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  • September 2012 Weight Loss Adventure with a prize!!!!

  • September 2012 Weight Loss Adventure with a prize!!!!

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    Old 09-08-2012, 07:51 PM
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    boy, this is a nice friendly place. and soooooo upbeat. I like that. went to a backyard BBQ today, and had my plate Full and then realized, "Crap some of this stuff is not diet friendly'. But,,,,, i ate it anyway.
    Irish..you live in michigan also. remember you from the wt loss group a yr or so ago. nice to see you here.
    started trying to just move more, and walking around the yard some. sent the grandson off to pre school and day care, so will be able to sew , etc a little more. life is good.

    think i will look up '50 shades of gray' at the library. instead of just getting on the internet and buying it. want to start limiting my impulse buys.

    Last edited by sewNso; 09-08-2012 at 07:53 PM.
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    Old 09-08-2012, 08:36 PM
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    [QUOTE=lauriejo;5500428]Well I was good today, kinda, sorta lol.

    Had to smile at this. That's the story of my life. I was good for most of today, but I am a night time snacker. Tonight nothing tastes just right so I keep trying something else.

    I know what a lot of my problem is, but not how to fix. Due to some new health issues, I have been able to do very little housework, nor have I wanted to. The clutter is getting out of hand. It's such a overwhelming task to do, I don't even start on the days I could. That is such a downer mentally. You feel bad because of the mess, then feel worse when you don't do anything about it. I've thought about getting a housekeeper for a while, but a) it's not in the budget and b) she couldn't do any decluttering - only I can. I guess I need to just start rehoming things. Not thinking "I might need it someday." Pitch the old magazines without going through them - that's a toughy - I love to read almost anything. Rehome most apparel fabrics. I have more clothes than I'll ever wear and now I prefer quilting. I did give away most of my 'school' clothes. And then there's the coats - How many coats does one person need? Anyone want to volunteer to be my 'mother' - though none of you are old enough? I think I'm the senior here. My two oldest daughters would love to take care of my problem, but I do want to keep a few things so that won't work, besides neither one has time. Okay, enough of that.

    Congratulations, Laurie, on leaving the LQS without purchasing anything. I'm doing much better. I have walked out several times or bought just what I went for. I don't need anything for 'someday'. Someday is now! I did pick up a packaged batt at JoAnn's Thursday when I took my ex to Traverse City so now I have enough for a while. It's hard to not use the 40% off coupon when it's a 100 mile RT to go there. Trouble is, I'll be going back in a few weeks when I see the surgeon about my back. That is so scary and what does it mean for Lily and Moira? I can't board them for a few months at $24 to $30 a day and I doubt that I will be able to care for them. I won't be able to rehome 7 and 5 year strays. I need a temporary foster home if there is such a thing around here. When I know what's going on I'll call the no kill rescue in the next county and see if all their fosters are full.

    My dinner was very good. Rice and black beans with some low sodium taco seasoning. A little cheese and light sour cream and it was very good. Oh, and the never ending tomatoes from the garden. Actually it's in the 40s again tonight so who knows how long I'll have tomatoes.

    Gail, I wish we had a dog park. If I state or city has a leashed dog law, then they should provide somewhere well behaved dogs can run free. I saw a nice one, though small, in Manistee this summer. 100 mile RT to visit a dog park? Hmmm. What kind of dog is Jasper?

    No FMQ today, but it's crunch time now. The shower is next Sunday and I have somewhere I need to be almost every day this week , plus I need to cook on Saturday, so I'd better get busy outlining those circles. My youngest daughter called today - wanted to know when I wanted her chicken salad. "UH, Laura, the shower is next Sunday, not the day after tomorrow." Her boys will be eating chicken salad this week and she can start over. Yes, she's blonde, but don't tell her I said that. She hates blonde jokes with a passion.

    Time to tell y'all good night. Thank you for listening. Our lives do impact our weight so feel free to share any thoughts you wish.

    I AM losing weight and getting healthier.

    Last edited by irishrose; 09-08-2012 at 08:41 PM.
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    Old 09-08-2012, 10:55 PM
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    HI all. Never got to the dog gathering today. DH had a sinus headache so we stayed home. It turned out to be a good thing because the sky opened up this afternoon with a cloud burst that lasted 20 min and dumped more than an inch of rain. The most we've seen here in a very long time. We don't have a dog park here this is a once a year thing for us dog lovers.
    Everything else has been good. Dinner was good and I stayed away from most carbs and sweets.
    Irish, Jasper is a Sheltie who is a little big for one. But a real lover. Loves food, loves people, loves walks, loves to bark at most anything , loves other dogs and loves to chase cats only because they run.
    I think we would have a run for which one of us is the senior here. Our daughter turned 50 today and I was 19 when she came along.
    I wish I lived close to you I would love to come walk your babies and spoil them. But the high desert of so. cal. is just a mite bit too far to travel each day. I do hope that the doc has an alternate plan for your back problem. The idea of surgery is something that could be in my future if I don't behave.
    It's late so I'm off to bed. I'll try to stop by tomorrow.
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    Old 09-09-2012, 07:29 AM
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    Good Morning Ladies.......or afternoon or evening..........whatever time you may be reading. LOL

    I haven't gotten on the computer in 2 days, and that is very rare for me. The 50 Shades series has been very interesting erotic reading. I have had a hard time putting the books down. I have finished the first 2 books and started the 3rd one at 1 am, right after I finished the second one. WOW they are written very well and tastefully.

