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Oklahoma Lightning 03-31-2010 09:41 AM

Nope didn't work
What if I forward the email with the photo in it?
Anyone that wants to help me, just jump right in. I need help BAD.

Oklahoma Lightning 03-31-2010 09:42 AM

1 Image | View Image | Download Selected

[View IMG00296.jpg]

sharon b 03-31-2010 09:42 AM

And remember you CAN NOT preview the message before posting a picture :thumbup: For some reason when you do that it dumps the pic :wink: :roll: LOL

dojo36 03-31-2010 09:44 AM

oklahoma lightning - all you do is scroll down to see "Browse", click on that word, then find where the picture is, double click on the picture and it will be in the little white area, you can type something in the bigger white area as to what it is, etc. DO NOT click Preview, just click on Send and then wait - it will automatically take you to it and show you the pic, that's it.

sewred 03-31-2010 01:13 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Thank you to my SQA I recieved a package today for Easter! My girls say thank you for the candy also! As you can see i ate the Reeses egg and my youngest already ate her jelly beans while my oldest was doing her homework!

trupeach1 03-31-2010 01:25 PM

Who is this from??????????? Today I received the cutest mini teapot set, No name no addy no nothing. I know I didn't order it so I guess it is from my SQA........thank you so much whoever it is from I collect teapots but I don't have any mini's this will be cute mixed in with my collection.

diannemc 03-31-2010 01:28 PM

I just want secret angel to know the Easter Bunny got lost on his way but he is coming soon! Hang on!!

Chrickett 03-31-2010 01:29 PM

Originally Posted by kwhite
Yes it is unfortunate that I have had to remove three MIAngels and am about to remove a fourth. On the brighter side I was able to "insert" four new Angels and I will insert two more when and if I have to remove the fourth. I hope I have most of the issues taken care of very soon. I look forward to spoiling my Angel for the rest of the year.

Me too I love to spoil mine, I just love her remarks .

sewred 03-31-2010 01:34 PM

1 Attachment(s)
My SQA sent me a package I got it today, the reese's egg is gone!lol My youngest ate her jelly beans while i took the picture! The girls say thank you for the candy that's so sweet of you! Thank you so much!

Grama Lehr 03-31-2010 01:35 PM

What lovely gifts!! Did I spy an Angel key ring on that package? How cute!! :-P Don't eat all of your jelly beans in one day! :mrgreen: :hunf:

Sugarpumpkin 03-31-2010 01:37 PM

mmmm jelly beans!

Great package! Fabric looks so beautiful!

sewred 03-31-2010 01:39 PM

Yes that was an angel keyring i just love angels!

Barbm 03-31-2010 02:02 PM

I need to send my angelee a gift. It will be late.

I have been super crazy- trying to chalk it up to the full moon. How's that for rationalize a car accident? First- my son is OK, however, we've had a bad few days. He was on his way home from school (college is 1/2 hr away) and was hit by a dump truck loaded with gravel that crossed into his lane. He was on a windy road with nowhere to go. His car is demolished- he was trapped for a while and then life flighted to area trauma unit. Hours later- they released him with cuts and bruises. I swear he had a copassenger with wings. I look at pics of the car and I cannot believe he basically walked away. The State Trooper called last night to talk to him and he told me they were doing accident reconstruction after they took him in the ambulance because they thought he would be severly injured or dead. They impounded the car- for the same reason- it is actually locked in a box at the salvage yard. Luckily, there is an eye witness who told them the truck went over the line and ran over the front end of his car- sending it backwards and onto the guardrail. Another six inches and he would have been crushed and killed. The impact sheared the right rear tire as it struck the guard rail.

I am a proud mother to know her son was obeying the speed limit, no cell use, and wore his seat belt. It was an older car and had no air bags, but it was as solid as a tank.

And now I know why I believe in God and angels. Anyway- we are now sharing my car and I am driving him to school. I am stranded here at work until someone picks me up later. :) So maybe tomorrow I can go to the post office. :)

sewjoyce 03-31-2010 02:05 PM

Oh Barb -- I'm so glad to hear that while your son had a devastating accident -- he walked away. How amazing!! And, yes, there are REAL angels who watch over us every day! :D

jnebug 03-31-2010 02:08 PM

I receivea a parcel form my Secret Angel but I'm saving it till Easter,just wanted to let her know it arived safely.Also I love the tin and this time no dent lol.Thankyou you are such a nice angel.

STAR 03-31-2010 02:11 PM

thank god! that swhy I like old cars! I am glad to hear he is ok

Andii 03-31-2010 02:44 PM

Thank God, he's allright, Barb...how scary.

jetnica 03-31-2010 02:47 PM

Originally Posted by Barbm
I need to send my angelee a gift. It will be late.

