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-   -   2014 Birthday Swap 2.5 sign up now !!!! (https://www.quiltingboard.com/member-swaps-round-row-robins-f11/2014-birthday-swap-2-5-sign-up-now-t240424.html)

sewbizgirl 09-09-2014 06:03 AM

I have the three late-month birthdays sitting here and I'm trying to hold off until closer to the birthdays... but they want to jump into my mailbox! Will mail toward the end of the week. You Sept. girls sure are disciplined, holding your packages until your birthday comes. Gotta admire that willpower.

I thought I would mention the Sept. 2" squares swap... sign ups close on the 15th. We need a couple more swappers, still! 12 sets of 50, plus a Christmas twist for those who want it... So if you also collect 2" squares and have scraps too narrow for making 2.S" squares, consider joining us! 2" squares are highly useful too!

WMUTeach 09-09-2014 01:29 PM

I have a pile of thank yous...Mrs.Halibut love the peacock feather print. There are soooo many colors in it! Billie the hot pink dog bones made me laugh. Marcia (maT) I am anxious to get started sewing my next quilt so I can add cards, purples, apples, and Christmas squares to my project. Thank you NLS, Nancy, for the beauties. So many of them blend well with others in the package. Jarenie, thank you for the treats and the extra cut also. It is beautiful and so unique. I have never seen the print before. What good colors! and Barb, your treats with roses to back them up are good coordinates with so many of the others I have gotten. I am really quite amazed at how many of the 2.5 cuts from one little envelop will blend with the cuts from the next envelop. We are such good pickers and choosers of fabric! Thanks everyone!

Bullock2us 09-09-2014 04:32 PM

The rest of my birthday candies went out to the three birthday babies left this! Hope you all have great birthdays!

barbarakibler23 09-09-2014 05:14 PM

Hi Ladies
Hope all is well....looks like the birthday packages are coming in nicely for September. I believe I need to do a contest for trish b's birthday. I will work on it and hopefully get it posted tonight...so stay tuned!

SheriR...great tip on the cotton fabric. Thanks for sharing that!

I have had another busy week...time is just flying by. Can't believe summer is gone, school is already in session and it is football season. I love football season (and baseball) this year I am in a fantasy football league with my family and some friends. The first week of football is in the books now and my fantasy football team "Mr. Rodgers' Neighborhood" has a win. Yeah me!

Yesterday (Monday I spent with my youngest grandson Cooper. He turned 1 in August. He is a real cutie. He is learning sign language and signs "more" and "all done" So yesterday we were eating blueberries and he signed more more more......until I thought he might turn blue. So I let him out of his highchair and was walking around in the living room, bent down and picked SOMETHING UP (hopefully food) put it in his mouth and said Yum and then signed more!!!!!! :) so funny .

gonna go and work on a contest.............be back soon..........

barbarakibler23 09-09-2014 05:49 PM

I'm back.........


Okay it is apple picking time here in Michigan.....love this time of the year when we all go and spend the afternoon at the cider mill.

So all the questions will be about apples.

PM me your answers by 10:00 pm Wednesday Sept 10 set.

1. How many apples does it take to make 1 gallon of cider? 15 , 27 or 36

2. Apples are a member of the rose family. True or false

3. Where do apples ripen faster? at room temperature or refrigerated

4. Which name is not an apple variety? Rome, Lodi or Valencia

5. Apples are grown in only 48 of the 50 states. True or false

okay Ladies send me your answers

Barb :)

barbarakibler23 09-09-2014 06:04 PM


Okay maybe you all know this....but the other day while getting fed up with my bra straps always falling down I decided to do something about it. I adjusted the straps to the best fit I could then I sewed the little plastic adjuster in place on the strap. Did you all know this and if so why didn't you tell me. This works like a charm.

Okay and yes I was sitting at my dining room table with the "girls" out while I did the sewing. oh the visual !

djmat 09-09-2014 06:34 PM

Tuesday tip: ziploc big bagshold quilt top, batting, backing, thread, pattern, tag, & fabric together until you have time to work on that quilt. Packaging items together helps save $ waiting for sale items you need. It keeps the project clean & protected from irritants. You can write on the bag the finish date goal, who it is for, the size, & credit the designer(s), etc. It also travels well.

mrshalibut 09-10-2014 05:37 AM

Originally Posted by barbarakibler23 (Post 6881810)

Okay maybe you all know this....but the other day while getting fed up with my bra straps always falling down I decided to do something about it. I adjusted the straps to the best fit I could then I sewed the little plastic adjuster in place on the strap. Did you all know this and if so why didn't you tell me. This works like a charm.

Okay and yes I was sitting at my dining room table with the "girls" out while I did the sewing. oh the visual !

OMG Barbara, be careful! You're lucky you didn't sew something else to the plastic adjuster! Can you imagine explaining THAT in the emergency room?

barbarakibler23 09-10-2014 07:01 PM

lol mrshalibut.....that would be painful!!!!

Great tip djmat.....love the idea. I kinda, sorta do that but not very strict about it. I will aim to do the organizing the way you suggest. Really like the idea of writing the info down. I usually forget what is even in the bag!

barbarakibler23 09-10-2014 07:03 PM

We have a some very smart ladies in here.....we have a contest winner.

DJMAT your prize will be in the mail soon!


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