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kaelynangelfoot 01-24-2015 07:19 AM

1 Attachment(s)
My first flimsy finish of the year. It needs to get quilted within two weeks for a baby shower. 100% from stash and I'm hoping that I can pull my backing from stash also.[ATTACH=CONFIG]507419[/ATTACH]

Coloradowest 01-24-2015 12:00 PM

The wagon parked right at the front door of thrift shop in Vernal. I climbed down real carefully and went in. There was a like new black sheet but only twin size. Debated and bought it. $3. Never have too much black. Last week same and was dark green king size like new and $3 and grabbed it.

Black , dark greens, white and browns I think will do these animals quilts. I think need dark blue and other blues. I get to Vernal about twice a month. I have lot of white. I have other plain colors. I have to use plain colors for the animal panels and blocks, At this point I am still sorting materials. I am to bottomofthebox and the eed tog through box of colored sheets,

MadQuilter 01-24-2015 12:37 PM

Kaely that is very pretty. Good luck finding the backing in your stash.

Colorado, you are funny with your controlled departures from the wagon. However, it sounds to me like your purchases are well thought out. So they are not impulsive extravagances - but rather planned stash building of solids. I have almost no solids so I know what you are saying. When I need solids I generally go to Joann with a 50% coupon.

PaperPrincess 01-24-2015 02:46 PM

Everyone is doing so well this year! Love all the inspiring pictures of stash produced projects. Haven't had much time to quilt this year, but have big plans for February. At least I'm not shopping.

earthwalker 01-24-2015 05:02 PM

Sewred and Kael, love your stashbusting projects. I have emptied a big bag of scraps (clothing) onto my table. We have been 'minding' one of the boys cars whilst he was off proposing to his lady love in California. No backseat blanket/cover and they have a little dog that sheds......time for a car quilt.

elly66 01-25-2015 08:31 AM

Originally Posted by kaelynangelfoot (Post 7061558)
My first flimsy finish of the year. It needs to get quilted within two weeks for a baby shower. 100% from stash and I'm hoping that I can pull my backing from stash also.[ATTACH=CONFIG]507419[/ATTACH]

Love this. Just beautiful.

elly66 01-25-2015 08:46 AM

I've done pretty well in the fabric buying. I bought some black because one of the projects I'm working on needs it (i ran short) though I did buy a few extra yards while I was at it :D I have ran across a problem for me though. While I tell myself no fabric, I find my pattern and notions etc. buying has increased. Honestly I have purchased several items with nothing I truly needed so time to have a talk with myself. Just hope I listen!
But I have patted myself on the back for debating binding on one of the projects I'm FMQ presently. I searched and searched my fabric until I found a color tucked away in the far corner of a cabinet that I think will be perfect so there's hope for me yet.

bezzie1958 01-25-2015 09:18 AM

Ok I am a little late for this I have not bought yet this year but i do intend on buying some speical fabric for a project and that will be it for the year or till black wendsday in november I have to buy 7 yards for a robe and nightgown for my oldest sister for a thank you gift and i need to get batting at some point this year but that is it i hope I am a fabricaholic and i need an intervention

AngeliaNR 01-25-2015 10:10 AM

From stash:


MadQuilter 01-25-2015 02:57 PM

Bezzie, this is not deadline-driven but an ongoing support group to keep us sane in the fabric-buying modus. Welcome to the wagon.

Angelia, I LOVE your stash. Great way to use it too with the Carolina Chain.

I am still working on my blocks for Dresden Blooms. I'm working on my purples now. Nothing to show yet as they are all in partial state of completion. I sat down the other night and dreamed up a sashing. Now I am trying to talk myself out of the plan.

oksewglad 01-25-2015 03:22 PM

Love the setting of HST's, kaelynangelfoot.

A nice stash buster, Angelia.

Welcome, beezie.

I gotta love my DGD. When they hit the 100 day mark in KG, they are to bring in 100 pieces of something. She wants to bring in fabric squares..so I've been getting some fabrics picked out for her to choose from. Then maybe I can turn this into an I Spy quilt. She's itching to start sewing like her older sisters, and is anxiously awaiting to turn 7. Nice to have a stash to go to for this.

AngeliaNR 01-25-2015 03:25 PM

Originally Posted by oksewglad (Post 7063625)
Love the setting of HST's, kaelynangelfoot.

A nice stash buster, Angelia.

Welcome, beezie.

I gotta love my DGD. When they hit the 100 day mark in KG, they are to bring in 100 pieces of something. She wants to bring in fabric squares..so I've been getting some fabrics picked out for her to choose from. Then maybe I can turn this into an I Spy quilt. She's itching to start sewing like her older sisters, and is anxiously awaiting to turn 7. Nice to have a stash to go to for this.

