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-   -   July Mug Rug Swap: Summer time fun! Makers choice! (https://www.quiltingboard.com/member-swaps-round-row-robins-f11/july-mug-rug-swap-summer-time-fun-makers-choice-t266690.html)

KLTQuilts 07-07-2015 05:19 AM

I like the idea of a choice . . . sometimes my "imagination" isn't working up to par - just need a nudge! :D

sewbizgirl 07-07-2015 05:58 AM

I don't see any other swaps offering two themes. It's kind of strange...

How about offering the choices of following the theme or "not". That's two choices... make up your own if you don't like the theme. We are all capable of that.

suern3 07-07-2015 06:51 AM

1 Attachment(s)
My package from jaba arrived yesterday afternoon. She was speedy! I was lucky enough to receive two matching mug rugs featuring pretty floral fabrics. She said they represent all the flowers of summer that she enjoys and so do I, so they are perfect. Her skills are also outstanding, can't wait to hear how her quilts do at the fair! Thanks so much, jaba.

rwquilts 07-07-2015 09:40 AM

Pretty fabrics Jaba!

ljdugas...we're sending just about the same time...it will be fun to see what we each did for the other. Happy Tuesday everyone!

ctyankee 07-07-2015 10:28 AM

suern3 -- lovely mug rugs from jaba!

sewbizgirl -- I agree. I have no problem with someone veering off the chosen theme, as long as her partner is in agreement -- that's where communication comes into play! :)

sewbizgirl 07-07-2015 10:48 AM

Pretty mug rugs, Jaba!

suern3 07-07-2015 02:04 PM

I guess I don't have a real preference as to one theme or two themes. Do whatever works for you ladies who organize all this.

dfelker 07-07-2015 02:54 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'mmmmm BACK! And boy am I ever dragging. Spent the holiday weekend at my brother's. It was my niece's 25th birthday and I hosted and taught her canvas painting party Friday night. Such fun. Saturday hubby and I cleaned out our 1972 Intrepid Camper so we could see what was salvageable. All of the foam cushions (no covers) were there, BONUS! Now to make covers....SCARY!! Sunday we were back at the camper coating the roof and putting silicone here there and everywhere. Took a break to eat lunch and somehow were recruited to help paint the outside of my niece's house. UGHHHH this girl DOESN'T DO THE HEAT (100+degrees)and then add flies and no breeze, I was stick a fork in me D O N E! Hubby and I thought we were going to get to head back to Omaha then...NOPE! The gang wanted Auntie D to grill chicken and burgers sooooo what was I to do? You guessed it... GRILL Chicken and Burgers.
It was a fun filled weekend BUT I gotta tell ya.......It is good to be home!!!


So excited to swap with my friend JuneBillie this month!

Ctyankee...I like having a choice because sometimes I need a little help in brain/creative department.

lynnie 07-07-2015 03:20 PM

Jaba, very nice mugrugs!
Dorothy, sounds like an exhausting weekend and full of fun too!

jaba 07-07-2015 03:47 PM

Guess I would rather have 1 theme, just because I like to have it done and be able to send. If it was the maker's choice either/or that would be fine too. Sometimes it takes a long time to have your partner answer you as to which they would rather have and to be honest I get a little "antsy". I don't procrastinate well, guess I was taught the old saying of "don't put off 'til tomorrow what you can do today" or something like that...You just never know what your tomorrow is going to bring your way.

JuneBillie 07-07-2015 06:21 PM

Suern3 that is a beautiful set of mug rugs Jaba made for you.

Dorothy, glad you were having fun even if you were very tired. Now get some rest. Glad to have you as a partner for July. :)

lynnie 07-07-2015 06:56 PM

Jaba, I too can't procrastinate, but did you read my signature line?!?!
I love to know what i'm doing ahead of time too. then I can get it done and in the mail
lickety split. (that's what Zoey says, Lickety split).

sewbizgirl 07-08-2015 05:31 AM

ctyankee, your mailbox is full! My pm to you bounced....

sewbizgirl 07-08-2015 05:31 AM

Dorothy, glad you had a fun time with your family. Good to have you back!

Elisabrat 07-08-2015 06:32 AM

my note to you bounced also Ctyankee!

dfelker its such a wonderful gift you share with so many. You are always willing to help. Where do you get that energy???? I had to learn to say no. It was hard but a few years ago I simply didn't have any choice. now I get invited out but energy is not here to go so I say please stop by instead. I cant make a big meal I cant entertain much but a little company is always loved.

