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Leota 04-23-2010 08:48 AM

To my SQA....
Did you send me an April Squishy? I haven't received it yet and I didn't know if you had forgotten or if time were rough for you and you couldn't do it this month... no hard feelings.. I understand... I just don't want it floating around the country when it's suppose to be with me.

Gramakitten 04-23-2010 09:11 AM

It is in Evart Michigan on the muskegon river. Can;t wait to get there. Have to come home early for a Memorial service Sunday. I have my Singer 99 sitting right in front of the window so I can sew and watch the river float by. Are you near?

laparshall 04-23-2010 11:01 AM

In the midsouthen part of the state--Jackson. Where I94 and South 127 cross paths. We are so lucky here in MI with so many places to "get away from it all". Enjoy your time away.

Nancy in Louisiana 04-23-2010 12:24 PM

Been away for 10 days and came home to a great surprise -- my SQA sent me a quick note and three great patterns for small quilts (by Anne Slater), all with a "native American/tribal theme, which I absolutely love. Now I hear one of last month's fat quarters calling out to one of the patterns ... yep, there it goes again. Better go see what they've got goin'. Thanx so much!!!

mcdaniel023 04-23-2010 12:45 PM

My SQA sent a gift and great big challenge. I got Dunster's Diamond Log Cabin Star Pattern. It is a beautiful pattern. I had dreams of someday making it when I learned to paper piece. I even had the post bookmarked so I could order the pattern. This is what the note said:
Happy Spring
I know you want to learn paper piecng-but what about this for a challenge? See if you can make this!"
SQA thanks so much. I promise to give it a try once I am in my new house. Thanks too, to Dunster for mailing it out.
Isn't it awesome how our SQAs seem to know when we just need a little cheering up.

janedennis 04-23-2010 01:31 PM

Would love to see a picture of the native american tribal themed pattern as i am native american and am always looking for those kinds of things. Thanks

NorBanaquilts 04-23-2010 02:40 PM

Dunster's quilt pattern is an awesome gift, please post a pic when you're done. Those quilts are beautiful!

grammo013 04-23-2010 03:05 PM

I second that. I do my home in native american and I would like to see these patterns or at least the name so I can look them up. There aren't to many out there.

grammo013 04-23-2010 03:07 PM

I almost forgot. Thank you goes out to my SQA. got 4 fq's in the mail yesterday with a card.

The colors are v3ery pretty and springy looking.

(((HUGS))) Thank you so much for remembering me.

Nancy in Louisiana 04-23-2010 05:44 PM

Oops! My bad -- just read the finer print on the patterns and they are not native American, but Aboriginal designs from Australia. I'm sorry if I got y'all excited about Native American. I get so fascinated with the geometric designs, colors, patterns, and nature theme that I just get carried away. I would like to see some Native American designs sometime, too. I am always impressed with how any native culture deals with explaining nature in their legends and showing their respect in the symbolism seen in their handiwork.

mjsylvstr 04-23-2010 05:48 PM

Originally Posted by janedennis
Would love to see a picture of the native american tribal themed pattern as i am native american and am always looking for those kinds of things. Thanks

have you looked here?????



Oklahoma Lightning 04-23-2010 08:20 PM

My angel sent me another wonderful box of stuff. Let me try and up load the photo.

brushandthimble 04-24-2010 03:17 AM

My apologies to my Angelee, I have yet to get a package out this month. I have not forgotten you, I will get one out soon.

wvdek 04-24-2010 05:49 AM

mcdaniel- enjo your new pattern. I just showed DH the pisc of it and he said, "wow, looks 3-d. Very nice, Pretty" so guess I will have to save and get it.

Minnie 04-24-2010 08:57 AM

My SQA strikes again!!! What a treat to come home to a package with a sweet note inside and for for earth day, a reusuable grocery bag, that folds up to fit in your purse, AND!!! IT IS RED!!!!!!! and she is so cute....dropping little hints to her name...so much fun!!!!! You rock SQA!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much!!!!!!!!! Still no camera,,,really wish I had one...Thanks again....

grammo013 04-24-2010 09:46 AM

I have seen Diane's site and I ordered the Cherokee Star pattern. I need a couple more batiks and I will be able to start it. They are gorgeous.

Oklahoma Lightning 04-24-2010 10:12 AM

Which site has the Cherokee Star

grammo013 04-24-2010 12:34 PM

We are cherokee so want to make Dad and myself one.

mjsylvstr 04-24-2010 04:05 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Well, ladies, my Angel is really on the ball........I will be 53 years married next week and she remembers all the dates.

