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Conchalea 12-31-2020 04:10 PM

UFO Challenge for 2021
Happy New Year, all quilters!
Welcome to the UFO Challenge for the New Year. Our goal is to complete as many of our Unfinished Objects as possible in the calendar year. What is a UFO? Each quilter decides that for him/herself. For some, it's any project that rolls over from 2020 into 2021. For others, it's a project set aside for a few weeks in order to start a new one. YOU decide what is or isn't a UFO. Of course, we all love to start a new quilt, but we do need to finish our old projects as well. If you no longer love it, hand it off to someone who will. That counts as a finish! Once meetings and gatherings start up again, swap an unloved project with someone else for their unloved project. It will be fresh to you so you may finish it quickly. Some people set goals for themselves, but it certainly isn't required. If possible, share pictures of your completed projects. We love successful completions, and will celebrate with you. This group is very encouraging to each other.

I thought it would be good to start the New Year with a list of UFOs we will bring into 2021.
Mine are:
*Star of the Show, started about a year ago. I only cut it out, but I started it!
*Western-themed quilt. I have all the fabric (I hope) but no pattern yet
*RWB quilt. I'm working on it still. In fact I worked on it today .But It's rolling over into 2021. It may be more of a WIP than a UFO
*Jelly Roll Ripple, which I started Dec 29. So it's really a WIP, rolling over into 2021. I also worked on it today.
*4 tops made by K's daughter. Those are flimsies, so we'll find backs, then sandwich, quilt, and bind them
I think 8 is a nice number for the new year.

Vasilisa 01-01-2021 06:24 AM

Hopping on the wagon!

*Arkansas Crossroads, blocks are ready
*Irish Double Chain, also blocks
*Carolina Chain, cut and kitted
*Seesaw Stars, cut and kitted (I am going to call this one Starry Skies, since the background is navy blue)
*set of seat covers that needs binding

Conchalea 01-01-2021 06:31 AM

Welcome to the 2021 challenge, Vasilisa!
As I looked through my notebook from 2020, I decided to add a few projects to my list. There are still some orphan blocks from K's daughter, & K & I decided on projects for thos months ago. I simply forgot about them due to the mad rush to make holiday hangings. So my total is 10 UFOs for 2021.

oksewglad 01-01-2021 09:00 AM

I'm on board for another year as well.
I have a finished top ready to be trimmed and binding sewn on...maybe next week.
Just off the top of my head I know I want to also finish
*My Gather quilt-- finish piecing
*A Buggy Barn Basket quilt--started this as a QAYG; need to piece the strips of finished blocks together.
*Elaine's quilt--need to make connecting blocks for this Q sized quilt
*My little house quilt--not sure what I want to quilt on it.
***lots of littles and mini quilts!

retiredteacher09 01-01-2021 09:30 AM

Happy New Year!

Thanks, Conchalea, for starting this year’s UFO Challenge again.

I have 4 known UFO quilt tops, plus 1 found in a donation, 1 appliqué pillow top, and 1 appliqué tea towel. I also have orphan blocks to incorporate into quilt tops.

1. HST Challenge-online blocks were offered in 2015 and 2016, I believe. There were 49 blocks in all. The top is ready for sandwiching. This will be for my bed.
2. Applique BOM through my LQS-2017; Need to finish the last month’s blocks. I will be making wall hanging groupings from this project rather than the quilt.
3. 2018-BOM through my LQS using Deb Tucker rulers. Ready for sandwiching and I’m keeping this one too.
4. 2019-BOM through my LQS. Stargazing pattern. The individual center blocks are made. Flying geese borders are next.
5. The pillow top and tea towel were in 2019 and through my LQS.
6. The UFO found in donations is a Trip Around the World. The strips my be leftovers but may be for a small quilt. I will need to investigate. 🙂

Ready, set, go!

Cattitude 01-01-2021 09:55 AM

Thanks Conchalea, I’m in this year. My main focus will be on getting 18 completed tops quilted and bound. I also have 4 completed tops requiring surgery on as they are not worth the time and cost of quilting in current state. When I need a piecing fix I will work on several WIPs including SAS and scrappy Lemoyne Stars.

My goal is 2 UFOs per month and to not begin any new projects this year at all.