Thanks for all your input again. I appreciate it. for set months such as Sept (fall) that is one theme. For say Halloween we have a few who wont do Halloween at all for religious beliefs but if given an option they would still like to play. Thanksgiving is also a single theme as is Valentines Day (what is offensive about that? oh please don't share with me if you find out what it is) and other months its two choices. I know there were only a few who didn't want patriotic but it was nice to have two choices then. I guess its what is going through my mind lol at the time. trying to be politically correct is tough stuff! and while a lot on the board don't offer a choice I like to keep as many players as would enjoy playing with us. Just me.

Lovely mug rugs Jaba. The flowers are always pretty and go all year round. That is a nice treat for the recipient. I am still enjoying my ice cream cone and my flowers that I received in the past few months. My hubby has a red hatter mug rug Jaba made for me moons ago and he uses it all the time. Imagine that. FINALLY he is using something to keep the splatters from hitting my coffee table! lol. phew! I cant wait to see the rest of the mug rugs coming home! please remember to share a photo of it and if you have no ability to take one yourself can you ask your partner to take one before they send? just an idea :)

Whigrose 07-08-2015 10:17 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Hi all,
I would like to share with you the mug rug and goodies I received today from sewbizgirl. Along with a cute mug rug, (red is my fav color), she included a gorgeous fq and a tea 'wallet'. I've never seen a 'tea wallet' before, but I think they're a cute idea. As I told sewbizgirl, I'm going to put it in with my 'sew-in' days' tote to have my favorite tea on hand, regardless of which house I'm at.

I now realize I should have also taken a photo of the back of the mug rug because she used an awesome fireworks display fabric.

Thank you, sewbizgirl. Everything is fabulous!! And, you package should be going out either tomorrow or Friday's am mail.

deb in Maine

JuneBillie 07-08-2015 11:39 AM

Deb that is a very pretty mug rug from sewbizgirl, and I love the tea wallet.

ctyankee 07-08-2015 12:59 PM

Okay, just got home from work & deleted PMs ... so now there's room for more! Sorry about that, but I wish there was some kind of notice to let me know when it's getting too full!

ctyankee 07-08-2015 01:02 PM

whigrose -- sewbizgirl did a great job on your mug rug & goodies!

KLTQuilts 07-08-2015 01:07 PM

Ohhh Deb, that sure is a nice mug rug & goodies from sewbizgirl!! The 'tea wallet' is a neat idea . . . that sure would fit nicely in a purse or quilting bag or whatever. A cup of tea has such a calming effect . . .

sewbizgirl 07-08-2015 01:24 PM

I learned about tea wallets from PeginCo, who made me one in the secret pal swap last year. I love them!
Deb, what a happy coincidence that red is your favorite color. I didn't realize that everything I sent had some red in it. I guess I have to say I love reds too. Glad you got your package, safe and sound. I'll be watching for mine. Please take your time.

Whigrose 07-08-2015 02:30 PM

[QUOTE=sewbizgirl;7251387]I learned about tea wallets from PeginCo,...QUOTE]

sewbizgirl- I think the tea wallet is a awesome idea. I have a feeling that you may have opened a lot of minds to another creative outlet, mine included :)

I really do like everything you sent. The chocolate fabric is just yummy!

The corners on your mug rug gave me a fit. After three times of hand stitching down the binding, I threw in the towel and machine stitched it. Not my best work by a long shot, but I can live with it; at least my corners are square now.

If I get my act together, your package can go out in the early mail tomorrow.

deb in Maine

lynnie 07-08-2015 03:48 PM

Deb pretty mugrug. love the flip flops.
Brat, Halloween is not a devil worship day, so what's the problem with it?
I love one for each holiday. i'd love a Frankenstein head for Halloween. that would be so cute. so if you get me, you know what to make.

sewbizgirl 07-08-2015 05:16 PM

Deb, sorry you had so much trouble with the binding on my MR. Just do what's simple and easy.... I machine stitch all my bindings, but you can't tell from the front. I never did 'get' why bindings had to be hand stitched or the quilt was "defiled" (LOL, JK). If the rest of the quilt is machine stitched, why not the binding? You can get it looking nice that way too.

On the topic of themes, "Harvest" is a lovely alternative to halloween. We choose not to celebrate halloween at our house, but we love that time of year and God's bounty and beauty that is all around us.

lynnie 07-08-2015 07:38 PM

I like the idea of a theme. gives me something to go on. I also like to know early,
this way I can get it done.