She sent the DVD, "50 First Dates" and it came at the exact time......we were going out to buy a movie to take with us when we go on a train trip..and in today's mail, I received this DVD........

And to make things even more of a "DATE" she sent along some popcorn......love it

Also got a really pretty gold colored FQ...perhaps for the 50 years !!!

Thanks Angel......I already sent you a note on our special internet hot-line.


my goodies received today

sandpat 04-24-2010 04:47 PM

What a great theme gift! And Congrats on your anniversary!

laparshall 04-24-2010 04:49 PM

Originally Posted by mjsylvstr
Well, ladies, my Angel is really on the ball........I will be 53 years married next week and she remembers all the dates.

She sent the DVD, "50 First Dates" and it came at the exact time......we were going out to buy a movie to take with us when we go on a train trip..and in today's mail, I received this DVD........

And to make things even more of a "DATE" she sent along some popcorn......love it

Also got a really pretty gold colored FQ...perhaps for the 50 years !!!

Thanks Angel......I already sent you a note on our special internet hot-line.


Congratulations on 53 years of marriage. That is a fun date night gift for your anniv. What a fun idea to have a special internet hot-line. I wonder if my angel and I could set up a "secret" internet hot-line? Love ya Angel!!!

Oklahoma Lightning 04-24-2010 05:14 PM

Originally Posted by grammo013
We are cherokee so want to make Dad and myself one.

I just spent sometime looking at these. All I can say is WOW

Oklahoma Lightning 04-24-2010 07:03 PM

2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Oklahoma Lightning
My angel sent me another wonderful box of stuff. Let me try and up load the photo.

I also am uploading a photo of Aurora my grand daughter.
The chicks she has trained to hop on her hand and then she puts them on her shoulder.

My SA is wonderful

Aurora with her babies

I have the best secret pal!

Leota 04-24-2010 07:13 PM

Congratulations! Happy 50th!

sewnsewer2 04-24-2010 09:34 PM

Originally Posted by mjsylvstr
Well, ladies, my Angel is really on the ball........I will be 53 years married next week and she remembers all the dates.

She sent the DVD, "50 First Dates" and it came at the exact time......we were going out to buy a movie to take with us when we go on a train trip..and in today's mail, I received this DVD........

And to make things even more of a "DATE" she sent along some popcorn......love it

Also got a really pretty gold colored FQ...perhaps for the 50 years !!!

Thanks Angel......I already sent you a note on our special internet hot-line.


How cool! I love that movie! Happy Anniversary!

wvdek 04-24-2010 11:28 PM

Happy anniversary! Wow 53 years! Congrats and continued best wishes.

brushandthimble 04-25-2010 04:14 AM

Happy Anniversary, enjoy movie and popcorn.:)

mjsylvstr 04-25-2010 04:35 AM

Thank you all...it's been a long trip and sure hope to get many more miles.

Wouldn't change it for anything.......thanks again........mj

laparshall 04-25-2010 05:13 AM

Originally Posted by Oklahoma Lightning

Originally Posted by Oklahoma Lightning
My angel sent me another wonderful box of stuff. Let me try and up load the photo.

I also am uploading a photo of Aurora my grand daughter.
The chicks she has trained to hop on her hand and then she puts them on her shoulder.

My SA is wonderful

Wow, what a great assortment of gifts you received. That should keep you quite busy for a long time. Aurora is adorable with those little chicks. How cute that she is training them. Special little girl.

sandpat 04-25-2010 05:32 AM

Wow you guys....these huge packages of stuff are making me feel a bit inadequate.....I can't get out to stores all that often and don't have all that here to send out to my anglee...so sorry honey...I am thinking about you, but a card will sometimes have to do... :roll: Sorrrryyyyy.....

KGoodhand 04-25-2010 05:45 AM

Sandpat - don't worry I am thinking the same thing! I would love to send my angel more but unfortunately that is not possible at the moment! Hopefully she is okay with a card and such and the knowledge that I am always thinking of her!!

Oklahoma Lightning 04-25-2010 07:00 AM

Originally Posted by laparshall

Originally Posted by Oklahoma Lightning

Originally Posted by Oklahoma Lightning
My angel sent me another wonderful box of stuff. Let me try and up load the photo.

