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  • July 2011 Weight Loss Winner is Quiltin Chris!

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    Old 07-05-2011, 04:48 PM
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    Originally Posted by Rita's mom
    Great idea with the cake Missy! You had a small taste of it so you aren't deprived of enjoying it like everyone else did and you did something really nice for others! Everyone is a winner and there is no cake tempting you for the rest of the week! Good plan! I do much better if there are no temptations in the house. I swear they call my name! :shock:
    Thank you guys so much! If it is not here then I cannot eat it!

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    Old 07-05-2011, 05:34 PM
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    Am going to enjoy the next few days off, meeting a lady from the board who needs help fixing a tear in the back of her quilt. she got several good ideas and never appliqued so I am going to meet her tomorrow and see what I can help her with.

    Good luck ladies, keep lossing those unwanted pounds. I am losing.
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    Old 07-05-2011, 08:08 PM
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    Why is it when you give up and run up the water bill watering the grass, it rains shortly afterward. Rain wasn't forecast until Saturday and my flowers looked tired, so I watered this afternoon. Now it's pouring. It hadn't better be taking off the rose petals. it's really coming down.

    MJ, I'm glad to see you back and giving us something to think about. What will accomplish today? Spending time with my oldest daughter. She lost her husband and the only house they ever lived in in a span of 4 months. The constant shopping to replace things without him gets hard sometimes. We took care of some outdoor stuff this evening. I missed making a final bid on a sewing machine I wanted, but she needed me. Hopefully another machine in my price range will come along. If not, I have plenty, just not a Singer 403.

    scrapnmom, Just start here. some of those ten pages are better skipped. Don't forget to take plenty of water for those long commutes. I know I tend to want to eat when I'm thirsty.

    pnptrapp, thank you for the S M A R T. I will go to the site when I can. Today was too busy.

    gail, any time you can get through a holiday without gaining weight is a big plus. Good job!

    Leann, I hope the knees become more useful every day. I did talk to my DD. She had the three shots. I taught 4 of my children to drive. The fifth, I gave the job to my husband because he was more patient than I am. She didn't get her license until she was graduated, employed and had saved enough money to buy a car she could drive.

    Missy, I hope you like the number you see at your weigh in tomorrow.

    Pam, ignore the big losses. Slow and steady wins the race. Most if us can lose 4 or 5 pounds a month. That will get the job done. Did you post an attainable goal on for the month on your calender?

    For those of you who haven't read the first 12 pages, I gave the challenge for the month that Xylie requested that someone do. It is to set a PERSONAL weight loss goal for the month and post it on your calendar. I have a big yellow 2 on mine, My goal is to permanently lose two more pounds. Those things need to stay lost. Not enough, you say? Look at two pounds of lard or butter. It's not a small amount.

    My tutoree comes early in the Summer, so I'm off to bed. Goodnight. I AM losing. Judy
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    Old 07-05-2011, 09:00 PM
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    my accomplishment today was a small one for others, but big for me. i hate going to the dr. they always seem to find something wrong! and i rarely like the solution. i've had a headache for 3 weeks (did i say i HATE going to the dr.?), with a stabbing pain thru my eye. so i went to a medical site on-line and did a "survey" with a dr. responding, and every time it came up "glaucoma, see a dr. Now!". It has felt a lot like a migraine (light and sound sensitive and a cough), shorter story-i went to the dr. he gave me migraine pain relief to try and if it doesn't work i'm to call my ophthymologist. so, after sleeping all afternoon - that stuff is goood- i awoke to.....pain. dang, so tomorrow it's plan b. plan c involves the dentist. that would mean 3 drs. in one week. where's my medal? meanwhile, i'm having trouble eating, just don't feel like it. so i tried to get 3 meals today, but with everything i got one. maybe i can manage a 2:00 feeding, haha, just like the old days! or maybe i'll just try to sleep and start over tomorrow. good night, yall. sleep tight and dream of beautiful fabrics made into beautiful clothes for a smaller even more beautiful you!
    i am losing! today it was my pants. i just slid them down. ooo, i love it!
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    Old 07-05-2011, 10:39 PM
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    Thanks Irishrose I forget to not be so hard on myself. The loss is a good thing no matter how small.
    It's 11:30 here and still hot and humid DId I say how I hate HUMID weather?
    Nancia don't put off seeing the ophthalmologist he/she may be the one that can fix the problem. Just getting a pain pill to cover the problem is not going to make what ever may be wrong right. Take care and keep us posted.
    Night all ...I am Losing
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    Old 07-05-2011, 10:50 PM
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    Originally Posted by AmyG
    Good Morning my QB friends~

    Thank you to all that are here and are so encouraging for each other, it is a wonderful thing!