Synnove 01-01-2021 11:14 AM

Thank you, Conchalea, for doing this again this year. Count me in for 2021. I expect / hope to finish up my hand quilted Hawaiian quilt and at least begin hand quilting a Dresden plate quilt top from blocks pieced by my great-grandmother. Not sure I'll finish that this year but we'll see. Also currently on the design wall are a fish block baby quilt, and a bear's paw -- my favorite pattern. Also working on Bonnie Hunter's Pine Tree Point, and I would like to incorporate orphan blocks into something. And I started a scrappy flying geese quilt, but only have one unit made so far! Does that count as a start?

petthefabric 01-01-2021 01:44 PM

Withought digging very hard, there are 43 UFO's here, 40 stalled at the quilting part. I'm making a conservitive goal of 1/mo. There must be something about quilting that needs a push to finish. Since the piecing is the most fun, can't loose my happy part of this hobbie/habit/addiction/health treatment/ what ever it might be.

So, there's one quilted, time for the binding and label.

Sync 01-01-2021 04:09 PM

Okay count me in again. Last year I was able to finish 3 UFOs, doesn’t sound like much but that was better than my usual one. This year I’m going to try and finish more than 3.

1. Kimono no niwa - a 2016 Aurifil mini that I’m almost done hand quilting.
2. Nesting Robin - started this in 2015 with a group of internet quilting friends. It’s all ready for hand quilting.
3. On Ringo Lake - this is a 2017 Bonnie Hunter mystery and I need to finish putting the top together, then it goes off to my longarmer.
4. Jewel Box Stars - started in 2018 as a leader-ender project, still have some more blocks to make before I start putting it all together.

WMUTeach 01-01-2021 04:26 PM

I am in again but let's see a list....
1.Green off set barn raising
2.brown ups and downs of 2020
3.Pinwheels from 2000 something
4. Farmers Wife started three years ago
5. one from Wedding Dress Blue - can't remember the name
6. Christmas Exchange block quilt from way too long ago
7 & 8 Two that are just made of scraps and that have no name.

I am sure there are more and if I get these finished this year, my WIP will begin to fall into the UFO pile. Tee-Hee-Hee. See you all soon, right here with lots of finishes.

ckcowl 01-01-2021 04:33 PM

I’m definitely in again this year. I have 5 quilt tops right now just need quilting and binding, 3 that need binding, a crown royal quilt my son has been waiting over 4 years for, I have some bags cut apart—
I have some blocks from different swaps and BOMs that really should be put to use instead of being boxed— I think I have enough to keep me going for a while.

Conchalea 01-01-2021 07:16 PM

I went back to the 2020 thread & counted Zozee's & Krisb's totals for the 1st 9 or 10 months. Then I counted for Nov & Dec for our grand total of completed UFOs for 2020. If Petthefabric managed to finish her 2nd on the 31st, we finished 200 (!) UFOs in the year from Hades! It's amazing! Plus people made zillions of masks, many aprons, cushion covers, pillows, & even a yoga bag. So whew! Are we all exhausted yet? I wonder how productive we'll be in 2021?

1Nanoo 01-01-2021 07:30 PM

I have several quilt tops started but not finished. Most of them are BOM quilts that just need intervening blocks. During the summer of 2020 I was bored out of my gourd; so I just started making strip blocks. Now I have enough for 2 quilt tops. All of these UFO's are taking up valuable space in my quilting room. Perhaps this needs to be the first goal of 2021--get my UFO's done or given away. I have never done a UFO challenge before; so some of you may have to explain some things to me, but count me in.

Conchalea 01-01-2021 07:50 PM

Originally Posted by 1Nanoo (Post 8448646)
I have several quilt tops started but not finished. Most of them are BOM quilts that just need intervening blocks. During the summer of 2020 I was bored out of my gourd; so I just started making strip blocks. Now I have enough for 2 quilt tops. All of these UFO's are taking up valuable space in my quilting room. Perhaps this needs to be the first goal of 2021--get my UFO's done or given away. I have never done a UFO challenge before; so some of you may have to explain some things to me, but count me in.

No real rules, you decide what is or isn't a UFO, report here when you finish 1 & we all cheer for you! You are right that UFOs take up space, so try to complete some & put them to use. You'll feel so good to clear space & make a useful quilt that can be admired. Welcome to the thread.

Teen 01-01-2021 07:59 PM

I’ll bounce in and cheer you’all on, as usual. I know you know this but I don’t have any UFO’s and my goal is to keep it that way...however, today’s Merry Mayhem mystery quilt is so ugly it may require heavy sedation for me to finish it tomorrow. If not, tomorrow, I’m taking the rotary cutter to it, sew it all back together, then donate it. I’ve always wanted to do this with my ugly’s...

rryder 01-02-2021 06:10 AM

Originally Posted by Teen (Post 8448653)
I’ll bounce in and cheer you’all on, as usual. I know you know this but I don’t have any UFO’s and my goal is to keep it that way...however, today’s Merry Mayhem mystery quilt is so ugly it may require heavy sedation for me to finish it tomorrow. If not, tomorrow, I’m taking the rotary cutter to it, sew it all back together, then donate it. I’ve always wanted to do this with my ugly’s...

