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JeanieG 01-10-2012 04:20 PM

A Beauty and A Dandy
1 Attachment(s)
Well I cannot say I enjoyed doing "A Beauty"! It took forever to decide on the fabric, get it cut and and sewn. Not my best work, I must say.....however it is done.

QuiltingNinaSue 01-10-2012 05:29 PM

Love the fabrics you used and the colors!!! Great job!!

QuiltE 01-10-2012 06:22 PM

JeanieG ... I'd say you have a couple of pretty nice blocks there, Pardner!
And look at all that fussy cutting!! WTG!!!!

janRN 01-10-2012 06:23 PM

ArtEmCasa your blocks are so pretty and well done. I love the flower fabric in A Beauty.

JeanieG I don't see anything wrong with your blocks-they're great. I love the horse fabrics and the colors you used.

mirabelle 01-11-2012 12:32 AM

Beautiful blocks JeanieG, love your cowgirl boots:D

ArteEmCasa 01-11-2012 04:21 AM

Originally Posted by JeanieG (Post 4862465)
Well I cannot say I enjoyed doing "A Beauty"! It took forever to decide on the fabric, get it cut and and sewn. Not my best work, I must say.....however it is done.

Great fabrics and colors for your blocks. Look at those boots and hat and all those fussy cut, I love. They are done and very well!

gardnergal970 01-12-2012 05:54 AM

JeanieG..your quilt will be fit for the bunkhouse! I've never done fussy cutting but I can see it's something I need to consider. Great work.

QuiltingNinaSue 01-12-2012 06:30 AM

Ok, some one tell me what "upload of file failed" means...every time I go to post a picture of the blocks this is the message I get. thanks.

Honchey 01-12-2012 07:15 AM

Originally Posted by dublb (Post 4860053)
I went & looked at some of ya'll's FWS blocks & Wow how tiny! Those are darling!

Hi Bev, in regards to your message....When we started the FWS we thought the blocks were cute until we got to some of the ones with all the little itty bitty pieces...at that point we were all thinking why did Laurie make them 6 ". What a sense of accomplishment when they were finished!!!

JeanieG 01-12-2012 10:56 AM

Originally Posted by QuiltingNinaSue (Post 4867137)
Ok, some one tell me what "upload of file failed" means...every time I go to post a picture of the blocks this is the message I get. thanks.

QNS you may have to reduce the photos size. I did this with some of mine by putting them in Picasa (a free Google program). Use the export on the bottom and you can reduce the size of the photo.

QuiltingNinaSue 01-12-2012 11:01 AM

Many thanks, JeanieG. I shall try that. But I still wonder why when it had worked before in this new QB program...I have gone back and checked my settings, gone into Nikon program and reduced thumbprints to smallest size on my PC. I hope the new computer taht is coming next month will help also.

fryguymoore 01-12-2012 12:38 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Here are my first two blocks. The black parts of A Dandy looks like horses hooves to me so I used horseshoe fabric. I will stay caught up this time!

fryguymoore 01-12-2012 01:04 PM

I forgot to say that I copied Honchey and JanieW. I will probably always wait until after some blocks are posted so I can copy. I love that about The Farmer's Wife Quilt, it is so much fun to look at all the photos before I start :)

janRN 01-12-2012 02:43 PM

I love your blocks! I especially like how you used the bandana print-really makes the block pop. Great job!

JeanieG 01-12-2012 03:29 PM

Great blocks fryguy! I love the barbed wire around the horses! You did an amazing job!

oksewglad 01-12-2012 05:11 PM

Originally Posted by janRN (Post 4868630)
I love your blocks! I especially like how you used the bandana print-really makes the block pop. Great job!

I totally agree (This is longer than "Ditto"!)

QuiltE 01-12-2012 07:37 PM

I needed to get me a "virtual quilting fix" before I headed off to the bunkhouse for the night!

... great blocks! Sure would like to find me some of that there barbed wire fabric.

"Don't Fence Me In"!!!

mirabelle 01-13-2012 12:50 AM

Great blocks everyone, super eye candy

dublb 01-13-2012 09:15 PM

Wow, I go out'a town for a week & look at all of the beautiful blocks I missed! Ya'll are doin' great!:thumbup:

QuiltingNinaSue 01-14-2012 06:16 AM

Please NEVER put barb wire around real horses or ponies; it can really destroy a lovely creature. Seen it couple of times and it is not a pretty sight. Board fences are used by the real horse folks & cowboys. When there are 3 guys in a pickup, how do you know who is the real cowboy? The one in the center, who does not have to drive, or next to passenger door who opens all the gates!

fryguymoore 01-14-2012 08:27 AM

I would never dream of using barbed wire to fence in my horse. I spent this morning researching barbed wire and have decided to not re-do the block. Barbed wire was used a lot in the 1900's. It was first invented in 1874. It was used to fence in cattle. While barbed wire may not be ideal for cattle it may have been safer than having the cattle roam free. Anyway the people of the period of the Pony Club would have used barbed wire so I decided to leave it in the quilt. AND in my quilt the parts actually fenced in have no horses in them :)

Thanks for the info QuiltingNinaSue! I feel so much smarter today after all that research.