I also am uploading a photo of Aurora my grand daughter.
The chicks she has trained to hop on her hand and then she puts them on her shoulder.

My SA is wonderful

Wow, what a great assortment of gifts you received. That should keep you quite busy for a long time. Aurora is adorable with those little chicks. How cute that she is training them. Special little girl.

Thanks Aurora is wonderful with any animal. Horses that are standoffish to grown ups, come right up to her. We have one that hard to catch that will race up to her put her head over the fence and put it on Aurora head. She will reach up and pet it and laugh.

GladGrams 04-25-2010 08:15 AM

Originally Posted by sandpat
Wow you guys....these huge packages of stuff are making me feel a bit inadequate.....I can't get out to stores all that often and don't have all that here to send out to my anglee...so sorry honey...I am thinking about you, but a card will sometimes have to do... :roll: Sorrrryyyyy.....

Sandpat - Please don't let things get to you. :( We all agreed in the beginning it is not the amount of $ spent or the size of the gift. It is the fact that someone cares about you.

There will always be people who do more than others and that is just the way it is.

Neither you nor I nor anyone signed on to be a SQA because we wanted to enter a competition. We want to do something nice. I would bet that many of our angels are living on sparse incomes and that their angelees are very thankful when one is remembered. I can't think of anyone who isn't thrilled to receive a card. :-)

Feel special today Sandpat because you are! You are also much loved and appreciated.

Hugs from Norway

jetnica 04-25-2010 08:26 AM

Well said GladGrams!!

mjsylvstr 04-25-2010 09:03 AM

What I try to do is pick up little things along the way. If I see something and have a little extra that I can manage without doing without something that is needed....I will get it.....
and then there are times , I would like to buy an item, but it wasn't in the cards that day........

so with these little things picked up here and there, I have something to send out when the time comes.........but believe me, as I mentioned before this,
those emails that my SQA and I exchange are even more welcoming ...

we have become friends and I even feel as though I have a couple new grandbabies....or maybe I should say greatgrand ones with my age......

We are anxiously awaiting December so that we can exchange pictures......well, I am waiting as SQA has already seem my troops.

So, ladies, it's not the size or how many the gifts but the friendships that we are winning through this QMB.

Have a wondeerful spring filled remaining weekend..........

dojo36 04-25-2010 09:17 AM

very well said ladies, i think this is just so much fun, my sqa has sent me several fat quarters, so i am making a quilt out of them as i receive them and going to make a simple quilt, and raffle it off to help a family that a neighbor dog mauled their toddler, it's so sad, the child lost an eye, he had brain surgery and doctors found a dog's tooth embedded in his brain. it's just so very sad. i'll try to find the article in our local newspaper and post the link here. if i can do it.

Oklahoma Lightning 04-25-2010 09:18 AM

I agree, I am not good at getting things in the mail but I been picking things up and putting them in a box. When my SA gets it she know I think of her often. Money often a issue you but I try a find things I think she like.

b.zang 04-25-2010 10:20 AM

1 Attachment(s)
It really is a nice feeling to know that there is someone out there thinking about you!
And, it's even nicer to have a tangible reminder as well, such as the lovely package I received from my SQA. Thank you so much!

I even went back to see if I had listed these magazines as the ones I read the most often, but didn't so somehow the magic moved and my SQA found exactly the right things. Plus - special paper for paper piecing! I've been searching for this kind of thing. And...my very first pair of quilting gloves (I've been using garden gloves). Ooh, so special I do feel.

This picture is a bit dark since I was trying to eliminate glare by taking it without a flash.

STAR 04-25-2010 10:37 AM

great magazines!

SulaBug 04-25-2010 11:44 AM

Originally Posted by magnolia
I received a giant box from my Angel today. Thank you so much. She sent all kinds of fabrics, thread, a couple books, a plastic holder for little things or glasses (I just got a new pair), a pattern, and more items. There are too many to name. I also love the cat and kitten fabric. I think I might make these into little pillows for my nieces for Christmas or their Birthdays. She also asked if I could post some of my favorite colors. My favorite colors are green, blue, and pink. I am happy with anything though. Thank you again for such a great gift. And thank you for the birthday wishes!

I just LOVE everything you received from your S.Q.A. in the mail!! You are one lucky girl, getting such nice things. We are all so lucky with the generous things that have been sent to each of us!! I LOVE my S.Q.A. to piece's!!
:D :D :D :D

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