Making a quilt from her hundred blocks is a great idea--she will always have them that way.

SandyinZ4 01-25-2015 06:59 PM

AngeliaNR, I do like your Carolina Chain. I shopped my stash and made this.
http://www.quiltingboard.com/picture...e-t260186.html It isn't perfect and I hope to do another with circles like I did my denim quilt but may not be for a while. Makes me smile when I look at it and that was the whole point. I started off with 2.5 inch squares...thinking I would do the Pat Sloan challenge but then I read that everyone was supposed to make at the very least, a baby quilt. I knew there was no way I would get that done with everything else I had to do. But I did use everything I had in my sewing room and didn't have to buy a thing. Now...if I can just keep that up until the end of the year. Everyone is doing so well and welcome to all the newbie folks.

sunrise450 01-26-2015 08:46 AM

Angalia, I have several Carolina Chain block that I received in a block swap here on the board. To see your's made up is quite a treat. Thanks for showing.
Sandy, your wall quilt is wonderful! I had to laugh when I saw it. I'm sure you will enjoy it for years to come.

Rhonda Lee 01-26-2015 09:08 AM

Such good ideas ladies to help use our stashes and oh what lovely quilts are being made and finished. Beautiful work!!!

BerninaGirl 01-26-2015 10:14 AM

I need to join this pledge. I spent 6 hours yesterday going through fabric looking for something that I knew I had.

MadQuilter 01-26-2015 08:45 PM

Maybe time to sort and reorganize that stash, Berninagirl. I have mine sorted primarily by color, with a few offshoots by type and pattern such as batiks and large prints. Makes a big difference. Plus, when I go through my entire stash from time to time, it reminds me of all the "old friends" I am neglecting.

Rhonda Lee 01-27-2015 08:35 AM

It is January 27th! And I have not purchased fabric! However, I have purchased software for my embroidery projects and to begin with I thought I'd return it. Not so. I think this will help me with some of the ideas I have in making a few pillows and wall hangings. I would like to add sayings or quotes on them and the new software alphabet is very easy to use. So I feel better about my purchase.
I have been making 9 patches with a lot of little 1 1/2" squares. I had a lot of them made from leaders and enders but it's starting to take over as the main deal. So I'm just giving in to the urge and having fun with it.
Have a great day everybody and stay safe and warm!!

Lori S 01-27-2015 09:08 AM

I kind of fell off , I bought some organizing baskets for my shelves. I figured out that if I at least got my stash in better organization I would realize I have plenty and not be tempted to purchase. In anticipation of there delivery I have started to sort and fold to the size of the baskets.... wow I have way more stash than I should have. If I purchase any fabric this year or maybe even next year I should be embarrassed at my lack of self control.

How did I let it get so far out of hand! ??????

pokeyscorner 01-27-2015 09:23 AM

I've been doing very well so far BUT, we're going to Texas @ the end of the week & I'm sure you have quilt shops all over the place down there! I always try to get something where we go.:o

We plan on staying for a month.

MadQuilter 01-27-2015 07:22 PM

Lori you are in good company. Understanding the seriousness is half the battle.

Pokey - you will get the "souvenir" and the "support the local economy" waiver.

retiredteacher09 01-27-2015 07:49 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I finished my part in 6 baby quilts-sandwiching, pillow-turning, and top stitching. Now someone else will tie them.

I used approximately 6.5 yards of washed heavy flannel for the batting and around 7.5 yards of cotton backing from my stash.


PaperPrincess 01-28-2015 05:56 AM

Well, darn! I made it all the way to the 27th. I've been staying out of quilting stores, both brick & mortar and online, but those thrift shops keep calling my name. I wanted to make some totes, and found 6 yards of a really nice mid weight taupe-y grey home dec fabric. 62" wide. $6.50. Almost $1/yard. Well at least it's not quilting cotton...

retiredteacher09 01-28-2015 07:38 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Paper Princess:That's a great price and you have a purpose for it.

I went to volunteer and drop off my baby quilts last night and a bag had my name on it. I saw that it was fabric but hoped it was for another Connie because one of my personal fabric moratorium thoughts was to not add material to my stash by either bringing it home from one of the groups or keeping some of the donated material for volunteer projects until my UFO's were under control. Lol! I know I can always get more fabric from my 2 volunteer groups when I need it.

But who can turn down batiks! Another volunteer was rearranging things on shelves where I volunteer and found this bag that she had intended for me to look through last summer. So I guess I didn't break this year's personal moratorium since I was suppose to get it last year! :)

There are some finished 4 inch squares, strips of varying width, small squares, etc. Because I'm working on Judy's number 8 Mystery, all I can think of is SORT by lights, medium lights, etc.