QuiltingNinaSue 01-14-2012 10:22 AM

You are welcome. Many who read this dwell in cities and have never been around animals on any farm, so just wanted to clarify that point here. Yes, the barb wire is a part of the history of the west and is still used today on farms across America. And it looks good in your quilt; I would not want you to change it, fryguymoore. And you are welcome to use more of it in your quilt. I love the story about the guy who bought up wild mustangs and set them free to roam in the Datoka ranch land of his. I do wonder if he used barb wire on his many miles of ranch land.

QuiltE 01-14-2012 01:11 PM

It's kind of fun to see all the different kinds of barbed wire! I've been in agricultural museums where they've had samples of all the different types there were. Some quite unique!!

Perhaps you found some of the variations, FryGuy, as you did your web research?

Yes, it can do damage to horses/cows and people too! ... though sometimes that's the least of a farmer's concerns and more to keep them contained where they are supposed to be.

janRN 01-14-2012 02:35 PM

QNS, please keep the "farming" info coming. I'm one of those 'city folk' who's never been near a cow or pig or horse. Dogs and cats are the only animals I know LOL. I love learning new things--thank you!

QuiltingNinaSue 01-14-2012 04:34 PM

Ponies are very smart critters. If our creek overflowed and washed the fence out, it was our ponies who lead the cows, sheep and hogs out the missing fence gap. Usually the ponies would herd all the animals back down our lane to our house so we would know they were all enjoying their "freedom" break. I have seen my riding mare let a calf nurse; then nurse the sheltand mare who was suffering from too much milk in her udder because her colt was being weaned from her. And seen a pig stealing a "nursing" from a newly fresh cow who had just calved.

If there are 4 strands of barb wire on the fence post, it is probably holding in only cattle. If it has five or more strands of barb wire, it is holding in sheep and /or hogs as well. Hogs must be "rung" or will root up ground, fence, & gates. (rung= A ring in their noses). The horse does not "see" the wire (barbed) unless it has flags or similar things tied to the wire. They can come at a full run, charging blindly right through the wire, and become seriously hurt. Yes, when the barb wire snaps off the post where it was tightly strung, its a wild wire that wraps around whatever is handy. It hurts.

Most farmers and ranchers build "corrals" or padlocks for ponies & horses out of young tree trunks or wooden boards. We tied young tree saplings, about 3-4 inch-trunks, together to make our "corral", so the ponies were quickly available to ride throughout the day. With or without bridle & saddle because they were well broken to guide with a single rope from the halters or knee pressure on the sides of the ponies or horses. We often played "leap frog" onto their backs out in the pasture. And did so with a couple of cows that let us ride them. Childhood memories is one reason why I wanted to do the "pony quilt" and pass the stories along to grandson. Thanks for listening to my stories.

QuiltE 01-14-2012 04:38 PM

Originally Posted by QuiltingNinaSue (Post 4874927)
.....Childhood memories is one reason why I wanted to do the "pony quilt" and pass the stories along to grandson. Thanks for listening to my stories.

QNSue ... I hope that you are writing these down for DGS, so he has them in years to come

QuiltingNinaSue 01-14-2012 04:55 PM

Well, a good friend has challenged me to write the story I told her for every block of the Farmers Wife Quilt, and of the Pony Quilt too. Maybe. I am struggling to find the time. Thanks, QuiltE, for the suggestion.

JeanieG 01-14-2012 09:20 PM

Just love your stories QNS, thanks so much for sharing. Like Jan said, I'm a city girl too! No experience with all these things.

QuiltE 01-14-2012 11:11 PM

Originally Posted by QuiltingNinaSue (Post 4874991)
Well, a good friend has challenged me to write the story I told her for every block of the Farmers Wife Quilt, and of the Pony Quilt too. Maybe. I am struggling to find the time. Thanks, QuiltE, for the suggestion.

