted for them the way it acts for me. And, yes I've been in contact with the company. This is their last chance to fix it. If its not, they are to give me another. But of course all of the attachments I've purchased only fit that machine. I sure hope she's good to go. Yes, it's under warranty!

Maybe they'll get it fixed then, that's always a plus actually when you take something in and it will act the same way. Had a pickup once that wouldn't start or then it would and I'd get about 15 miles from the house and it quit. Sit there and wait for 30 minutes and down the road it went. Finally after 4 times to the shop they found this little tiny defective fuse....
Sewfine I will have to look and see if I can find it again. Made one of these in a boom swap I think and this one I just made bigger. It's just squares and 1/2 square triangles. Just the placement makes the difference.

SandyinZ4 08-22-2013 08:02 PM

Hi friends, I got my problem resolved..(just read the directions that were in a different place) so hopefully I will get it finished and ready to mail out on Monday (to Le Brat!). I will be sure and post a picture when it is finished and on it's way. Looking forward to getting package in the mail of my first round challenge.

Elisabrat 08-23-2013 12:19 AM

Well for some reason I cant seem to find my 'hustle'. Where did it go? Did I leave it at your place Jan? I want to sew but getting up and doing it.. tougher each day. I want to.. rest most of the time. I think its time to kick up the caffeine and bite the big bullet. I have so many projects my head spins. I love/hate that. Yesterday I accomplished dialysis, napping, the market and dinner.. that was it. I see the counters.. clean me. put things away they say. I see the sewing table and then I see... the couch. guess who wins? I have visions of completing one block and one mug rug thingy tomorrow. Its a big goal these days. Then I have: a wall hanging, a maybe runner, three round robins and I wonder if my brain is screwed on right? Jan, don't let me sign up for more right now. oh ok I did the Halloween thing but after that lock my sign up button for a while! oh no! I defrosted raspberries so tomorrow morning first thing is jam making then sewing. oh dear. I need to not go anywhere on Sunday and Monday and just work on the house and sewing. oh dear in deed. sigh.. and here it is 2:20 in the morning and sleep is for those other people. not a good start!

Sewfine 08-23-2013 07:32 AM

Thanks Jaba.

SandyinZ4 08-23-2013 01:56 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I am finished with my center. It is not the best job in the world but will do for now. I think overall, it will be fine. Some of my 'points' don't match and that is my fault for picking a design with no directions. But I can live with it and since it will be a quilt for me, it will match my body...not perfect. :-) I will get it in the mail to you on Monday Elisabrat. We have plenty of time and you do not have to mail this out until October 15th so please, please don't feel rushed! I would rather you recoup your strength and be well than get frustrated. Moving is hard and then you jumped right in to a lot of swaps. I know we all want you and your wonderful sense of humor around for a long time so please take it easy for a bit. The fabric and projects are not going anywhere. Okay...here is my picture and it sure shows the errors but like I said...:-) Anxiously awaiting the one I will need to work on from Miriam.

jaba 08-23-2013 04:23 PM

Lookin' good Sandy, it will be a very pretty red and white quilt.

Elisabrat 08-23-2013 06:28 PM

I have seriously unpefect days. In FACT I finished my center, no pattern either just a block I saw and tried to enlarge.. this is where trouble starts see my math abilities are well not high up there on the real life scale and I could not figure how to make a five row quilt measure up with 4st's so I had to cut down blocks then I sewed them together. except I was at 20.5 inches. argh pirates so I sew on a 2.25 inch border on each side thinking I would get 24.5 but tada I blew it again.. 24" so long story short I am sending a center that is .5 inches too small so the person receiving it now has a 5" round to do and I am very sorry I am so frustrated I don't know how my brain did not either measure right the first time, second time or tada the third time. We all have those not perfect days Sandy. Its all good in the end. My quilt is a blue and white and silver quilt fabric by Robert Kaufman pattern is IMPERIAL its really pretty Asian fabric. reminded me of .. china plates and since its for my son's girl I am calling it "China Doll" as she is so pretty and so emotionally delicate.. Please use the colors in the fabrics only and once you see the pic let me know if you think I should send a yard of fabric with it of one of the three I used in case you would like to toss some more in as you go :) I think its a good idea myself so that some of the silver in it comes out in other rounds too.. Jan is posting so as soon as she can it will be one here :) yahoo!

jaba 08-23-2013 06:34 PM

brat's center
1 Attachment(s)
[ATTACH=CONFIG]431883[/ATTACH]Linda this is beautiful!!! We can make up 1/2" for you, oh my she's going to love this. You did awesome sister!!!