I do that with my uglies. If you have a couple of uglies you can mix and match the cut apart bits and come up with some interesting art pieces- my favorite wall hanging came about that way.

Thanks for getting us started again, Conchalea. I think I’ve got 20 or 21 UFOs. That’s down from last year’s starting number of 33. Off the top of my head here is a list of the ones I want to try and complete this year. In no particular order:
1. 2017 temperature quilt (or was it from 2016??? I’ll have to look at my notes)- this one got stalled because I couldn’t decide how to do the key.
2. On Ringo Lake (BH 2017). This one got stalled because I found it incredibly boring to piece. I think I made all the individual pieces, but may still have sashing to do. Then again, I really don’t like it, so might decide to turn it into something else.
3. Jacob’s ladder- cut out at least 5 years ago. Not pieced, cause I would rather quilt than piece.
4. A Panel that consists of 6 or 8 smaller pics of chickens that needs to be cut apart and turned into something. every year I take it out of the UFO pile to work on and then put it back without doing anything with it. I think this has been going on for 7 or 8 years... the pics are too small to turn into placemats which is what I did with the other two chicken panels (those were UFO finishes from last year).
5. A doodle quilt that needs more painting. I did the fun part (FMQ on a piece of white fabric) and got bogged down in the painting part. Also need to decide what to do in the center- I stitched out the outlines of storm at sea for that part but haven’t decided whether to thread paint it or paint paint it.
6. An art quilt that is huge and ugly- to be cut up
7. another art quilt that is huge and ugly- maybe could cut apart and combine with 6.
8. Finch at the Feeder- a collaborative with DH. DH’s photo printed on fabric which I started thread painting last year but stopped because I didn’t like how it was going. Needs to be picked apart and restarted.
9. Magnolia blossom- another collaborative with DH using his photo that has been printed on fabric. This one has been stalled for several years because I can’t decide what I want to do with it. It’s gorgeous as is and I’m tempted to just lightly thread sketch and then quilt it.
10.Helen Godden’s 2017 BOM- each block is painted and quilted. Just need to put together using sashing quilt as you go technique.

Much as I would like to commit to a finish each month, I suspect that some of the ones listed above will take more than a month to complete so I think I’ll set my 2021 goal at 10 completed UFOs. I also have a WIP that I am currently working on that I want to finish and there are several new projects that I want to start and finish this year.

My ultimate goal is to get to where I have fewer than 10 UFOs in any given year.


Conchalea 01-02-2021 07:09 AM

Nice goals, Rob. Your art quilts are always beautiful and intriguing.
Looking back at my list from 2020, I was reminded of 2 sets of completed blocks made by K's daughter. Some may be made into table covers by K, while a large set of blue blocks I've taken over. My chosen project to make with those is a quilted jacket. I found a too-large pattern for a jacket at a thrift store. Other projects took precedence for both of us, so those 2 are also rolling into 2021. My RWB & Ripple tops may be more WIPs than UFOs since I'm working on them consistently. However, the RW&B has been ongoing since before I packed my house in March, so I do consider it a UFO.
I only began the Ripple quilt the 28th or 29th of Dec. I've made 4 or more blocks per day since then so it is a WIP. As a result of reclassifying, K & I have 9 or 10 UFOs to be finished in 2021.
Due to my quarantine after a family visit K & I have to wait until tomorrow to quilt together. She's itching to get started!

joe'smom 01-02-2021 08:46 AM

I would like to tag along again this year, even though I am not a prolific finisher of quilts; I am concentrating on cutting quilts at the moment. However, I have two quilts basted (the Bakeshop quilt and the Shot Cottons quilt) as well as one that just needs some border work (the En Provence, of which I am terrified) before being basted and quilted. If I could get those three quilted this year, I would be very happy!

PiedPiper 01-02-2021 10:25 AM

I'd like to join in this year, for some motivation. I'm bogged down a bit on a quilt that I'm not particularly enjoying making (but am obliged to finish for someone else.) So I've been allowing myself to get distracted sewing together some of my little scraps for no real reason...https://cdn.quiltingboard.com/images...es/biggrin.png And I have quite a few tops that I need to sandwich, quilt and bind.