I have been super crazy- trying to chalk it up to the full moon. How's that for rationalize a car accident? First- my son is OK, however, we've had a bad few days. He was on his way home from school (college is 1/2 hr away) and was hit by a dump truck loaded with gravel that crossed into his lane. He was on a windy road with nowhere to go. His car is demolished- he was trapped for a while and then life flighted to area trauma unit. Hours later- they released him with cuts and bruises. I swear he had a copassenger with wings. I look at pics of the car and I cannot believe he basically walked away. The State Trooper called last night to talk to him and he told me they were doing accident reconstruction after they took him in the ambulance because they thought he would be severly injured or dead. They impounded the car- for the same reason- it is actually locked in a box at the salvage yard. Luckily, there is an eye witness who told them the truck went over the line and ran over the front end of his car- sending it backwards and onto the guardrail. Another six inches and he would have been crushed and killed. The impact sheared the right rear tire as it struck the guard rail.

I am a proud mother to know her son was obeying the speed limit, no cell use, and wore his seat belt. It was an older car and had no air bags, but it was as solid as a tank.

And now I know why I believe in God and angels. Anyway- we are now sharing my car and I am driving him to school. I am stranded here at work until someone picks me up later. :) So maybe tomorrow I can go to the post office. :)

I'm so glad to hear he is okay!! Make him take it easy for a while, just to give those muscles a chance to recover from the shock!!!

Chrickett 03-31-2010 04:26 PM

Bless your heart, I am so glad your son is going to be OK. I think some of the dump truck drivers and on dopeor just crazy. I amsure your anglee will understand your delima, and not be upset. God Bless you and your son. Peace and love

Originally Posted by Barbm
I need to send my angelee a gift. It will be late.

I have been super crazy- trying to chalk it up to the full moon. How's that for rationalize a car accident? First- my son is OK, however, we've had a bad few days. He was on his way home from school (college is 1/2 hr away) and was hit by a dump truck loaded with gravel that crossed into his lane. He was on a windy road with nowhere to go. His car is demolished- he was trapped for a while and then life flighted to area trauma unit. Hours later- they released him with cuts and bruises. I swear he had a copassenger with wings. I look at pics of the car and I cannot believe he basically walked away. The State Trooper called last night to talk to him and he told me they were doing accident reconstruction after they took him in the ambulance because they thought he would be severly injured or dead. They impounded the car- for the same reason- it is actually locked in a box at the salvage yard. Luckily, there is an eye witness who told them the truck went over the line and ran over the front end of his car- sending it backwards and onto the guardrail. Another six inches and he would have been crushed and killed. The impact sheared the right rear tire as it struck the guard rail.

I am a proud mother to know her son was obeying the speed limit, no cell use, and wore his seat belt. It was an older car and had no air bags, but it was as solid as a tank.

And now I know why I believe in God and angels. Anyway- we are now sharing my car and I am driving him to school. I am stranded here at work until someone picks me up later. :) So maybe tomorrow I can go to the post office. :)

mjsylvstr 03-31-2010 04:30 PM

OK, Angels..I know that you don't need any reminding but I did say that I would be here just before the first of each month...
..........just in case someone's calendar got misplaced.

Tomorrow is April 1st..also April Fool's day...so be careful!!!!!!

and remember a card is a nice way to say..."Hi Angelee, have a nice day".


sandpat 03-31-2010 04:45 PM

Wow Barb...sounds like your son was one lucky character!!! Just not his time, thank goodness!! I'm certainly sure your angelee will understand.

Happy April Fool's day everyone!!

sharon b 03-31-2010 04:47 PM

Barb So glad he is ok ! He definitely had an angel with him :thumbup:

KGoodhand 03-31-2010 05:02 PM

I am so happy to hear that he is okay Barb! How scary for you!?!?! He has an angel on his side for sure!!

sewnsewer2 03-31-2010 05:15 PM

OMG Barb, I am so glad your son is ok!! Yep, I truly believe in angels and there must have been one there with him.

mcdaniel023 03-31-2010 05:24 PM

Glad your son is ok. Hugs. I am sure you were scared out of your mind.

letsquilt 03-31-2010 06:13 PM

Oh my !!! Kwhite is letting me play also,my Angelee will be recieving her Easter Basket soon. It is on it's way

wvdek 03-31-2010 06:20 PM

barbm- He did have his angels working overtime. Hope he does not have any residual effects. For goodness sake, don't sign off on anything until he is definitely in the clear physically. Whiplash can be a sneaky bugger.

Leota 03-31-2010 06:30 PM

Originally Posted by Barbm
I need to send my angelee a gift. It will be late.