Maybe? If you get enough nudges? Then you'll do it?
It's ever so important to get those stories down ... I never knew my one Grandmother as she'd passed before I was born. The other three Grands were all "old", so I never knew much about them either. And now I would love to know so much more about them! I envy others who have the fortune to "know" their Grands and to have them be part of their lives with them.

How old is your DGS,

P.S. to all ... woooohoooooo 99 FWS done! I was on a roll, and just could not stop to go to bed tonight. Alas! I decied 100 would have to wait til tomorrow. So Sunday will not be all about PC. I'm bound that #100 will get done first, and all FWS will get posted before I switch gears to PC. Now the real challenge is, can I get to sleep? :)

QuiltingNinaSue 01-15-2012 07:46 AM

Good news , QuiltE on your the progress of the FWQ. I am still on #142, and have slashing to finish on the last half of the King sized quilt. Its an economy pattern that needs the sheep appiqued on the meadow and cows in the corn all fenced in by a pole fence. You know, "little boy blue come blow your horn; sheeps in the meadow and cows in the corn."

Have the first three of Pony Quilt done, templates and pp for 10 more, but then discovered my Nikon cool pix thumbprint pictures are "too big" to transport into QB since I posted last December. So will take the time to finish some 6 Iowa Hawkeye table runners for dh stepsisters & brothers in Cedar Rapids, Ia, in memory of FIL.

DGS is just passed his third birthday and is talking up a storm. Amazing child, I must say, even if he is our only grandchild we most likely will ever have. He cannot be anything but smart, loving and caring child, from our loving, caring, smart daughter and son-in-law; Christian family. SIL plays in church band, helps gospel music groups with their sound system on performances in the area. So there is several UFOs in the quilting room with his name on them, SILs name on some and dd name on others. I vowed to empty my sewing room stash reserves sewing all into quilts, and dd laughed at me. She knows me far too well. With encourgement from this QB, I just might get the job done!!

QuiltE 01-15-2012 09:00 AM

That's going to make for one darling quilt!
I'm wanting to convert my Christmas Sheep and Shepherd quilt into Little Bo-Peep and her sheep sometime!

*nudge* *nudge* for all the PhDs! *nudge**nudge* :)

deranged_damsel 01-15-2012 11:15 AM

Im a country girl and I LOVE your stories!!! keep it up :D

QuiltingNinaSue 01-15-2012 12:10 PM

Thank you, DD. Appreciate your interest in my stories.

I am so happy today because darling daughter called and said she was coming for a visit, just our grandson and her, so it will be so wonderful. He is three, that darling age of one activity after another. Whew, I may have to rest every afternoon while they are here. Now to get ready for Thursday through Sunday action days!! Sorry, no time to sew this week or be on QB much. Catch up with you all later!.

ArteEmCasa 01-15-2012 05:13 PM

[QUOTE=fryguymoore;4868288]Here are my first two blocks. The black parts of A Dandy looks like horses hooves to me so I used horseshoe fabric. I will stay caught up this time![/QUOTE]

WOW They are beautiful!

ArteEmCasa 01-15-2012 05:17 PM

Originally Posted by QuiltingNinaSue (Post 4874927)
Ponies are very smart critters. ...
Childhood memories is one reason why I wanted to do the "pony quilt" and pass the stories along to grandson. Thanks for listening to my stories

I love reading your stories.

QuiltingNinaSue 01-15-2012 06:20 PM

The first foal we had from the old white mare we called "Babe" kicked me in the stomach and Grandda in the behind, leaving foot prints. Good thing he was so young, and the bruises didn't really damage either of us...just added some wisdom to watch his ears move back against his head and whirl to kick.. and to get out of the way quickly or grap his head and hold on to him. Experience teaches one to watch & notice what is going on.

Thanks, ArteEmCasa, for your kind words.

oksewglad 01-17-2012 07:01 PM

As a country girl who has been around cows all her life, one would think I'd be comfortable around horses. For some reason I can relate to a cow, but a horse--that's a different story. Keep sharing your stories QNSue, they are great! Somewhere in the back of my mind is "Pass the butter, stories to tell my grandchildren". Write them down!

Termi 01-19-2012 05:54 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Wow!!! You've all done such beautiful blocks!! Dublb, I LOVE your patriotic blocks, very creative. Well, I can finally post a picture of my first one. But, I couldn't have done it without all the help I received from the great folks on this board. Many thanks to all of them. OK, I will try to post the pict.

JanieW 01-19-2012 06:21 PM

Way to go, Termi. Nicely done. I love your fabrics, too. Great job.

dublb 01-19-2012 07:37 PM

Termi- I love yellow & blue. Great block! :thumbup:

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