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-   -   FUNKY Chicken Block Swap - Mail Date April 1, 2010 (https://www.quiltingboard.com/member-swaps-round-row-robins-f11/funky-chicken-block-swap-mail-date-april-1-2010-a-t33089.html)

Bettia 01-13-2010 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by MadeinMaine
Tuesy - Is that a "Chickbra"?? or a "Zebraken" ???
Fabulous block!

It's a Zebraken ... or Chickbra...depends on how you look at it. :lol:

Did yu see the leoparken??????
It's like your Zebraken.

brookemarie19 01-13-2010 09:58 AM

I have one more question. Looking at past swaps, they say that you will be getting one of your blocks back when you recieve them at the end. My question is.... does that apply to us in this swap, or do we need to make a 7th one if we want one for ourselves? Thank you.

sew cornie 01-13-2010 12:40 PM

I've been mulling over ideas in my mind. I have perfect fabric but don't know what pattern to do yet. :roll: I'm thinking something tall and skinny with really long legs . . . maybe 3"x9" or 6"x12". Definitely vertical rectangular.

Then I was thinking about chicken pox today and thought, "Aha! . . . Chicken Pucks!" Any hockey fans out there who'd like a chicken puck? I don't know what they'd look like quite yet, but it would be fun to try to do. Probably 9"x9" square. Or is this idea a little TOO funky? :mrgreen:

tuesy 01-13-2010 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by tuesy

Originally Posted by MadeinMaine
Tuesy - Is that a "Chickbra"?? or a "Zebraken" ???
Fabulous block!

It's a Zebraken ... or Chickbra...depends on how you look at it. :lol:

Did yu see the leoparken??????
It's like your Zebraken.

I think I need new glasses cause I don't see it.. :shock:

kysmommy2 01-13-2010 02:00 PM

NOT too funky! There's no such thing =) I love the long skinny rectangular idea!

crafterbarbara 01-13-2010 02:18 PM

Do all 6 of the blocks made in the set go to one person?

MadQuilter 01-13-2010 02:33 PM

Originally Posted by crafterbarbara
Do all 6 of the blocks made in the set go to one person?

They all go to the person who leads/organizes the swap. That is why it is important to label your squares. The leader takes all the blocks that come in, sorts them and sends you a random set of 6 back. Yours go in random fashion to others who participated.

sandpat 01-13-2010 04:45 PM

Originally Posted by brookemarie19
I have one more question. Looking at past swaps, they say that you will be getting one of your blocks back when you recieve them at the end. My question is.... does that apply to us in this swap, or do we need to make a 7th one if we want one for ourselves? Thank you.

Thanks for answering Mad, you explained it in a nutshell........The except will be that in this swap...you will get back 1 of your own and then 5 random blocks to complete your return set of 6. No need to make 7...unless its the 1st one for your 2nd set :wink:

sandpat 01-13-2010 04:48 PM

sew cornie...I love the long skinny block..did you see how well it works in the sample quilt I showed earlier in the thread?

About the puck...hmmm...I have no idea :lol: :lol: :lol: Sounds funky to me though!!! :lol:

brookemarie19 01-13-2010 05:25 PM

Originally Posted by sandpat
sew cornie...I love the long skinny block..did you see how well it works in the sample quilt I showed earlier in the thread?

About the puck...hmmm...I have no idea :lol: :lol: :lol: Sounds funky to me though!!! :lol:

I agree with the tall rooster... do you know if that was a pattern she used or something she thought up and made?

Hockey puck sounds really cool too sew cornie

sew cornie 01-13-2010 08:20 PM

okay, put me down for a tall skinny one with long legs (this is in no way a reflection of its creator), 6"x15"

as for the hockey puck . . . I'm thinking a puck on edge for the body, with wings, a helmet on the head and black skates on the feet. Perhaps a pair of crossed hockey sticks on the front of the puck/belly. 9"x9" ought to do it. I'll give it a try but I may be way out of my "league" here when considering the details involved. If it doesn't work, I'll do something else in the same block dimensions.

So if we end up with, say, 18 participants, if I make 3 sets of 6, does that mean I'd end up with one back from everyone?

charismah 01-13-2010 11:40 PM

OK I think I found my pattern. I have a book that has nothing but roosters and chickens....and my block is going to be 12.5 x 18.5 unfinished. I think I will make 6 of them..if they turn out good...I will make 12. It is hard picking funky fabric and hoping they all turn out well. We will see. I will post a pic after I get the first one done.

brookemarie19 01-14-2010 04:32 AM

Originally Posted by charismah
OK I think I found my pattern. I have a book that has nothing but roosters and chickens....and my block is going to be 12.5 x 18.5 unfinished. I think I will make 6 of them..if they turn out good...I will make 12. It is hard picking funky fabric and hoping they all turn out well. We will see. I will post a pic after I get the first one done.