I have been super crazy- trying to chalk it up to the full moon. How's that for rationalize a car accident? First- my son is OK, however, we've had a bad few days. He was on his way home from school (college is 1/2 hr away) and was hit by a dump truck loaded with gravel that crossed into his lane. He was on a windy road with nowhere to go. His car is demolished- he was trapped for a while and then life flighted to area trauma unit. Hours later- they released him with cuts and bruises. I swear he had a copassenger with wings. I look at pics of the car and I cannot believe he basically walked away. The State Trooper called last night to talk to him and he told me they were doing accident reconstruction after they took him in the ambulance because they thought he would be severly injured or dead. They impounded the car- for the same reason- it is actually locked in a box at the salvage yard. Luckily, there is an eye witness who told them the truck went over the line and ran over the front end of his car- sending it backwards and onto the guardrail. Another six inches and he would have been crushed and killed. The impact sheared the right rear tire as it struck the guard rail.

I am a proud mother to know her son was obeying the speed limit, no cell use, and wore his seat belt. It was an older car and had no air bags, but it was as solid as a tank.

And now I know why I believe in God and angels. Anyway- we are now sharing my car and I am driving him to school. I am stranded here at work until someone picks me up later. :) So maybe tomorrow I can go to the post office. :)

Praise the Lord... our Great Protector. So glad to hear your son is ok.

lfw045 03-31-2010 07:16 PM

Your son is definitely being watched over, Barb! I am so glad he is all right..

Oklahoma Lightning 03-31-2010 07:45 PM

My daughter in law is going to help me with it tomorrow.
I am sorry I can't figure it out.

OdessaQuilts 03-31-2010 09:18 PM

Barb, good to know your son is okay. Lucky young man. I work for Attorneys who do primarily accident/injury representation. He needs to make sure he is completely fine. Have a head-to-toe check; some injuries will show up later.

KWhite, you're awesome. Thanks for making this fun for one and all. As for the private e-mail thingy, there are a lot of free e-mail carriers (yahoo, hotmail, etc.) that you can register for. And most carriers allow you to have more than one account/name. I assume that these clever Angels are setting up a separate account so they can "converse" with their Angelees. Very, very cool!

Oklahoma Lightning, don't worry ... once you get it, you'll be posting photos willy-nilly! It's like hand applique: there is a learning curve to it. Don't fret and all will be well.

To my Angelee: I've sent you a package, but I don't know if it will arrive before Easter. So if you don't have something from me before Easter, wait a day or two and it will get there. Promise.

Lovely gifties, ladies. You're all doing a spectacular job!


sewred 04-01-2010 03:42 AM

Barb it just goes to show that He has a plan for your son and you have raised a wonderful son! You must be an amazing mother!

Gramakitten 04-01-2010 04:52 AM

Well ladies Easter is almost here. My angel will get her package before I hope.

Had a wonderful time with my grand daughter. Went to the movies last night. Off to the lqs today for sit and sew. I hope my angel and angelee have a great holiday.

Thanks to KWhite, everyone should now have a good time with the ANGELS. Love to all of you.

Esqmommy 04-01-2010 06:25 AM

1 Attachment(s)
My angel is so sweet - I just got this little surprise in the mailbox yesterday - looks like I'm making a new bag!!!

thank you Angel, you are so, so good to me!!

Grama Lehr 04-01-2010 06:31 AM

Barbara, I'm so sorry to hear about your son's near miss. Please tell him to be cautions the next few days, sometimes those kind of injuries don't show up for awhile. I'm sure that your Angel will understand. :thumbup:

Grama Lehr 04-01-2010 06:45 AM

Originally Posted by letsquilt
Oh my !!! Kwhite is letting me play also,my Angelee will be recieving her Easter Basket soon. It is on it's way

What a beautiful quilt!! I love the colors!!
Welcome aboard, you will have a BLAST!! :mrgreen:

laparshall 04-01-2010 12:38 PM

Gee, I wasn't getting notices again for a few days. I don't understand why this keeps happening. Does anyone else have an explanation for it.

In the meantime there have been many nice gifts received. I am enjoying my Stained Glass Quilt sun catcher, it is just beautiful.

trupeach1 04-01-2010 12:40 PM

Originally Posted by laparshall
Gee, I wasn't getting notices again for a few days. I don't understand why this keeps happening. Does anyone else have an explanation for it.

In the meantime there are been many nice gifts received. I am enjoying my Stained Glass Quilt sun catcher, it is just beautiful.

I haven't received any notices for anything in about a week. I PMd Admin and was told it had something to do with me filing a spam complaint which I don't understand I never filed anything I don't know how.

laparshall 04-01-2010 12:43 PM

That happened to me before too, I had to change to a different e-mail account. But I continued getting my notices once I did. This happens every once in a while, where I stop getting notices for some threads but still get them for others. Then it occurs to me that I haven't seen anything from a thread in awhile, and then I go check it out. Once I add a post to it, I will start receiving them again. It is a little frustrating.

Nancy in Louisiana 04-01-2010 01:05 PM

Happens to me to. I've gotten into the habit if bookmarking all the sites I'm interested and review them periodically to make sure I'm up to date. If not, then I add a post and that gets me back on the notification for awhile.

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