Secret Santa 2009

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Old 11-03-2009, 11:30 AM
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That is a wonderful courting song. My granddaughter performs it for Bardic competition in the SCA and wins most times. I can't remember the words either. But she ends it with "the moral of this tale...mind your mother"

I'm gathering my FQ's and other goodies for my little recipient... I'm sure hey have been very good this year.;)
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Old 11-03-2009, 01:18 PM
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I am hoping my secret santa got her box by now, It was so much fun filling the box.
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Old 11-03-2009, 02:08 PM
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My Mailman left a few boxes at my door and so did ups I do all on line shopping even for groceries so boxes delivered to my home is common. BUUUUUUUTTTTTT today was different since people have been mailing boxes and others receiving them I was afraid to look at who they were from. Thank GOD not SS only amazon and hancockfabric. I AM SAVED YET ANOTHER DAY!!!!!! TADA...... :P :P :P :P :P :P
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Old 11-03-2009, 03:26 PM
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Mousie, I blew it today, literally! Y'all know I live in the woods, right? Well, the sweet gum, pin oak, water oak, and wild cherry have been very very bad about dropping the leaves. I have had to actually sweep the leaves out of the house after we go for the mail so I had to get with the program in the yard today. Neil worked the blower and I worked the mower, we only got half the acre and a half done before dark and we started this morning. Only half the leaves are down so we know we'll be at it until heavy frost the beginning of January. I did get to the cemetary and got pictures of our marker for Roy's sister and my family but I've not been able to upload and send them out yet. :(

Naughty: Anger at someone telling me I have been traveling to much and not paying enough attention to them. :oops:

Nice: Helped a lady in Walmart having a hard time reaching something. :wink:

Determination: Going to set my accountibility goals and rewards and email them to my friend to keep me on track and not lose so much time in thinkin' instead of workin'! :x

Mousie, we gave a nice funeral service to your cousin that decided to visit the INSIDE of the house. I told them you'd be here but we couldn't wait for you to run over, speed of burial was the wiser choice in this case. I'm sorry to have had a hand in catching him in the trap, but my fabrics are safer and I have more peace of mind. :cry:
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Old 11-03-2009, 03:29 PM
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Oh oh, forgot to tell you I got the most fabulous postcard picture of our Terri and a little Koala bear Saturday! Cute is the word for this gal and fearless of handling wild animals. Gal after my heart! :lol: :lol:
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Old 11-03-2009, 04:06 PM
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Originally Posted by AtHomeSewing
Well, now that MY package has arrived here safely, I thought I would ask my hubby: Have I been Naughty or Nice?

He said, "Honey, it would be Nice if you were Naughty." :shock:
WOOTIE HOO! :shock: :lol: :wink:
LOL, hubby! :lol:
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Old 11-03-2009, 04:18 PM
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Originally Posted by mimisharon
Mousie, I blew it today, literally! Y'all know I live in the woods, right? Well, the sweet gum, pin oak, water oak, and wild cherry have been very very bad about dropping the leaves. I have had to actually sweep the leaves out of the house after we go for the mail so I had to get with the program in the yard today. Neil worked the blower and I worked the mower, we only got half the acre and a half done before dark and we started this morning. Only half the leaves are down so we know we'll be at it until heavy frost the beginning of January. I did get to the cemetary and got pictures of our marker for Roy's sister and my family but I've not been able to upload and send them out yet. :(

Naughty: Anger at someone telling me I have been traveling to much and not paying enough attention to them. :oops:

Nice: Helped a lady in Walmart having a hard time reaching something. :wink:

Determination: Going to set my accountibility goals and rewards and email them to my friend to keep me on track and not lose so much time in thinkin' instead of workin'! :x

Mousie, we gave a nice funeral service to your cousin that decided to visit the INSIDE of the house. I told them you'd be here but we couldn't wait for you to run over, speed of burial was the wiser choice in this case. I'm sorry to have had a hand in catching him in the trap, but my fabrics are safer and I have more peace of mind. :cry:
mimisharon, don't worry, that slip sliding little rat, was not my far down the line, it don't count.
I get concerned too, that one day, one of them will find the mouse home-cave, and do damage before I find out.
I am so attached to all of my fabrics, I know I would cry a river, and short as I am, well, it wouldn't be a good thing :cry:
On a better note, though, the world is free of one more varmint. If he can't behave himself and mind his bidness outside, then he's gotta take his lumps!
Sounds like you have leaves galore! Santa needs to bring you a super duper size one of Terri's fans. They are awesome. She rescued a whole island from a hurricane? or tropical storm? I forget which.
You gave me a very good idea, mimisharon.
I'm thinking of asking a friend to keep some of my fabrics, and as I accomplish goals, give me a piece back! What an incentive! :D

Naughty: hmm, I don't believe I was naughty today. Nothing comes to mind.
NICE: I had to stop at fabric store, and only got what was needed. How about that, Santa. That ought to cancel two naughties for later in the week.
No, I'm not planning to be naughty,
just mousie does slip a little sometimes,
but overall she's pretty good, don'tcha think :mrgreen:
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Old 11-03-2009, 04:32 PM
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Awww Connie...your DH wants to be a comedian???? Tooo funny!

Mimisharon...leaves...they come and they go....we find our rakes look an awful lot like our lawn mower :roll: Those rake handles just will not fit my hands anymore!! So sorry about you having to host a we just (....cover your eyes my little mousie friend)...toss them outside for the cats. :wink:

Nice: Gave blood today

Naughty: Gave DH a fit when I passed out from giving blood today :roll:
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Old 11-03-2009, 04:34 PM
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I have been mighty quiet, for those of you who know me, you know it couldn't last :shock: :shock: And I want to know who my Secret Santa is!!!!!!! :evil: :evil:
Naughty : well I'm not telling, that would be too much information :oops: :oops: :D :D

Nice: Nothing yet, but the day's not over :roll: :roll:
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Old 11-03-2009, 05:03 PM
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Originally Posted by sandpat
Awww Connie...your DH wants to be a comedian???? Tooo funny!

Mimisharon...leaves...they come and they go....we find our rakes look an awful lot like our lawn mower :roll: Those rake handles just will not fit my hands anymore!! So sorry about you having to host a we just (....cover your eyes my little mousie friend)...toss them outside for the cats. :wink:

Nice: Gave blood today

Naughty: Gave DH a fit when I passed out from giving blood today :roll:
That was so nice of you to give blood. I am unable to however it is people like you that saved my daughters life. thank you from the bottom of my heart you did GOOD!!!!!
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