Elisabrat 08-23-2013 07:15 PM

thanks for posting for me Jan I was trying to find a solution to my not posting ability here so far no luck :( I hope she does its not very special other than the fabric is awesome :) I am buying more no doubt about it.

SandyinZ4 08-23-2013 08:15 PM

Linda, Wow! it is beautiful. I have some Asian fabric stashed somewhere so by the time yours comes to me, I will see if any of it is compatible and has some blue and silver in it. Good going!

Elisabrat 08-24-2013 04:24 AM

it doesn't have to be Asian per say even china plate fabric in blue white is good I think. .. its such a rich fabric mixing it with some blenders and a bit of whatever I send along and it will be perfect I am sure :) I am thinking blenders/tone on tone.. not into solids so please skip those if you can or use them sparingly. I will send a note with it so no worries. lets see who gets this lovely from me.. its Sandy right? off to check my own darned list!

tlambing 08-24-2013 07:02 AM

It's me brat! At least that's what my list says. You guys told me not to hyperventilate, but....I'm feeling a wee bit faint! I'm sure after I get to "practice" on yours brat I'll feel much better :) your center is beautiful. Can wait to touch it. I have block of the week this morning, the to finish off my center, and a UFO/dinner with the ladies. Hoping to finish my Kaffe and get a good deal of my table runner done tonight. It's a quiltn' day :)

TwinRiverFarm 08-24-2013 07:54 AM

Great job! Too bad I love my DH so much, or I would ask to become your DIL myself, just to get a quilt out of that fabric! Well, divorce is just too expensive, I have my DH all trained now, and I have not even met your son, so I will graciously let him keep his girl AND her quilt. drool...drool...drool...

Elisabrat 08-24-2013 02:12 PM

your overly kind ladies :) and sandy when in doubt.. add a nice simple sashing border :) lol..

ok I bought another .5 yrds of the fabrics. how about if I send one for each alternate round? the first two can go in the packet as it fits for one cost the others I can send to your homes.. I would much love to have some of this in each round it is just too.. pretty not to. Wish I could send more but well.. its a skinny world of quilting budgets here so I will hope it works out. one row without it is ok if its a sashing row but if its a block row I would love some even a quarter amount of it in each row to keep the theme.. if it was just a blue white no issue but this is so specific that I think it would look .. like something was missing otherwise :( I can buy more next month but this was it for now... have at it ladies!

Elisabrat 08-24-2013 02:13 PM

not to be the quilting board ... lady of the evening .. but twin rivers maybe your hubby would take two wives??? you have the farm I have the .. me.. could work. lol.

TwinRiverFarm 08-24-2013 05:06 PM

Well Brat, I told him about your proposal. When I told him that you were the lady who made the Frog Pond quilt, he seemed interested. But I reminded him that 2 quilting wives did not mean more good meals and clean laundry, just larger fabric stashes and getting neglected twice. He thinks we are all out of control and wacky. Smart man.

SandyinZ4 08-24-2013 07:00 PM

Teresa, I feel your 'faint' and I promise to do a better job on everyone else's borders than I did on my center. If I would have had more time, I 'might' have tried making another one but it is wrapped up and ready to go out in the mail on Monday...for better or worse. Linda, I think sending around the fabric that you want in alternating borders will make you one happy camper and ease some of our trepidation filled minds. :-) Miriam, I laughed out loud when you mentioned to your DH the pitfalls of having more than one quilter in a house. And..now I just wait to get your (Miriam)block and instructions. Exciting.

tlambing 08-24-2013 11:17 PM

Well Sandy...because I'm insane, I redid my center! Although no one would have known nor cared but me. Since it's going to be mine however I decided to do it again:) Sometimes I wish my brain worked differently. UGH! But it's done. Points and all.

