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  • September 2012 Weight Loss Adventure with a prize!!!!

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    Old 09-04-2012, 04:36 AM
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    New sewing room. Sounds nice!! And just think of the fun you'll have getting it all set up. I know last year when we put in new hardwood floors I painted and cleaned the entire house. I actually lost weight because I was so active. And when I wasn't painting and fixing I was to tired to eat so I was sleeping!!
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    Old 09-04-2012, 05:40 AM
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    Irish....glad to hear the dog is doing better. Years ago we had to dogs that wouldn't go near their dog house after being stung by what we refer to as "grudge bees". Poor boys went out and decided to go to their box, where they promtly got stung, several times. They had lumps on their ears, muzzles and back. After that they wouldn't go near the box. Even after DH went out and killed the bees. I don't blame them. I'm allergic so I avoid bees at all cost.

    Want to thank everyone for all the "congratulations" and words of encouragement. This was my first diet month so I expected it to be a good one. I'm hoping to keep my numbers going, as I have a ways to go, and my first goal is 50#s by Dec. 31st. Also, DH will quit smoking when I hit 50#s, doesn't matter when, he promised to quit. So keep my on pace people - I want him to quit!!! Plus I want to get healthy!!

    I'm going to cut out bread. I think it's one of my biggest weaknesses. I've been trying to do lots of fruits and veggies. Garden season will soon come to an end and I'll miss my parents tomatoes!! DH says when the tree people come to thin our woods out he's going to have some trees removed up near the house so I can get better light and put in my own garden. My parents are right across the road, but they're both in their mid 80's and eventually I'll need to grow my own things. Need to get good at it while I have them to give me direction. I think my father is the tomato king!!!!

    Well, I've rambled enough. Back to work. Drink plenty of water!! Eat your fruits and veggies...and get your butt movin'!!
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    Old 09-04-2012, 07:32 AM
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    CHQ, if you can't cut out bread, limit yourself to whole grains and only for breakfast and lunch. No bread after 1:00. I feel better and am more likely to lose weight if I restrict my carbs to the AM. Thank you for reminding me now that I am trying to get back on track. 42 pounds in four months is a little ambitious. Don't set yourself up for failure. Your husband had better start cutting down - you are well on your way. My third daughter is extremely allergic. She went through the killed vaccine shots as a child, no luck, then was a rare failure on the live vaccine - I had drive 200 miles every Wed to get those. Lily is a 55 pound healthy dog, so she recovered quickly. She was a little confused when her eye was swollen shut and I didn't like the breathing difficulties. Brought back to many memories.

    My goal for the month is three pounds. I am going to write a big three somewhere on my calendar right now so I see it often. Yeah, I'm still using an old fashioned wall calendar - works for me.

    Meeting at church this afternoon. How can a group of Christian women disagree so much - sometimes not too nicely?? As the second child in a dysfunctional family, I am the peace maker, so these things really bother me.

    Grow a garden? The bunnies enjoyed my zucchini and other squash. The tomatoes and peppers are up by the dogs' area, so they are safe. I did find Liliana eating the cherry tomatoes, but one reprimand and now I have plenty.

    It rained overnight. Thank goodness. Eat clean and have a great day.
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    Old 09-04-2012, 11:02 AM
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    I didn't get done what all I wanted to get done over the weekend. I got the book 50 shades of Grey...and couldn't put it down. Read it in 2 days, now i need to get the other 2 books in the series.

    I am getting ready to get back to the t-shirt quilt. I have to finish the final 2 sides and then i get to start playing with they layout.
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    Old 09-04-2012, 12:06 PM
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    Taboo Tues. No Chocolate Candy!!!!!! Sorry
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    Old 09-04-2012, 02:40 PM
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    Cindy isn't 50 Shades of Gray a good book. I read all 3. I finished book one in a day. I was so bad I sat up until at least 2:00 AM finishing it. I read book 2 and 3 when I was in Hilton Head. One day at the pool I counted 5 other people reading them. We took a picture of Someone we met reading book one, my DD reading 2 and me reading 3. My DIL was just here from Japan. I sent them home with her. SHe had never heard of them. I guess I am corrupting Japan. She is going to pass them on to her friends when she finishes them.
    Pam no chocolate, are you trying to kill me! That is a good taboo for me as I am trying to cut way down. A week without chocolate would be good for me. I am also trying to cut way, way down on complex carbs. I love, love all carbs. I am trying to only eat them occasionally. Of course there were bagels at work 3 times last week and again today. Whoever brought them today was nice and cut them all up into little slices so I only had a really little piece at lunch.
    My personal trainer recommended I hit the gym 5 days a week. I have survived week one. So far it is going well. My abs are so weak. Worse than I thought.
    Good luck to everyone.
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    Old 09-04-2012, 06:40 PM
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    Hey everyone - hope your holiday was good. I haven't heard of 50 Shades of Gray, so will have to go to the library this week and see it they have it. Love to read different things. My cousin recommended Richard Paul Evans - the walking series. Loved them. Now he won't have one out until 2013. Hard to wait for the new books when you start a series.

