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KalamaQuilts 12-27-2013 02:08 PM

I have five groups of four finished plus a single I wasn't happy with. If I were being paid by piecework rates I'd be a starvin' pitiful person indeed. Going slow when working with all that bias is the only way I can get them right. Going to be a pretty addition to our units.

ligia 12-27-2013 02:47 PM

Beautiful colors and beautiful blocks ladies. IŽll wait till the mystery is revealed.
Inquiring minds wonder why EmmaŽs posts counting got stuck at 1.500 ... :D

Pagzz 12-27-2013 03:13 PM

see this tutorial. http://www.stitchingcircle.com/?p=1270 she is referencing Bonnie's Easy Street, but it looks like the same size for clue 5?

grandmasieg 12-27-2013 09:01 PM

Originally Posted by Pagzz (Post 6477153)
see this tutorial. http://www.stitchingcircle.com/?p=1270 she is referencing Bonnie's Easy Street, but it looks like the same size for clue 5?

Looks like that will work if you don't already have the HSTs done from clue #3. I'm still plugging away on Clue #4! I'll alternate between 4 and 5 so I have variety! LOL!

Nilla 12-28-2013 02:39 AM

Originally Posted by grandmasieg (Post 6477575)
Looks like that will work if you don't already have the HSTs done from clue #3. I'm still plugging away on Clue #4! I'll alternate between 4 and 5 so I have variety! LOL!

Did you mean to say if you DO have the HST's from clue 3 finished? I've never made this block before so I'm a bit nervous. I was planning to try out her method along with the one suggested here this morning. I have all my HST's ready to go, along with my other fabric (although that needs a bit of repressing before I cut).

This mystery certainly is reinforcing some quilting skills for me. Once you make 100 of something, you definitely feel like you know how to do it! I've never felt comfortable with my flying geese. I wonder if she'll throw some of those in somewhere?

CindyA 12-28-2013 06:04 AM

Someone recommended using starch since so much of this is going to be on the bias. I think that's a good idea, but I don't often use starch. I have light body Magic Sizing. I like the product but I made a big ol' mess when spraying. It got all over my cutting board and all over the kitchen. At what point in the process do you use your starch? I pressed my yardage, then starched and allowed to dry, then pressed again, then cut.

I'm over halfway done with the HST and plan on finishing these up before I move on to clue 5.

Emma S 12-28-2013 06:43 AM

Ligia: I didn't even notice my land mark post. Did it get stuck at 1500? I clearly talk too much but that probably won't stop me.
Nilla: I so agree. I am not as afraid of triangles as I used to be and I really feel like I am mastering the rulers. I have admired several quilts using the block in clue #5 and now I have made 30 successfully! Just what I needed a whole new bunch of quilts to make.
Gardengal: I experimented with the method you referred to but my efforts turned out wonky. Right now I am perfectly happy to use Bonnie's method since I am happy with the results.

KalamaQuilts 12-28-2013 08:15 AM

Originally Posted by CindyA (Post 6477898)
Someone recommended using starch since so much of this is going to be on the bias. I think that's a good idea, but I don't often use starch. I have light body Magic Sizing. I like the product but I made a big ol' mess when spraying. It got all over my cutting board and all over the kitchen. At what point in the process do you use your starch? I pressed my yardage, then starched and allowed to dry, then pressed again, then cut.

I prewash my fabrics (hot rinse in sink, wring, fling in dryer), fold them neatly and when I need that fabric I unfold about 1/2 yard, cut it off and then spray starch from the back side. Starch is just corn starch and water and some kind of ingredient to keep it mixed up. So when it dries what hits the floor pretty much just vacuums up, at least in my experience. If I know I'm going to cut bias I give it a second go over.
When I did the big plain triangles for my Dear Jane quilt I starched the fabric to nearly paper firm, worked like a charm for keeping those enormous bias sides in shape for attaching to the pieced triangles.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it :)
I got another 16 units made this morning. Slow but sure! I think this mystery is going to be one of the prettiest yet.

Cathieinut 12-28-2013 08:31 AM

HI quilters...it's fun to see how your mystery clue 5 is turning out!
As I mentioned I am using Inklingo and love Linda and Monkey's method however.... duh me
Didn't read the "cheat sheet" closely that Linda made to help us out and didn't notice the printing should be done in landscape NOT portrait...sigh so I will be short some of the printed shapes then...
yeah I think my little cheap-o printer has developed dementia...I have tried every trick to get it to print anything and it just sits there and blinks at me. DS has been feeling poorly so I haven't had him try and fix it but it's not looking good.
I have two other printers but neither are right for Inklingo for various reasons.
I have finished 34 blocks and have enough printed to do about 85 but I will have to either find a new printer or do the method that Sally Schneider does since I don't have the ruler that Bonnie uses and really don't want to buy one for just one project.
Anyway just to say it made my day frustrating trying to deal with the printer problem LOL

Nila...you are so right that doing a project like this really allows you to stretch beyond what you can already do. Think of all the things you have learned and new projects you can do in the future

Kalama...me too with the piece rate comment LOL I ripped out more than I sewed yesterday as I didn't pay attention to placement with my parts and pieces.

Everyone the end is coming soon! I think we might start putting units together next week

quiltsRfun 12-28-2013 02:59 PM

1 Attachment(s)
So far, so good. Only one of clue 5 done but it came together pretty well. I've also included the paint chips I used to choose my colors.

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