I am wondering, since this is my first RR, could someone let me know what type of journal they are sending with their quilt? Not wanting to go over nor under the bar ya know. I was thinking notebook paper stapled together is probably under the bar and a hardbound book might be going over. Someone help me.

I'm really wanting to package my stuff tomorrow for it's trip to Jaba :)

Elisabrat 08-25-2013 03:15 AM

ok in my other round robin little spiral bound books were sent but a piece of paper with your wishes is fine and make sure it has enough room for your quilters to send a note on back to you on what they did. You can also send a piece of fabric for everyone to sign aka signature block with perma fabric markers but that is also up to you so there are no hard fast rules I think. PLEASE do not send pens. Pens can break and ruin a quilt top in a NY second. We all have one I hope :) if not time to go spend the big bucks and buy one for your very own :) or take up instant perfect signature embroidery along the way real quicko. I myself.. have a pen! I think if you do your best work every time its all anyone would ask of you. Second, if you are going to have to look at something for a long time is it going to bug you if its not your best? your call. Me I am not so picky for me but for a gift I am a lot harder on myself. Course I never make myself anything so there goes the not hard on myself thing right out the window. There are some really good border books out there, Jan has I believe 3. YOu might ask her which is the most informative. I think the one with the little blocks 1" designs is the best. It has drawings more than pictures yet it has a grand variety of them. Maybe we can get her to post a few of the ones she has tried.. pretty please? she did a sampler top of rows to practice (God I love her) and it really helped her see what she likes, what was hard, what looked good in a book but maybe in reality.. my trouble is getting your rows to end and start the same pattern wise.. I get to the end and need a corner stone because I cant get the pattern to .. turn? that book shows how. I just have to figure out how to.. snag it for a tiny bit and study the darned thing. BTW they were NOT expensive used on ebay/amazon so check them out. don't pay full price if you don't have to .. sorry its the cheapskate in me.

SandyinZ4 08-25-2013 07:22 AM

I just enclosed a tiny little spiral notebook because that is what I happened to have on hand. I did enclose a pigma pen but will unseal in a tiny place my envelope and take it out. You are right, Brat, we all should have one of those or something similar. I also enclosed a square of fabric for autographs. Thanks for the hints.

jaba 08-25-2013 07:42 AM

Knew I forgot something and it was the block to sign. Twin River could you please cut a square out of the peony fabric that I sent (like 9 x 9) and I'll make that for the signatures. If it won't work let me know, might not because of the print, and I can send you a square of Kona white or cream for it.

tlambing 08-25-2013 09:06 AM

Thank you ladies. I appreciate your help. I think I'm good to go with getting things together today :)
Had a very successful UFO last night and have all day today (except for laundry breaks) to maybe get a few things finished. I even cleaned my sewing room (the corner in my bedroom) yesterday so everything's in great shape. Found those pesky missing squares and bobbin box! I just might even be able to finish this darn Christmas panel quilt I've been putting off the binding on.

Even through all my trepidation brat, I'm truly looking forward to this rr. Something new and challenging, a reason to go shopping! Making new QB friends. I'm stoked.

omacookie 08-25-2013 09:21 AM

I love reading your comments. You are truly a bunch of nuts but Oh My what fun !!!!!!The center pieces are pretty already so girl get working. Laughs and hugs to all 5 of you.

jaba 08-25-2013 09:56 AM

Tlambing are you sending some of your fabric along with your block? Just was wondering if you wanted a little of it in all your rounds or some of them or not at all.

tlambing 08-25-2013 10:08 AM

Yes Jaba, I am sending what I have which is very little. But, if you ladies would like to use it in bits and pieces here and there that would be great. I also have a 1/2 yard of a perfect mottled orange. Should I send that too? I know we are trying to keep weight down for shipping, but I'm OK with people sending what might be helpful for the next rounds. What say you?

