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Aurora 12-17-2010 02:31 PM

Originally Posted by jetnica
I got a wonderful box from my angelee - letsquilt - with two incredible turtle ornaments, a kit, and a pretty nifty calendar that I will be sure to use at school!

I also somehow forgot to open my card last night to find out who my angel was!! i remembered in the middle of 3rd period class today that I was allowed to open it last night!!

Aurora -- THANK YOU -- you have sent wonderful things all year, and the fabrics have been perfect for so many of my projects!! I also got your christmas card today - THANK YOU!!

=) Today is MUCH better than yesterday! =) =)

Tomorrow should be better too! I forgot to put the card in the box. Hope you enjoy!

SulaBug 12-17-2010 02:35 PM

3 Attachment(s)

My Secret Quilt Angel is

Thank you Barb for all of the wonderful & thoughtful things that you have selected & sent to me this year!! :thumbup: I just love each & every item & am so thankful that you were my partner. I wasn't able to guess who you were, so this is a very pleasant surprise. I have enjoyed being part of the Secret Quilt Angel during 2010 & I feel like I have made a great new friend. I just hope that my SQA feels as blessed as I do. Again, thank you so much!!
:D :D :D

This is the box I recieved for the reveal.

These are all of the lovely things that she gave me.

And last, but not least Miss Rosie & her gifts.

Gramakitten 12-17-2010 02:58 PM

your puppy looks just like my GIGI

brenda21 12-17-2010 03:04 PM

OMG Sulabug....is Miss Rosie a min pin...she looks like Miss Daisy...awesome box of goodies too :)

Gramakitten 12-17-2010 03:04 PM

mary jane notice the "HEART" buttons on the table runner? your symbol right? GK/ Kathi

SulaBug 12-17-2010 03:29 PM

Originally Posted by brenda21
OMG Sulabug....is Miss Rosie a min pin...she looks like Miss Daisy...awesome box of goodies too :)

No, Miss Rosie is not a min pin, but she looks a great deal like one. We adopted her this summer form the Animal Shelter & they said she was a Terrier mix!! Thank you for asking!!
:D :D :D :D

brushandthimble 12-17-2010 04:03 PM

Sharon, thank you for the goodies you sent all year! I love the last package, I will post pictures once I have a moment to take pictures:) I am going to use the pins to mark my rows as I so them together. I will think of you and your trips each time I look at my thimbles, thank you for thinking of me.

Originally Posted by sharon b
The person I was sending to was brushandthimble and she was not in chat last night so I hope she has a Merry Christmas and enjoyed the year as much as I did :lol:

mjsylvstr 12-17-2010 06:03 PM

Originally Posted by Gramakitten
mary jane notice the "HEART" buttons on the table runner? your symbol right? GK/ Kathi

absolutely did notice them.......and yes, they are my, shall we say LOGO?

I try to put them on all of my quilts and whatever......long story how this all began........tell you about it sometime.

I just love that runner. I was telling DIL all about it tonight. She is coming Sunday so I will have it out for all to see..and then pack it away to take the trip to Florida with me.

Thanks again, Kathi.love it all............mj

sewnsewer2 12-17-2010 07:53 PM

3 Attachment(s)
Everyone has gotten really nice reveal packages.

My angelee was Dazzle Me! This is what I sent her for her reveal package.

Jennifer I hope you don't mind me posting the pics, I know you don't often get the chance to post.

ruler organizer

krob 12-18-2010 06:59 AM

Wow, WOW and triple WOW!!!! My Secret Quilt Angel was Nikki aka SugarPumpkin!!!! You certainly out did yourself!!! I LOVE my huge package!!! SOOOOOO much stuff!! What a pleasent surprise I got last night when I returned from Denver!! I don't know how to take a picture and post it so I will tell ya'll about ALL the package held!!!! I am in AWE!! You are AWESOME Nikki! You have made me feel soooo much better about this holiday season! See, we had a fire the day before Thanksgiving---we are living in 1/3 of our house--bedroom,kitchen and breakfast room. All the rest of our furniture is in storage, still have charred wood in fireplace area as they just released the house back to us so repairs can hopefully start this Monday, but we may have to wait until after the first of the year. We were so blessed in so many ways. But your package has just made me feel better about everything--Thank You Nikki, you were a GREAT Secret Quilt Angel!!! And now for my long list!!!!!-a gourmet shortbread & chocolate cookie pop (he's almost too cute to eat!), a red jingle bell ornament, an apple pie candle in a little tin so it looks just like a small apple pie and smells so good,wait, there's more....socks with a Scottie dog on them, really pretty fingernail files, wait there's still more---4 yes 4 much needed Shea Butter facial masks, recipe cards so no more writing on a napkin!!!, a cute journal so I can sketch little girl dress designs in (saw one just yesterday, so I'll sketch it today),a sinful looking milk chocolate peppermint ball-yum!!!, and 15, yes 15 different 1 generous yard pieces of FABRIC!!!!!! Yes 15 yards of fabric!!! Can you believe???? I am in Heaven!!! How can I ever thank you enough?!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you Nikki!!! What a wonderful day I am having!!!

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