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-   -   2013 UFO Challenge of the Month (https://www.quiltingboard.com/quiltingboard-challenges-contests-f21/2013-ufo-challenge-month-t209986.html)

wildyard 01-03-2013 11:55 AM

2013 UFO Challenge of the Month
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This is the brand new page for this year's continuation of our UFO Challenge. The rules are simple: We support and encourage one another in completing our accumulated UFOs.
All are welcome to hop on this UFO train; we reach out our hands to help you get on. The train will blow it's whistle for each new member and we ring the bell for all the finishes that happen!!
It doesn't matter how you count your UFO's; it's entirely up to you. No UFO Police allowed here!!!

Here is my first UFO of 2013; a Sponge Bob comfort quilt. My DGD helped me with this while she was here for the holidays. She is 9 and we had a great time![ATTACH=CONFIG]385592[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]385593[/ATTACH]

wildyard 01-03-2013 11:58 AM

Official Rules and Regulations for UFO Challenge of the Month 2013
The way it works: anyone can be a member and there are no penalties if you're busy one month. Try to finish one UFO each month. Once it's finished, post a picture and description here. We'll ooh and ahh. Try to finish another one next month.

This can also work if you need ideas for how to finish yours or encouragement. I want this to be an area where we can support each other in getting through our UFOs for 2013.

A few rules/guidelines for the challenge:

"Finished" means all the way done and ready to use. If you give it away or trade it away, it counts since you're finished with it!

SWAPPING is NOT part of this challenge. If members want to trade between themselves that's just fine. I mean only that it isn't a part of this and should be done separately between individuals.

And the way I differentiate a UFO with a WIP - a UFO is something that you put down awhile ago and don't feel a strong desire to pick up again since there are more exciting things to do. So pretty much any of those projects that you put into your closet and forgot about qualify.

So everyone's challenge/goal: 1 UFO completed by January 31, 2013. Good luck! Here's wishing all of us good luck and LOTS of energy and enthusiasm in 2013!

Short an Sweet 01-03-2013 03:00 PM

finally found my way back to the board, I lost my password, we moved across the state, so now I am ready to try to finish some UFO's

QuilterMomma 01-03-2013 03:32 PM

So if I read this right we are to ring the bell DING DING DING on your finish wildyard. Thanks for doing the thread. I was thinking the same thing, start one. I am wanting to finish a few more of those ufos I have left behind and I am wathching the stash buster and scrap threads as well. Fun to repor three times you finished something. LOL.

ladydeluxe 01-03-2013 04:13 PM

I have my share of UFOs, goal completing 1 a month. I can do it, I know I can do it, I'm going to do it.

Judith1005 01-03-2013 04:24 PM

I'm in again. I'm going to use QM as a GOOD example and start turning out some finishes. Congrats again QM for meeting that very large personal goal last year! Wildyard, Woot,Woot! Thanks for starting us off on the right foot. That is a seriously cheerful quilt. :thumb up:

sandi65 01-03-2013 04:41 PM

I have come back to the group. I want to join the UFO challenge. Please tell me what to do.. I am excited because I have so many unfinished projects.


carriem 01-03-2013 04:56 PM

wildyard--nice bright quilt. :)

I counted my UFOs. There are 13 that I have started sewing, plus 3 that are cut but haven't sewn anything yet. Then there is fabric w/patterns picked for a few more. My goal is to finish at least one quilt a month. Some are so close to being done that I *should* be able to finish 2 some months. I am trying really hard not to cut into something new until I have finished a couple of my UFOs.

QuilterMomma 01-03-2013 05:00 PM

Well sandi, you take an unfinished project, you look at it, fall in love with it again (this could be easy or hard) you sit down and take one seam at a time and you sew it together, then you get the pleasure of quilting it and putting on the binding so you can report to us how wonderful it is finished, then you get to love it, squeeze it, and snuggle under it. Does that sum it up? Then if you need encouragement along the way or advice, we are here to help. I am all for ya, you can do one this month, I just know you can. So, what project you going to grab, now just grab one, doesn't matter which, just do it. So, have ya yet?

Originally Posted by sandi65 (Post 5760152)
I have come back to the group. I want to join the UFO challenge. Please tell me what to do.. I am excited because I have so many unfinished projects.


QuilterMomma 01-03-2013 05:01 PM

Great goal girl. I am with ya on that one. So what are you working on first? Like I said, just grab one and go.

Originally Posted by ladydeluxe (Post 5760089)
I have my share of UFOs, goal completing 1 a month. I can do it, I know I can do it, I'm going to do it.

Quiltaddiction 01-03-2013 05:19 PM

This sounds just what I need I love starting a new project but the finishing is backing up. I have 6 quilts to finish 1 wall hanging and a couple of challenges from the board. I think that qualifies me :p Wildyard I love the colours in your quilt what a clever little girl your GD is to help.