    Just made a huge batch of salsa. The house smells so good I can't stand it. Used a couple recipes and just "taste tested" it. Well, this batch can make your eyes water. Somehow I really got the "hot" into this batch. Might have to mix the next batch with this one.

    Hubby is out of town this week, so eating should be "healthier". Although he now has decided that a huge salad with spinach leaves is okay.

    Take care - be good to you.
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    Old 09-04-2012, 07:37 PM
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    You haven't heard of 50 Shades of Gray? I haven't read it yet, but I've heard it discussed. That's all I'm going to say. I need to get a USB cord for my Nook so I can download it. The mother of my 11 year old tutoree borrowed his Kindle so she could read the book. I hope she cleared it off before she returned it. I certainly don't want him reading it to me.LOL I will tell her MIL to buy her a Kindle for her b'day.

    Di, a vegan/vegetarian diet isn't right for everyone. If you feel better and your bloodwork is good, then it's okay, but there is nothing wrong in eating meat unless it affects your sensibilities. I can't eat veal or lamb, but adult animal are pretty tasty. Everything in moderation. What are you working on these days?

    Okays, ladies, tell me to go FMQ the baby quilt. I hate following the lines, but it's too late to change the pattern in FMQ. The sooner I get it done, the sooner I can do something I like. The red/yellow and 4 patch quilt for the bazaar is going to be cute. It's another Bonnie Hunter pattern.

    Doctors- Grrr. My GD spent the day in the hospital having a potassium IV. I asked her if anyone told her to eat bananas, potatoes and take a potassium pill. No - do they think that she had so much fun she wants a repeat? She is extremely overweight and the doctor has trouble finding a heartbeat, so she is sent for an ultrasound every Dr visit even though the baby is kicking hard at the Dr's instruments. Ultrasounds, while sometimes necessary, are not without side effects. If the baby is kicking, his heart is beating. I'm not seeing her making another two months. Let's hope she doesn't deliver before her shower on the 16th. Her sister in Kansas City, MO is pregnant, too. Another quilt will be needed, but don't know the gender of this one yet.

    Have a good evening, everyone.
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    Old 09-05-2012, 05:34 AM
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    Irish....not setting myself up for failure, just needed to put a "face" on it. If I do it by Dec. 31st than that's AWESOME. If it takes me a little bit longer, I'm good with that too. I think hubby has started cutting back, I don't notice him going outside as much as he usually does.

    And to keep myself on track I wrote down some diet quotes in pretty colors on nice paper. Then I took my iPhone and took pictures of them. I change them around at my "open" screen so if I ever need a little "push" I just hit the button and instant inpiration and reminder. I have "Ask yourself these questions: Do I really need it? Do I really want it? Will it help me get to my goal? One "no", PUT IT DOWN". "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels". and a variety of others. I have my phone with me most all the time so it's easy to have a reminder with me for those "times".

    We live out in the country, in the woods. My dogs roam, well, 2 roam, one has to be put on a line because he would head straight for the road (not a bright one, but loveable). And they eat anything. I like to keep a bucket at the sink to put my scraps in. After making homemade sauce I had a bucket full of tomato tops. DH went to dump them in the woods for me and the dog followed. He couldn't get him to come back in because he was eating tomato tops. Now DH makes them stay inside so he can "hide" the stuff from them. It's like a game....LOL. My old dog doesn't bother with it, but the puppy does. Our older dog is 13 and has some issues. Not sure how much longer I'll have him, but I love him so!!! He's been my buddy for 12 1/2 yrs, since my Bummer died. I'd had him for 7 yrs. and he got hit by a car. I missed him so much I spent a lot of time at the humane society. DH found Ray Lewis through a friend that was going to have him put down as they couldn't afford to keep him. He scooped him up and brought him home to surprise me, and he's been my buddy ever since. He's a pure bred Chocolate Lab. Roscoe came when Ray was about 6. He's an English Lab, saved from an abusive family. He was about 6 months when I got him. Loveable but not very bright - guess it's because he's English :-). Our latest edition, Flacco, is a Black Lab. He's almost 2 now. He was 6 weeks when he came here. He's DH's boy, but he loves me (don't tell DH). His brother from a litter before lives on the farm next to us. The are buddies and play and swim together in the creek every day.

    Well, I've rambled enough. I have some things to take care of, a quilt to load on the longarm, and my Quilt group comes tonight at 6PM. Have an awesome day ladies!!!! Drink plenty of water, and eat healthy!!!!
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    Old 09-05-2012, 03:21 PM
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    I had a pedicure today. She ordered me to my sewing room tonite. I havent sewn in a couple of weeks. SHe said I was so stressed my feet were awful tight. She almost hurt her hands trying to loosen them up. I have been extremely stressed lately. SOme of it I can explain some I can't. I usually handle it better. I am working on getting rid of some of it.
    I have 3 dozen ears of corn to freeze and about 4 quart of raspberries to freeze. Then I am going to go hide in my sewing room for a couple of hours. Got to get rid of this stress! ( getting a new job would help)
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