    MeanMom~congrats on the shorts and have fun shopping for a new dress. I'm sure you will look fabulous ;)

    Today: I weighed one pound less than yesterday WooHoo, I have started my food journal, and plan to walk again this evening. My DH & DS have gone to play golf so I have the house to myself. What I wish I could do~but I have homework to finish and my comps to study for. I am finishing my graduate degree, last class & comps, then graduation in August. YEAH!! Preparing for comps has been stressful and I tend to eat when stressed. I've only eaten allowable food, but my portions are too big. Got to work on it, but all things are possible with prayer and thanksgiving!

    My prayer for ya'll today are for encouragement, control, and self-confidence in who you are.

    Hi Amy,I couldn't help but think while reading your post about the portions.That I ate like a horse yrs ago.When I begun to lose is when I just simply got tired of being fat.And knew I had to do it on my own,as I'm not rich,nor have insurance to pay.And looked at 100 plus pounds to lose and broke it down to just 5 pounds at a time.I thought,if I could just lose 5 pounds and keep it off,I'd be happy.And I was.It's taken about 4 yrs {come august} but it's came off.And I wavered,see sawed,but stuck with it.If I messed up,I got back on and kept going.I gained 15 pounds 4 mo ago eating cake,and went from 160 back up to 175.Then found this group.And just got the 15 pounds off last month.So,did take 4 months to get it back off.I got back on and kept going.We can not give up no matter what.I have a ways to go yet,but will continue on.I saw the add on tv about the dinners for Jenny Craig I think.And they were expensive,so I got tv dinners and green salad for me and hubby.In 3 1/2 yrs now,our blood work is spot on,where before it wasn't.He's 84 and had a 4 way bypass in 1989.And they filled me up and was portion control.I've went from 250 down now to 158.Just by doing that.And drinking lots of water.It isn't for everybody,and I know that.There is many times,I cook for my hubby,or family when their here,and I still stay on my meals.Their low calories,low fat,and we don't have to watch the sodium,cholerosteral,ect.like before,we did when I was cooking.And it was always high.So portion control is a big thing.I don't eat near as much,nor can I.So,you can do it too.I think we don't even know what a portion is.I see a portion,and think,I could eat 4 of those.But not now.Now I'm lucky to finish what I got.I quit when I get to feeling just full.And we now eat on smaller plates.Those 11 inch plates,are now 8 inch plates.Or smaller.Their just small plates.We do eat with our eyes.If a small plate is filled with salads,plus the dinner,it's a full plate.But only I put like 2 TBS of cottage cheese,or potatoe salad,or cole slaw.I use small spoons.Anyway,try the smaller plates,and cut the portions some.As you go on and lose more weight,you'll cut it even more as you go.Cause you just won't be able to eat it all as your stomach shrinks.Notice I said as you lose,because I know,joining this group,you will find what will work for you and you will drop the pounds.And that goes for everybody else too.You will lose,just stick with it like I did.
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    Old 07-05-2011, 11:05 PM
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    good morning, xylie! you know i have been using your idea of the frozen dinners and that's how i've been losing. it works a treat! my husband has finally realized that i am losing weight and i'm not eating what he is. i'll sometimes join him if he makes something that seems low fat, or he's especially proud of. when i don't, he just packs the rest for lunch the next day. the funny part, to me anyway, is i find myself eating a lot of smart choice meals by weight watchers. like being on j.craig, only i really like the food! apologies to any of you who are doing j.c. and like it. no offense intended. i also include a daily vitamin, and fresh fruit, and enough water for the erie canal! so, xylie, thank you for your good advice and support! i appreciate it! and thanks to all of us, i AM losing!!
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    Old 07-06-2011, 01:59 AM
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    Originally Posted by nancia
    good morning, xylie! you know i have been using your idea of the frozen dinners and that's how i've been losing. it works a treat! my husband has finally realized that i am losing weight and i'm not eating what he is. i'll sometimes join him if he makes something that seems low fat, or he's especially proud of. when i don't, he just packs the rest for lunch the next day. the funny part, to me anyway, is i find myself eating a lot of smart choice meals by weight watchers. like being on j.craig, only i really like the food! apologies to any of you who are doing j.c. and like it. no offense intended. i also include a daily vitamin, and fresh fruit, and enough water for the erie canal! so, xylie, thank you for your good advice and support! i appreciate it! and thanks to all of us, i AM losing!!