Annaquilts 01-03-2013 06:30 PM

Well I am not the best in getting UFOs done but I sure have enough of them that need to be done. So here I am, ready for another year.

dublb 01-03-2013 07:01 PM

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Oh Wildyard, that's just sooooo cute!:thumbup:

I'm in! I sure hope that I can do more this year. I do have a couple o' baby quilts that are not UFO's but need ta be made. Preferably before the babies are born. One is due in Feb & the other is due in March. I also think I'll try ta do a Pony Club block every other week. I hope I can do more, but I do have other things ta git done too. The first UFO that I need ta do isn't my UFO. I got some QSYG SBS blocks that the late DM, o' a coworker, o' my DH, had done. I also have made a goal o' makin' 11 twin quilts for the residents that are at the Assisted Living Facility that DMIL used ta be at. She may be gone, but I had planned ta make these before she passed. They are a modified jellyroll race pattern. I use 5" x 22"strips. I've got 6 o' these tops made. I'm still workin' on my Quilt Story BOM. I only have half o' those blocks done & had hoped ta have it done by Mother's Day for my DM. Both o' my DSis's quilts need ta be quilted. I have several charity quilts that need ta be finished. I have a butterfly wallhangin' that I hope ta git done for DDIL's birthday on June 5. I also need ta work on my Cousin's stamp quilt. I've decided ta make it completely different than I had originally planed. Gotta git started on it. Do dreams count?? I dreamed about a lovely muslin & brick red Churn Dash, night before last. I can't git it outta my head.

I don't know if ya can call this a UFO or not. DD has been plannin' ta make a twin quilt for DGD but hasn't got it done. She bought fabric for it a long time ago. Well while we were in Brady DD & I talked about makin' sometin' for her while there. We bought fabric & DGD sat in my lap & sewed several o' the squares tagether & DGD planned how they should lay out. I never would have seen this layout. LOL It's all 10" squares.

DD plans on cross hatch quiltin' for it.

mimiknoxtaylor 01-04-2013 01:08 AM

I'm in again but hopefully can do better. My big thing this year is NOT to buy anymore fabric unless needed to complete a project.

druvarna 01-04-2013 03:45 AM

I think I can, I think I can!!!

mosher92 01-04-2013 04:13 AM

Okay folks I am in. I have started a New Years Resolution. I will finish two projects before starting a new one. I have so far done that. I would really be afraid to count my UFO's, I just know I have many of them. Many in different levels of completion. I like the idea of finishing one a month. That might be easier but then When do I get to start new one. Anyway I will be here to support those who are in the same boat I am. I do hope it is a big one cause I don't want us sinking. I am thinking a cruise ship would be good.

solstice3 01-04-2013 05:54 AM

I am finishing one that has turned out horrible. It is a QAYG but I was using up scraps that were not the same size and didn't take adequate care in keeping backing from slipping. Will finish it and pass it on to someone with a pet that needs a blankie! Lesson learned...slow down and pin more!

karenpatrick 01-04-2013 06:01 AM

I've already started for this year. I'm working on a D9P that I've been working on forever. I want this darn thing done and out of my hair. Wish me luck. I'm soooo tired of working on this thing. But if I stop, I'm afraid I'll never start again.

carriem 01-04-2013 06:09 AM

I am working on some blocks for a swap and then will be finishing my "Rosie" quilt...all the blocks are done and sashing is on, just need to assemble/quilt....I do mostly QAYG by the row. I might have a chance to sew this afternoon, but probably not until Monday.

KimmerB 01-04-2013 06:17 AM

I have a 1 UFO, that has been quilted and just needs binding that has been sitting for 4 years, 1 Jelly roll race that I sewed New Years Day and it needs borders and backing. 2 patterns with fabric that I have not started for table runners and a 4th of July wall hanging. Oops found my mom's box of maple leaves to organize and sew into a king size quilt. So I guess that I am in! I need to get them all done before I start another project. Maybe I should not have looked in that closet!

Debbie61 01-04-2013 06:28 AM

I have a few UFO's as well. I finish projects all the time, but I still get more started than I do finished. I have done a couple of BOM's and really need to get the blocks put together. I also have a picture wall hanging that I am working on. Then there are the quilts! Yes, I think this group will be good therapy for me. Thanks! Great job Wildyard!

MarieM 01-04-2013 07:30 AM

This sounds like a group I need to be involved in. I have several UFO's I need to get finished up. The only non-UFO is a baby quilt I need to make, so I will focus on getting those UFO's done.

Thanks for the encouragement.

wildyard 01-04-2013 07:32 AM

Welcome everyone!!! Boyyyy that train whistle is blowing...woooooooooowoooooooo!!!!!!
I think it's important not to let the UFOs take over your quilting life. Don't deprive yourself of a new beginning now and then, but don't let that new quilt become another UFO. That's why we set our goal at 1 a month.
I suggest reconsidering if you are telling yourself you must finish all your UFOs before starting anything new. We want this to still be fun, not a punishment. LOL

Minnesewta-sam 01-04-2013 07:44 AM

Thanks Wildyard for starting this and inspiring me to "just do it" finish some UFO's.