tlambing 08-25-2013 10:18 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Heres the new center. Looks just like the last, but better:)

jaba 08-25-2013 12:42 PM

I'm okay with it too, I sent fabric with mine, you can stuff a lot in those flat rate envelopes. Your points look fab!! Better be watching mine or think of something else for your border :D

tlambing 08-25-2013 12:49 PM

Originally Posted by jaba (Post 6254872)
I'm okay with it too, I sent fabric with mine, you can stuff a lot in those flat rate envelopes. Your points look fab!! Better be watching mine or think of something else for your border :D

I never see any flaw in anyone else's work! Only in my own. It's a wonderful affliction :)

SandyinZ4 08-25-2013 08:10 PM

I did not send extra fabric with mine. It is supposed to be easy for all of you. Red and white...smallish prints preferably and red on red or white on white or red on white or white on red. Have fun with it and don't stress out. I am excited to see what all you come up with. Like Linda said, even a plain border once in a while will be fine. With the HST's I used the options for borders should be easy; bear's paw, sawtooth mountains; etc. Whatever you do, don't stress over it and if you need to put cornerstones in the corners that is fine, too. I know that it will be warm and filled with love and that is what I want. Mailing off to you tomorrow Linda and I will PM the tracking #.

Elisabrat 08-26-2013 08:15 AM

oh CRUD I had better get off this thing and get sewing! lol I have two round robins sitting here I put off because I was working on other things oh heck where are my speedy shoes?

I think that new block there is SO much better than the first attempt. I get points or should I say non points all the itme and it bugs the heck out of me. We all our own worst critics. I think I have some of that dot fabric that is in your quilt will check but it might be a 1/4 enough to work a bit into it. it looks so very familiar!
well off to find my shoes! oh speedy shoes where are you??? listening.. think they are hiding. wish me luck!

Elisabrat 08-27-2013 04:11 AM

Teresa my package to you is taped and on its way out of the house to be taken to the post office when it opens I am sending PRIORITY which I hope all of you do, seems to be one of the safer ways to send things these days. Let me know please when you receive it!

and hey who called us NUTS? I resemble that statement lady. Sheesh! I am going to work on another round robin top I have here for Dragonflynana's swap. It scares me! its red and white but she is going to put it in a SHOW next summer as a group item so everyone is really going to be working hard to be perfect. ME? perfect? gulp big time. shaking knees .. I have had the package here for three days.. too scared to open it. dun dun dun... ok fine I will open it. later.. much later.. ok maybe tomorrow...

jaba 08-27-2013 05:05 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Just about done with my trial and error border quilt. Did the braid yesterday, now add another narrow border and then a round of the floral it started with. Then I just have to quilt it. Started with a fractured center block and then each border is separated by the solid strip. It's summer bright, think it reminds me of pop cycles. [ATTACH=CONFIG]432457[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]432459[/ATTACH]

#1piecemaker 08-27-2013 05:50 AM

looks like you are off to a good start. Can't wait to see your progress as it goes along!

Elisabrat 08-29-2013 03:52 AM

Jan that is a great quilt! love all the variety of borders you used on your self imposed round robin! the braid is a nice end touch. Congrats and how to share some very good border ideas! way to go!!

tlambing 08-29-2013 04:53 AM

How pretty your quilt is Jaba. Love it! Thanks for posting it, it's a wealth of info and inspiration.

buslady 08-29-2013 06:09 AM

I am sewwwwwwwwwww disappointed!! I have wanted to do a round robin FOREVER!! How is it that I didn't see anything!! I'm gonna be watching you guys to see how it goes. Maybe I can get into the next one, or when my life slows down a little I can find some friends here to work with like yuo did!!! Keep the pictures coming!!!!!!

tlambing 08-29-2013 12:34 PM

Wooo Hooo, here we go! I received Brats center today and it's even more beautiful in person! Long wknd here I come :)

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