    Well,that's good.If anybody would of told me 4 yrs ago that in 4 yrs I would be slimming down and scooter riding,and growing my hair out long,and wearing a leather hair wrap with fringe and beads,I would of laughed my butt off.I'm a new person,can't believe it.And I'm happy.I'm happy I got the gumption and started the journey of a 1000 miles with 1 step at a time as mj says.Only I did it 5 pounds at a time.I looked at the whole 100 plus lbs and thought,oh,I can't do that.But I can do 5 pounds.Or even 3 pounds.I'm like a lot of people.We can lose the weight,but we don't or can't keep it off.That is where the rub is for me.So, that was the 1st thing I had to learn to reprogram myself of was to break bad habits,and keep the weight off.The dinners are a no brainer for me.Don't have to count calories,are affordable,tastes good,nutritional,spot on blood work for going on 4 yrs now.For both me and my husband.And I get to have we what ever we want.He likes sweet and sour chix,I can have my spaghetti.And it works.I imagine in a yr from now,you'll have all of yours off,as will I.Then we still have to keep at it.It isn't easy,and is a struggle.But well worth it in the long term.Plus,it inspires so many others along the way.All my neighbor gals are plump,and now that I've lost weight,their now trying to lose too.At least they are trying.The one has lost over 30 pounds.So you all will be a role model too,and show others,they too can do it.And they can.If I can,and you can,they can.And that goes for everybody on this board too.Most want to lose,but simply just don't know how.Slow loss stays off better.3 pound loss a month don't come back.Your doing great.And now your on your way to the new you.Better get some smaller clothes as you lose.That was great you put those pants on that were 2 sizes smaller.Doesn't that feel good?I can't believe I'm into a 15/16 now.A XL is big on me.I was a XXXXL once.Not that long ago.So,dreams do come true for those who don't give up,and stick with it,no matter what.Get back on and keep going if you fall off.I fell off a lot along the way.But stuck with it.92 pounds later,here I am.Am going for the 150 this month.Hope I make it.Right now I'm bloated from all the sports drinks and water I have to drink because of the heat and humidity down here.The monsoons are here,yuk!Sweat,sweat,sweat!!!It's a sauna outside,and I'm not kidding.Ok,I want to see some weight falling off you gals,especially you new ones.3 pounds this month,how about that?I think you can do that.If you don't know how to lose weight,or know some good tips,ask questions,and share your tips.We are all in the same boat and are struggling to lose,but are getting there slowly but surely.Nancia and I are doing 8 pounds this month.Hope I can do it.But any thing as long as I go down the scales and not up,I'll be happy.I am losing weight,I am losing weight,I am losing weight!!!I am....
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    Old 07-06-2011, 02:41 AM
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    Originally Posted by Leann
    Irish, Ive been wondering about Xylie, too. Think I'll check on her.

    Thank you for checking in on me.I was missing everybody,but was so tired and drained.But didn't over eat.So am still on track.Haven't lost any this month,as the 4th was a busy week end.So will buckle down and get started.We had rain tonight,so my aches and pains were really flared up.A dr once told me,that the weather didn't have any thing to do with aches,apparently,he never lived in Kansas with artheritis.The rains do most certainly flare the joint pains up.On me any way.So,thanks for checking.There was something wrong.But I'm back now and will start posting again.Hope we have a great month .It's going to be a long one.So should be able to lose some weight.
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    Old 07-06-2011, 02:58 AM
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    Originally Posted by bjeriann
    I'd like to join the 8lb. challenge. That is what I was hoping for my lose in July. It's always so much more fun to do this together. My DH bought me an eliptical machine that I need to start using more. My goal is to be on it 3 times a day, 5 to 10 mins. each time. That would be 15 to 30 mins. a day.
    Ok great,sounds good.That's 3 now for the 8 pound challenge this month.That's 2 pounds a week,so not too bad.I haven't even started yet,but once I get going,I will up the red hot peppers and start burning lots of calories,and will catch up.So,good luck,and you can do it.Nancia and I both did it last month.I do better with challenges and a number in mind.Or a goal to meet.It keeps me focused.
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