Foxflower 01-04-2013 11:40 AM

I've been organizing and keep coming across more UFOs! Yikes, I'm in too.

PokerDiva 01-04-2013 12:30 PM

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OK, I will join in. Here is my first UFO finish for the year. Project Linus quilt. Just finished it today.

QuilterMomma 01-04-2013 01:06 PM

Nice one girl! Ding ding ding ring ring

Pink Lady 01-04-2013 01:39 PM

Very nice PokerDiva like that pattern.I have so many ufo's that I would need to do three or four a month to get them done in a year. I am going to try to do two before I start one . Do kits that I have not open yet count as a ufo I hope not if they do I am sunk :p Plus my mother gave me to more for xmas and two new quilting books. Oh I need more time.

donna13350 01-04-2013 02:10 PM

I made a resolution this year that I will finish one UFO in between every new quilt that I want to do...my only mistake was starting with a new project! LOL...but I do plan to seriously give it a chance. I figure even the ones that I don't want to keep, I can donate, and it will make me feel so good to get them done and out of my sewing room!

Fraew 01-04-2013 03:36 PM

That's a cutie PokerDiva! :thumbup:

dublb 01-04-2013 03:57 PM

Oh PokerDiva I just love your pattern. Scrappy is becomin' a favorite o' mine. :)

Judith1005 01-04-2013 04:25 PM

Cute baby quilt. :thumbup: I love that it is unisex. Nice job PokerDiva.

PokerDiva 01-04-2013 04:49 PM

Thanks everybody. Love making these baby/kids quilts.

wildyard 01-04-2013 05:37 PM

As a general guideline, we don't count anything that you haven't started as a UFO, be it kit, fabric collection for a future quilt, or purchased pattern. Collecting the parts doesn't make it a UFO; starting it, then setting it aside for any amount of time to work on something else makes it a UFO. Check the rules post for the basic guidelines. Again, these are not cast in iron, and we don't allow UFO police, so you can count your UFO's any way you want. No one is going to challenge you on it. Smiles and hugsssss,

wildyard 01-04-2013 05:42 PM

My first UFO was given to me as a flimsy and I was only going to quickly finish it up. But on closer inspection, I saw that in one corner, the blocks were turned and out of pattern orientation. I decided to just rip out that one corner and fix it. While doing that, I noticed that the stitching was poorly done, with seam width ranging from 1/4" to 3/4" witihin the same 8" seam. Next thing I knew, I had a pile of 8" blocks in my lap and no top left at all. Now tho, the points match, the seams are 1/4" and I can give it away with a clear conscience.

ladydeluxe 01-04-2013 05:46 PM

PokerDiva your quilt is adorable.

YukonViv 01-04-2013 08:55 PM

I am this close to finishing my first UFO. I started a brand new project on January 2nd...and I got as far as I could before I ran out of fabric. Since I did so well, I pulled out a UFO to work on (it's sort of like a reward in the opposite direction...is that penance?). Not only did I get the piecing done, but I quilted it as well!!! I just need to add binding and I'm done. I'm stopping at the quilt shop tomorrow to sign up for Winter classes so will be picking some fabric from the clearance section to finish this quilt off.

I'm not sure if I can do a link but I posted about it in the pictures section:


asimplelife 01-05-2013 08:52 AM

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PokerDiva I adore your baby quilt. Love those soft colors with lots of white!

My 1st UFO finish of 2013 a quilt I'm donating to Quilts of Valor called "Patriotic Squares". The pattern is called Square Illusions from the book "Quick & Scrappy Quilts: McCall's Quick Quilts Favorites". I sent it to a long arm QOV volunteer this fall and she posted pictures of it on Sunday the 1st - perfect timing to get my UFO fix for the week! Most of the fabrics were from patriotic swaps (charms and 2.5" strips) except for the background fabric which I had in my stash. I pieced this in 2008.

asimplelife 01-05-2013 08:56 AM

UFO Humor!
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I got a good laugh from this the other day~

PolkaBabe 01-05-2013 09:32 AM

I have lots of UFO's, not all in the line of quilting, but I will work on this challange anyway. Two items that I have been working on in the past:
1. Finished my "Africia Quilt" on New Years Eve, (somewhere) New Years Day like 2 am. It is machine pieced & hand quilted. Has four animal prints & 8 animal skin prints. Want to take a picture of the finished project & post. I haven't posted on this new foram so I don't know where to go,
2. "Africian Safari" small wall hanging. It is a printed fabric, but I outline stitched by hand & half way done with the binding, that will be done tonight. Yeah!

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