Wow, thats a big block! Can't wait to see it.

cabbagepatchkid 01-14-2010 06:00 AM

Originally Posted by MadQuilter

Originally Posted by tuesy
I think 6x6 would leave either a headless or footless chicken....

A new Halloween story: The headless chicken. lol

Did you know that there actually was a headless chicken, named Mike. Here's his story:

sandpat 01-14-2010 06:06 AM

Brook...I think that the tall chicken on Marcia's quilt was actually one of the chickens off of the fatcat site with long legs added, but I'm not totally sure. It just looks like that to me.

sewcornie...those blocks sound really cute! And yes, if you make the same number as the number of participants..you will get back 1 of each person's block (unless I get all mixed up in the sorting

:roll: )

Charismah...got cha' down for the BIG block!

sandpat 01-14-2010 06:11 AM

UGH Cathy...thats quite a disgusting story......poor Mike :roll:

blueribbontoes 01-14-2010 06:39 AM

I love all the great ideas floating around! I need to get some other projects caught up (a hem, sheep!) But them watch out! Feathers will fly!

LovingIzabella 01-14-2010 08:17 AM


Originally Posted by tuesy

Originally Posted by MadeinMaine
Tuesy - Is that a "Chickbra"?? or a "Zebraken" ???
Fabulous block!

It's a Zebraken ... or Chickbra...depends on how you look at it. :lol:

Did yu see the leoparken??????
It's like your Zebraken.

I just have to laugh makes me think of a card game my daughter got for Christmas called-tastes like chicken. On the cards are different animals combined together so it is like a croco-chicken or a chickodile lol

Corry 01-14-2010 09:51 AM

I am probably going to get into this SWAP. I am going to wait a few weeks to sign up to be sure I will have the time. I have alot of funky chicken embroidery patterns. I love to do machine embroidery along with my quilting. I am real excited about joining this but lately my grown kids have a habit of messing up my plans and stealing my play time. Been thinking about putting a lock on the inside of my sewing room and a sign on the door saying "I am SEW BUSY"!!(give only hubby a key incase I don't come out for more than 2 days). I plan to get started on this and if it looks as though I am going to make it will go ahead and sign up? Is that okay? I will probably do 6 x 6 blocks. I think the little egg block idea is sooooooo cute!! Hope I get an egg block!! Reading this thread has been fun....

blueribbontoes 01-14-2010 11:36 AM

...And since I am procrastinating with my farm sheep, I have 12 funky 3 inch chickens almost done. I made up the pattern, it is a pieced block... With a comb, tongue and beak that "move."

blueribbontoes 01-14-2010 04:43 PM

Yes, I am boasting. I have three sets FINISHED. (Darn it, this means I have to go work on my sheep...)

brookemarie19 01-14-2010 05:01 PM

Originally Posted by blueribbontoes
Yes, I am boasting. I have three sets FINISHED. (Darn it, this means I have to go work on my sheep...)

Doing much faster than me :cry: I guess I need to get a move on. I have almost finished my first set completely, but I think I have found another that I would like to make. Man, you're fast!

sandpat 01-14-2010 05:03 PM

WE wanna SEEE!!!!! SHOW us the sets...or I'm coming over there missy!!

sandpat 01-14-2010 05:04 PM

Corry....I'll put you down...so glad to have you! Can't wait to see some of your funky magic!

blueribbontoes 01-14-2010 05:39 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Nah, I'm not fast. They're 3 inch blocks and came together quickly. I actually had several uninterrupted hours of work time this afternoon, so was able to assembly line it. :) You'll laugh at this Sandpat, but I'm scared to show them off! I free handed the eggs, and created my own chicken pattern for 12. If I ever finish my sheep I will try to come up with one more different set. (I made 3 sets, 2 are the same pattern.) I want to do another block that is either tall, or long, like a line of chickens. We'll see. Once I find my camera, I'll post a picture. I tried to with my cell phone, but it didn't turn out well

I didn't post all 12 chickens, as frankly, all 12 staring at me was a bit creepy. I thought in terms of a large sampler quilt, a chicken face looking out could be fun.