Whigrose 07-09-2015 04:17 AM

sewbizgirl-your package is on it's way!

For anyone interested in making a tea wallet, www.handmadetherapy.ca has a free tutorial. I've never seen, or heard, of them until I received the adorable one from sewbizgirl. Pretty sure I'll be doing up a few of those for gifties.

deb in Maine

Elisabrat 07-09-2015 04:31 AM

I love the idea of a tea wallet Whigrose! I carry tea bags with me to clinic each and every day. They are just lose floating around in my purse and it sure would be nice to have somewhere to put them. Great idea , see ladies! Stick around here and your wheels get spinning and next thing you know your whipping up little things like.. tea wallets and mug rugs!

Sewbizgirl cant wait to see what your getting from Whigrose! bet its grand :) and wow its so nice to see someone who was worried about corners. I am really good at getting 3 out of 4 corners squared. What is with that? the 4th corner on my mug rugs is always slightly rounded. I unfold it refold it try again and still .. round. I will get the 4th down yet. Its easier on a full quilt than on a mug rug for some reason. maybe more room to play? who knows. I am a tad jealous when I see it here though.

Whigrose 07-09-2015 04:44 AM

Originally Posted by Elisabrat (Post 7251765)
I love the idea of a tea wallet Whigrose! ...

I didn't know about them until sewbizgirl sent me one. It's pure adorable! So I went poking around and came across the tut just in case others were interested.


rwquilts 07-09-2015 06:04 AM

Sewbizgirl, what a cute mug rug and goodies you made for Whigrose! There's a tutorial for one type of tea wallet in Tutorials here...I've made a few of them and was given one a couple of years ago...it's always fun!

ljdugas...your package is on it's way!!! Hope you like what I did for you...

ljdugas31 07-09-2015 06:36 AM

Originally Posted by rwquilts (Post 7251868)
Sewbizgirl, what a cute mug rug and goodies you made for Whigrose! There's a tutorial for one type of tea wallet in Tutorials here...I've made a few of them and was given one a couple of years ago...it's always fun!

ljdugas...your package is on it's way!!! Hope you like what I did for you...

I am sure I will love it. sent yours out today!!!

jaba 07-09-2015 08:34 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Another pic for you ladies, finished the 2nd one for the fair. I think this one is my "Imaginary Odyssey"[ATTACH=CONFIG]524684[/ATTACH]

rwquilts 07-09-2015 09:37 AM

Jaba, the quilt is gorgeous! I love it!

ljdugas...yahoo! How fun to wait for a package to arrive...

KLTQuilts 07-09-2015 10:43 AM

Jaba - this is another spectacular quilt - sure can't pick which one you need to send my way :D either one will make me so very happy! Seriously though, both quilts are absolutely beautiful!!

ljdugas31 07-09-2015 10:46 AM

Jaba they are breathtaking,love the shades of purple! I see first prize winner!!!!!!

sewbizgirl 07-09-2015 11:33 AM

Beautiful quilt, Jaba! Good luck....

JuneBillie 07-09-2015 01:14 PM

My husband is always using creamer and sweet and low for his coffee and tea, so I might need to make one for him to have on hand. Sometimes we can be going through a pick up window for something to drink on our way somewhere and they don't always give him that. Great idea for those too.

Jaba's quilt is just so beautiful!

sewbizgirl 07-09-2015 02:22 PM

Originally Posted by JuneBillie (Post 7252176)
My husband is always using creamer and sweet and low for his coffee and tea, so I might need to make one for him to have on hand. Sometimes we can be going through a pick up window for something to drink on our way somewhere and they don't always give him that. Great idea for those too.

Jaba's quilt is just so beautiful!

That's a good idea, JuneBillie... and those tea wallets also hold credit cards! Same size....

ctyankee 07-09-2015 02:38 PM

jaba -- beautiful bargello quilt!

whigrose -- I sent your package out today. You will get it on Saturday, 7/11.

I could use a tea wallet myself. I have to go hunting now. :)

lynnie 07-09-2015 05:47 PM

beautiful quilt Jaba. never did one myself., on my list of todo's.

ljdugas31 07-10-2015 02:16 PM

rwquilts I got my package today! OM I love everything!! The mug Rug adorable!!!!!!! My favorite is the needlecase and chicken pin c !!!! So thrilled with my package. The soap is so sweet! I wont be using it.going on dsplay. Thank You so much.

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