So here's my list:
1. Keep plugging away on the current WIP (sigh)
2. Sandwich, quilt, and bind Plaidish quilt
3. Sandwich, quilt, and bind Bird wall hanging for my son
4. Sandwich, quilt, and bind Farm Girl Vintage quilt (although it's quite possible that I might actually send this one out for quilting)
5. Add outer border to HST quilt, then sandwich, quilt and bind
6 Hen Party - sew down the appliques, do something with all the blocks - pillows, wall hangings? Yet to be decided!
7. Finish my Fall Riot QAYG quilt
8. Begin the wall hanging quilt I promised my poor, patient daughter!

I'd really like to see these quilts completed and in use around the house, so that's also a motivation to get going.

petthefabric 01-02-2021 12:53 PM

Finished the one. So 199 total. This year I hope to clear them out (the counted UFO's) and it's doable but won't be disappointed.

Conchalea 01-02-2021 12:53 PM

Welcome, Joe'smom & PiedPiper. People on this thread are so encouraging to everyone about their UFOs & finishing them. Your list isn't too long, so I think it's doable.

petthefabric 01-02-2021 01:04 PM

If I remember correctly, a UFO can also be finished by moving it onto another person. When I'm totally bogged down on a project, I might do that. Some ladies have put bindings on my comfort quilts (I needed hand surgery). The last zoom meeting 3 participants were trying to finish up projects they'd gotten from comfort quilts' stash. All three were mine. They said they liked working on mine because they are different from other quilters' and and very interesting. I'd say this about myself, unique and interesting.

ckcowl 01-02-2021 03:22 PM

I spent time in my sewing room today, cleaning/ picking up- and worked on making my UFO lists- I have 4 lists- (1) quilts just needing quilted and or bound (2) quilts in various stages of piecing (3) hand/ travel project ufos- the ones ( mostly wool appliqué or EPP) that I work on during breaks at work, when riding/ traveling, waiting for appointments, sometimes working on at home watching tv. And (#4) is the list of projects I’m Supposed to make- ones that were asked for years ago- someone is ( still waiting) wondering if I’m ever going to get around to it- I have everything I need for these- just haven’t taken the time to work on them- for whatever reason.
I think list (1) has the most on it- 9 or 10 the other lists have between 4 & 7 ( so far)
along with getting these organized & written down I also finished the 2020 temperature quilt blocks/ strips. I still need to add outside borders then quilt & bind - but I love having all the piecing done - 366 flying geese blocks ! I’m feeling pretty good about sticking with it for the whole year. It will not become a UFO, it’s for my daughters (45th) birthday- she is really excited about it.
my goal is to work on a ufo for at least a couple hours every day I get to sew, then work on what ever ( current) project I have going on- No New projects before a ufo is finished. I’m hoping to be able to finish a ufo every week or two. And I’m counting those ( supposed to make ) projects as the new starts-
Some of the need to quilt projects are small. I should be able to do 2 or 3 of them quickly.

Conchalea 01-02-2021 05:47 PM

I'm happy seeing everyone's quilting plans for 2021. It seems many have well thought out lists of projects they want to complete in the new year. Well done!

retiredteacher09 01-02-2021 06:24 PM

Welcome to the newcomers! Please share photos as you finish.

petthefabric: My UFO tops are generally given to my church quilting group to finish and they pass them on to an organization. I count them as completions.

I pulled out the Trip Around the World UFO that I found in someone’s donation. Oh, boy, oh boy! The story will follow when I get the top finished some day, 🥺

Pat M. 01-02-2021 07:56 PM

I am still working on the ones from 2020, and today I found 10 more that need to be finished. So that is my 2021 project, finishing up UFO's.

Irishrose2 01-02-2021 09:27 PM

I've never had enough UFOs to join, but I do this year.
Oldest ; FMQ my son's wedding quilt. It wasn't going well, so I just keep ignoring it.
Baby girl quilt needs pinning, FMQ and binding
Baby boy quilt needs back built, then same as above
A wedding quilt - stacks of blocks started
Oklahoma Crossroads - 16 patches done - working on alternate blocks
My Double Irish chain - my first quilt for me - needs borders, etc
Merry Mayhem quilt - WIP - I'm not very far
At least a dozen ready with pattern and fabric
I'm sure there are more started and put aside. I'm looking forward to some completions.

QuiltBaer 01-03-2021 07:48 AM

I'm joining in too. I have 12 or 13 UFO's that have been hanging around too long. Plus I inherited 3 or 4 UFO's from a dear friend that passed away in June. I've been making a lot of quilts for charity but this year is mine!

oksewglad 01-03-2021 01:49 PM

What a great finish to 2020...an inspiration for this year! It's fun to read everyone's aspirations for 2021. FYI, I didn't list all my UFO's, just the ones I really want to finish. I find that many of my quilts are long term and are really WIP's, but WIP's over long periods of timehttps://cdn.quiltingboard.com/images...es/biggrin.pnghttps://cdn.quiltingboard.com/images/smilies/eek.png

Drum roll.....I have a finish! the charm quilt I was almost finished with at end of year is now bound and threads all clipped. I need to find my phone to get a photo. I have pictures of my December finishes, but they are on my phone, toohttps://cdn.quiltingboard.com/images...s/rolleyes.png

Now what is next....

