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JanieW 10-19-2013 06:49 AM

Originally Posted by mirabelle (Post 6356215)
QuiltE I have never never never seen snow, would love to though. DH says we have lived in the tropics toooooo long to ever venture into snow country:D:D:D:D plus I would have to buy a winter wardrobe, don't even own any boots:D
I managed to get the charity quilt basted last night so I am off to the cave to quilt it today, just straight lines.

Hope everyone is feeling a little better today, if not be nice to yourself and rest and get well soon

We live in an area where we can expect snow that will stay until spring any day now and I do not own a pair of boots. I hate winter boots and never wear them, so you would be okay, mirabelle! :D

deranged_damsel 10-19-2013 07:09 AM

goodmorning ladies :D good to see everyone

Im at my sisters for a couple of days, the kids are having a blast with cousins :D
and I got SIX quilts spray basted yesterday :D my sister has a great kitchen floor!

WOW "Snow" is a four letter word that nobody is allowed to say May-Sept because if you SAY it.... it will show up!!!
Oct-April... it is inevitable!!!! and it CAN be used as a curse :D
"Frosting" Cute! is that why my youngest son thinks he can go out in the morning and LICK it of of things? LOL

Have a GOOD one Ladies!!!!

QuiltE 10-19-2013 10:49 AM

So does anyone else want to join the AnalAnnies with JanRN, JanieW et moi? :D:D:D

... I think it won;t be long til we have GGal along with us! :)
That was not the kind of souvenir you were to bring home from the UK!
Maybe time to start a hexie project, for when you don' have enough handsewing for your "southern" excursions?

QNSue ... Big stars to you for all you are still doing with your cataracts. My last months, I could NOT sew, see the computer monitor, read, etc. .... I truly was a functioning blind soul. So I am happy for you to be able to see and do so much right now. Two weeks now and it will be over.

MiraB ... Oh heck, tell your DH, you both should hop on a big bird and fly yourself to visit us during snow times!!! We'll all dress you up and let you frolic and play in it like a kid! :)

JanieW ... whaaaaaaaaat? no snow boots?

DDamsel ... yeaaaaaaa! for all those sandwiches! Getter watch out or DS will be eating them with his frosting! :)

QuiltingNinaSue 10-19-2013 12:41 PM

Janie, when we moved back North, I had to get snow boots and parka to survive the cold. Love it when it snows, but hate getting out into the fowl weather of winter. But I will smile, remembering when I was South and barely any winter, just *HOT* weather, fire ants and sand burrs. So funny our last Christmas there when it snowed for the first time in a hundred years there; all my themes for winter decor (for some 20 years) was "Let it Snow". It snowed like eight to 12 inches of fluffy, white snow that Christmas. And the furnace when off on Christmas eve. . . no repair men were working for two days and the rental company could care less whether we had heat or not.:mad::D

Memories. Store up new ones this weekend. Take pictures. Celebrate the day. May it be a good weekend for you.

Honchey 10-19-2013 06:48 PM

I hope you ladies are not referring to me as being Anal???!!!
I'm relaxing...having a Cosmo...sold 2 small machines today..will be reworking the center of my MB for this month...arggghhhh!!!
I love the snow when it is falling...don't mind going out in it...Don't like when it falls into the collar of my jacket...Can't wait to test my skills at controlling the sliding of the car in the fresh snow...have to get that under my belt for the season...anyone else feel that way??? our road doesn't have much traffic after the first heavy snowfall...
QNS..I measured the tablerunner at work today and will email them to you probably tomorrow...they are still in the car...I forgot who else wanted them???I also printed out the pp patterns for 2 of the mini's OK...I'm going to do the kaleidoscope very scrappy with pink corners in each block so that there is some color control.. I have the kids tomorrow afternoon...Hamburgers & tater-tots for Dunch!!! waffles with ice cream for dessert!!! Do the papers at 6p.m. then crash for the evening...

dublb 10-19-2013 08:37 PM

I've had a crazy day. First, 2 things broke yesterday. The electric fence & the dryer. Dh tried ta fix both & they were too far gone. Taday he & I went dryer shoppin'. The used ones were $200. The cheapest one at Sears was $400. Then we went ta Lowes. They had one at $300. We got that one. While we were there we also got a fence charger. (The blond dog was diggin' up my Indian Hawthorn again.)http://www.quiltinghaven.com/Smileys/default/sad.gif We brought those home & got 'em installed then were just chillin' & watchin' the Sackets mini series. (Yes I know it's an old one but we like it.) Then my DM & DGM stopped by. After they left #1DSon called & asked us ta meet his family at the park. That was fun. By the time we got home it was time for supper. In th'evenin' we watched a Shurlock Holmes movie. I hate this time o' year as I don't like horror shows & that's all that was on tanight. I'm glad that we have DVD's.http://www.quiltinghaven.com/Smileys/default/smiley.gif

janRN 10-20-2013 04:46 AM

Good morning! Just catching up, everyone is so busy. Hope yinz are all feeling better.

I picked up my Sweet 16 from LQS Friday, plugged it in and it runs!!!!! Threaded it and tried it out but got lots of birds nests. Only had a few minutes so didn't really get to play with it but I'm thrilled it runs. Of course, while at the LQS had to do some shopping--he has the best selection of batiks around and a few found their way home with me. Went to the LQS that gives the birthday discount (since I'm so old I got 32.5% off, not LOL). I was hoping she had some wide backing fabric in WOW for my (possible) DearJane. None available but I did get a few FQs. She specializes in Civil War & repros (not my first choice) but got some blenders.

Last night MrJanRn took us all out to dinner-my sister & her DH, my son & wife, 2 grandkids & my DGD's boyfriend. She's too young for a boyfriend; well, not really-she'll be 17 in December. My family is growing. Had such a great time; we don't get together often enough even tho we live within 20 miles of one another.

Hope to work on S16 today then back to work Monday. I have to somehow convince my boss that I just don't have time to work full time. Think he'll buy that??? Have a great day, enjoy what you do and I'll catch up soon.

mirabelle 10-20-2013 05:05 AM

Sounds like you had a wonderful day with family JanRN.

I will be MIA for a few days, well not really I have to unplug the computer tomorrow (shock horror I am having withdrawal symptoms already:D) and take it to the technician. It has been running reaaaallll sllloooooww and I am getting frustrated with it.

I made some more banana muffins yesterday and took half to DD's and her man and they were gone in a heartbeat:D. I also managed to finish the charity quilt that I brought home to quilt. Will post pics as soon as this computer is fixed.

Chat to you all soon, real soon:D

QuiltE 10-20-2013 05:10 AM

Honchey ... great sales day and prep for your Minis! :) If you are an AnalAnnie ... wear it with pride :) Now wonder the kids love coming to your place with menus like that! :)

QNSue ... couldn't help but smile at the irony of your last Texan Christmas WITH snow! :)

JanRN ... yea for the S16 return and phooey for the not-so-big birthday discountFART. So glad that you had a great time out with all your family. Now, make today all about YOU!!!!!!! and become best friends (again) with your S16!!!!!!

Got my Halloween wall hanging done yesterday ... then started a runner to complete the ensemble for the room! :) Today, hope to finish it.

QuiltE 10-20-2013 05:21 AM

MiraB ... sorry, missed your post! Always good news in unplugging though ......... it'll be all about quilting! (not that it isn't normally, for you!). "The way to a mans' ♥ is thru his stomach" ... just doing your part, right:)? Any Maple Banana Muffins yet? Enjoy your "retreat" ... we'll miss you! :D

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