PaperPrincess 01-28-2015 04:10 PM

Connie. Yes there is a rule that if you were really supposed to get something last year, but didn't get until this year it doesn't count. OK, that rule doesn't really exist, but it should. I covet your bag of batiks! Enjoy.

SandyinZ4 01-28-2015 05:52 PM

Connie, I agree with others This definitely does not count against you. I have to admit to everyone that I am planning on jumping off the wagon soon. I need some blacks, black on black, black and white prints etc. to finish some things I have planned with red and white and I do NOT have ANY black. So just saying ahead of time sothat when I post that I found some, you all will know it is a planned exit. :-)

MadQuilter 01-28-2015 08:19 PM

Nice haul there, teacher, and a nice tally on the stash reduction. As for the bag - well it was a gift, wasn't it? It would be so rude to turn down a gift, so you are golden.

Princess, I don't count home decor fabric in this moratorium because we generally don't "quilt" with that fabric PLUS you have a purpose for it.

DH told me that he needs me to make a wrap for his telescope to keep it from fogging up. That will take care of that piece of denim I didn't know what to do with.

elly66 01-29-2015 08:41 AM

Went off the wagon! Love everybody's reasoning. Somebody quick give me a reason I fell :D So as soon as I do my happy dance for the fabric that's coming, I'll sheepishly crawl back on the wagon and continue on the ride. In my defense it was only 2 yards that will go in my stash and 2 yards I'll be making into wheelchair lap quilts for a great niece. Wanted something scenic (panels) and I have none of that kind of thing. So I'm only counting the two!

AUQuilter 01-29-2015 09:59 AM

It is almost the end of the month and no fabric purchases so far. Making I Spy quilts for 2 GKs - just pulling fabric- hoping I have enough variety... at worse, I may need a FQ of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle... Yesterday I put 6 items in an online shopping cart and today all but one of those fabrics is all sold out... no order! So far so good.

joe'smom 01-29-2015 03:31 PM

You ladies are a good influence! I started thinking about backing for a quilt today, and rather than going to the LQS, I thought of this thread and found a couple of larger yardage pieces in my stash that should work nicely pieced together. I feel so virtuous!

MadQuilter 01-29-2015 06:45 PM

Elly66 you are barely scraping by on the "it gave me great joy" and "I needed a pick-me-up" defense. But you are already balanced out by the "doing something good for someone in a wheel chair" - that ALWAYS gets a pass.

kaelynangelfoot 01-31-2015 06:23 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Started and finished in less than a month and 100% from stash, including backing and batting.


sunrise450 02-01-2015 07:56 AM

Originally Posted by kaelynangelfoot (Post 7071763)
Started and finished in less than a month and 100% from stash, including backing and batting.


I love your quilt! I am just finishing the 8th train ride scrap quilt, all made from stash scraps. Is there a pattern for your quilt? I already have many many 1/2 sq. triangles to use. If they are the right size that is.
The month of January has passed without any purchases for quilting. That's a first for me.

MadQuilter 02-01-2015 10:04 AM

That is very pretty. I may have to buy some fruit fabric to go with a round robin. I'm not sure that my stash will yield what I need, but then again, it might. Wish me luck.

Lori S 02-01-2015 10:09 AM

I can't believe I made it a entire month without a fabric purchase. That has never happened before ... I am hoping I can go another.... I feel good that I just deleted all of the tempting e- mails, and did not surf for fabrics too pretty to resist.

SandyinZ4 02-01-2015 05:39 PM

I fell off but like I knew I would. I bought several yards of various blacks since I had none so as soon as they arrive, I will share pictures with you all. But I am going for no purchases at all for February and beyond. Everyone is doing very well with staying on the wagon.

kaelynangelfoot 02-02-2015 05:50 AM

Sunrise, I used the Sophie Car Seat pattern from Moda Bakeshop and just made it larger. It was actually a very easy quilt to put together. http://www.modabakeshop.com/2012/02/...eat-quilt.html

I think my HSTs finished at 4 inches but you can adapt the pattern to work with any size.

lots2do 02-02-2015 06:47 AM

I'm doing just fine in this area. I have been tempted by some fabric sites but am holding firm. Of course, it helps that I have no time and no patience to sew right now. But, after midJune, I'll be diving into my stash! I hope! And I know I'll be ready by then...
Just wanted to add that all the projects are lovely!

sunrise450 02-02-2015 09:48 AM

kaelynangelfoot , Thank you, I have bookmarked the pattern. Now to find out what size my hst's are.

meanmom 02-02-2015 04:55 PM

I have been doing pretty well so far. I do find that while I have tons of fabric I lack blenders. I had to buy a yard of white on white last week. I am making a snowman quilt and needed more white. I also bought background fabric for my DD birthday present. I really needs to be all one color and I don't have any pieces of fabric that large. The rest of the quilt will be somewhat scrappy from my stash.

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