Dedemac 01-03-2021 02:38 PM

I'm back for 2021, we relaxed at the cabin this weekend so I haven't gone thru the sewing room to see what is there, or to clean it up. I do know of about 4 off the top of my head. It's great feeling healthy again.
Welcome all the new UFO'ers!

retiredteacher09 01-03-2021 05:07 PM

Congratulations on the finishes, oksewglad!

Mona G 01-04-2021 11:56 AM

I'm going to join in this year since I am not working right now. I got several old UFO's done in 2020 as I resigned from my job (28 years) in March and started sewing almost everyday.

I have 2 tops ready to go to the LAQ as of today, I also have two tops at the LAQ right now, should be getting them back in the next week or two.
I have 2 T shirt quilts I will be working on this year for friends
I have the fabric for a two color quilt that I've been planning to start for several years now, this is the year to complete this one ( blue and white)
I have several block swaps from the last several years (boomarang swap) that I plan to get finished this year.
I also hope to do 1 top a month for church for donating to overseas and the local homeless.

petthefabric 01-04-2021 12:34 PM

Mona, goals and accountability help me get things done. Welcome to the UFO Challenge.

Today is my sewing group and two UFO's will get binding attention. Then labels and out the door to Comfort Quilts. There's a new lady organizing Comfort Quilts so need to make new plans to connect.

Conchalea 01-04-2021 03:41 PM

Originally Posted by oksewglad (Post 8449382)
What a great finish to 2020...an inspiration for this year! It's fun to read everyone's aspirations for 2021. FYI, I didn't list all my UFO's, just the ones I really want to finish. I find that many of my quilts are long term and are really WIP's, but WIP's over long periods of timehttps://cdn.quiltingboard.com/images...es/biggrin.pnghttps://cdn.quiltingboard.com/images/smilies/eek.png

Drum roll.....I have a finish! the charm quilt I was almost finished with at end of year is now bound and threads all clipped. I need to find my phone to get a photo. I have pictures of my December finishes, but they are on my phone, toohttps://cdn.quiltingboard.com/images...s/rolleyes.png

Now what is next....

Congrats, OK! Is yours the 1st reported finish for 2021? No matter, you got one on the boards for Jan, so WTG.

oksewglad 01-04-2021 04:28 PM

Originally Posted by Conchalea (Post 8449712)
Congrats, OK! Is yours the 1st reported finish for 2021? No matter, you got one on the boards for Jan, so WTG.

Thanks, C, I'm not sure just happy to have it done. I am having issues with sending pictures from my phone to my computer...https://cdn.quiltingboard.com/images/smilies/mad.png Maybe I will try to send from my phone to the QB

Rff1010 01-04-2021 07:27 PM

I don't know if this counts as a UFO....but when I did my nephew's quilt there were alot of scraps leftover. I saved them and am making 6.5" blocks. They're crumb style...but perhaps something can come from nothing? Anyway hello to everyone.

judy363905 01-04-2021 07:29 PM

I too will be transferring some UFO’s from my 2020 list to a new 2021 list... I will however, be starting some new projects and not limiting myself to just UFO’s.

I am ready to quilt a door banner I started this weekend...a pineapple .. Then on to my first UFO For 2021. :)

Irishrose2 01-04-2021 07:56 PM

Oh, my! I totally forgot the partial quilts I inherited when my SIL passed. I need to add at least one of those to my list just to honor her excellent piecing. Most aren't my colors - very pastel or horror - a blue and white Irish Chain. I like Irish Chains, but not blue.

rryder 01-05-2021 08:06 AM

Well, I got my Jan. UFO project sandwiched and am in the process of quilting it. It's a bit of a beast, but seems to be going pretty well. I want to have it finished by the end of the week. My reward will be starting a new project. I'm also planning on finishing up a WIP that I started in Dec.- not a UFO since I've been working on it all along, but I'm trying to keep it from becoming a UFO LOL!


Teen 01-05-2021 11:54 AM

Originally Posted by rryder (Post 8449895)
- not a UFO since I've been working on it all along, but I'm trying to keep it from becoming a UFO LOL!


. So proud of you!!! Lol...

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