The chicken's comb folds down, and can be pinned, to allow for sewing into the actual quilt. I tried to leave at least .25 inch around all the details. As the one picture shows, all the beaks do open, where it reveals a movable tongue. All the felt is red glitter, I wanted the bird to have bling!!

Im afraid the eggs are not too funky, funny, but not too funky. (I think real cracked eggs smell a bit funky, lol.) I sewed all the eggs by hand.

cabbagepatchkid 01-14-2010 07:24 PM

For anyone needing inspiration here is a link with lots of other links with chicken patterns:

I didn't realize there were so many cute chicken patterns out there!
blueribbontoes....those chickens are adorable!!!! :D

sew cornie 01-14-2010 09:28 PM

BRT - those are brilliant! :-D :-D :-D

Pam G 01-14-2010 10:03 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Ok, will try this again. I would like to join. Will plan on12 blocks, not sure which one, but think I'm gonna try a 9.5" square

Below is a photo a friend sent today, its a funky chicken (actually probably a chilled chicken)

sandpat 01-15-2010 05:54 AM

BRT...those are the cutest!!! That chicken face is soo clever, aren't you the smart one! Why didn't I think of that??? I love the egg too! Freehanded was the best way to do that, don't ya' think?

Thanks for the link Cathy...we all need inspiration!

PamG..I'm putting you down, glad to have you join us! And I think that (well, I'm hoping) the chicken is one of those breeds that totally molts...some do. He really would be cold around here!

sandpat 01-15-2010 05:56 AM

Ladies....we are up to 19 swappers now...some making 2 or 3 sets!

tuesy 01-15-2010 07:11 AM

BRT.. those chickens are brillant!! I hope I get one of them.. they're so funky cute!! That'll teach anyone to talk bad about chickens, they just open their mouth and stick out their tongue!! ::lol:: I agree with ya about the smelly eggs.. and I like the eggs... I had thought about making some "green eggs and ham", but couldn't find a pic of a ham I liked..

cabbagepatchkid.. Thank you for the link.. I think I need to wait a few hours to wake up more cause that yellow is bright!! ::lol::

Pam.. That chicken has some major feather problems.. I bet he's freezing his last tail feather off!.. I bet all the other chickens laugh at him too.. ::lol::

Sandpat.. YAY!!!.. this is so much fun...

brookemarie19 01-15-2010 07:45 AM

BRT... those are adorable! I hope I get some of those!!

tuesy... Green eggs and ham is a great idea!! too bad you couldn't find what you were looking for, they would have looked awesome I'm sure.

I love this swap... makes me want to join more, but I have to limit myself to just one at a time since I have also joined a BOM and a Row a month from fatcat. Limited time with 4 kids (one being only 7 months) ya' know... lol

MistyMarie 01-15-2010 04:06 PM

That poor chicken. My parents' chickens never looked that sad. They seem to pick feathers of each other and have bald spots, but this chicken takes the prize! It looks like there were some bully chickens in the coop!

sew cornie 01-16-2010 09:27 AM

That is one sad lookin rooster. :shock: :oops:

Sandpat, could you please change the dimensions on my blocks? My tall skinny chicken isn't tall enough at 15". I'll do it as 6"x18". My second set will be "Broody" from FatCat at 12"square instead of the 9x9" set I'd mentioned earlier.

Thanks! These are going to be such fun quilts when they're done!

MadQuilter 01-16-2010 12:23 PM

OMG, did that rooster model for "Runway Chicken?" It looks like it was dressed by the wannabe designers with a lot of flair. lol

brookemarie19 01-16-2010 12:49 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Here are my chickies... sorry about the different color eyes. DD said they needed to be "special"

sandpat 01-16-2010 02:56 PM

Brook...those are sooo cute!!! Great job, I love the eyes and yes..its nice that they are "special"..LOL

sew cornie...I gotcha' down

blueribbontoes 01-16-2010 03:25 PM

I was at a quilt store today, saw a rooster fabric and bought funky orange and teal fabric. I officially have a chicken fetish...

blueribbontoes 01-16-2010 03:28 PM

Brooke, they are lovely.

sandpat 01-16-2010 03:41 PM

Geesh...BRT...I've gotta get out to the quilt store...how sad...I have some stuff on its way here that will require a shopping trip..oh darn...maybe I can find some of that cute fabric there too!

Chicken fetish??? Who??? ANyone on this board???...Nawww... :lol:

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