    I really need to get my head out of the books and work on the T-shirt quilts since I am being paid to do them. I have the first one in progress and it is coming along. The others I haven't even started on the prep work on them.

    Remember to send your FQ's in, so far I have received one package from Vanogay (sorry if I spelled wrong).

    Eat wisely, drink your water and remember you are in control of what you put in your mouth and why.

    Have a blessed day.
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    Old 09-09-2012, 08:09 AM
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    Hello Ladies!!!! It's cool here today!!!!! I'm at work and spent the morning sweeping and scrubbing the floors, washing and decorating our service windows for Fall, and generally cleaning up after the slobs that walk in and out our doors every day. Soooo wishing I was outside in the beautiful weather!!

    Cindy, I'll be sending my FQs (again) on Monday - I'm not sure what's up with the post office lately. I sent them once, they came back. I ordered something to be sent to my house, and the same to my mothers. Mom got hers 4 days ago, but when I checked tracking, mine had returned to MO where it was shipped from, only to be sent out again. And, to top it off, my GF who lives down the road from us delivered my mail to me the other day. She got mine, but doesn't know where hers is. Anyone else having mail problems? Might have to go pay a visit to the post office (which I hate doing). So, I'll be sending mine off tomorrow (again). Hope they make the full trip this time.

    Off tomorrow and Tuesday (I work shifts). Hoping to get my new leader system inplace on my LA and start working on my Geese in the Fields quilt. Need to get it finished to take to retreat in Oct. The lady who taught that class last year at MAQ is hosting this retreat and I'd like to show it to her. I think I've finally figured out exactly how I'm going to quilt it - that's always the hardest part for me, a quilt really has to "speak" to me before I figure out how to quilt it. This ones been talking and changing its mind for a couple months now...LOL.

    Well, back to work <sigh> Would rather be outside, or quilting. Have an AWESOME day ladies!!!!
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    Old 09-09-2012, 11:25 AM
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    Here's our September list:
    Pink Lady
    Cornelia Ann
    Pam 304
    Pam H
    Jim's Gem
    Everose - reading and posting (you change your mind if you want)

    This can be revised if I made any mistakes. At any rate, there are about 4 yards of fabric for the winner. Cindy, my Sept and Oct, plus a dollar to help with the next postage are on the front seat of my car. They will go out tomorrow or Tuesday morning.

    Gail, add a couple.

    I am major depressed. I finally remembered to weigh myself this morning and my weight has jumped way up. Is that a side effect of of antibiotics? I wouldn't think so. I haven't weighed this much in two years. Oh, well, there's nowhere to go but down. I guess it's back to myfitnesspal.com so I can track what I'm eating easily.

    CountryHQ, what if the quilt says doesn't agree with you. My baby quilt said circles with lots of open space so the poly batting can look puffy. It's turned out to be not my idea of fun, but that's where I'm headed right now. I'll check in later.

    Eat clean, drink your water and move your body. Anyone who can't go out walking, check your PBS for "Sit and Be Fit'. Nice program. I'm checking out Curves tomorrow - it's free this month. I may not be able to do enough to make it worth my while to go, but there's only one way to find out. The senior center has exercises I haven't tried, too. I think the Y is free or low cost with a doctor's order. I need to find something.

    I wish you all a stress free day.
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    Old 09-09-2012, 01:48 PM
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    Ok Irish, you got me. The stress your under is most likely the reason for any gain, myfitnesspal is a great site.
    just read in the Sunday paper that our town down the road (6-7mi) now has a dog park with two areas for the dogs. one for the large fellas and one for the smaller guys. I'll have to check it out.
    Did my walk this morning only 1.5mi because of the heat (we got a late start) .
    Going to do a little quilting until time to start dinner.
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    Old 09-09-2012, 02:56 PM
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    Cindy, I found my FQ from last month upstairs this morning. I apparently forgot to send it out. I will send it to the winner. I will be sending my FQ for the next few months in a couple of days. Eating has been OK not too good or bad. I should be maintaining. I didn't get to the gym too much this week as I got another Uflexa shot in my knee.I needed to ice it Thursday and Friday. My gym bag is already in the car for tomorrow. I am hoping to avoid a knee replacement. I need to lose weight. The shots do work well so far. This is my second round of shots. My knee feels better when I hit the gym.
    I have banished myself from all LQS for a while. I haven't been in one all summer except to teach a couple of classes. No fabric for me. There is way way too much in my stash. There is a quilt show at the end of the month I am going to with my sisters. I am leaving my credit cards at home and only taking a little cash. I want to make a lunch box for myself. I think I am going to use the Bow Tucks pattern and add insulation and a zipper. I have made 4 quilts totally from my stash. I have a baby quilt to finish. It is called Hooterville (owls). I modified the owls to make them all different. It just needs to be layered and quilted. I can never decide on a quilting design.
    Healthy eating to all.
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    Old 09-09-2012, 07:15 PM
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    Well I did get some walking done today, but I am still not drinking water like I should. Why is that so difficult for me??? It really shouldn't be. I forgot to weigh in this morning, oh well tomorrow is another day.
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    Old 09-10-2012, 06:40 AM
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    Just jumping on real quick. Already cleaned the master bath (ick), load of laundry done and on the line, kitchen cleaned, Fantasy Football stuff done (yes, I'm a football nut), dishes soaking. Going to mom & dad's tonight for crabs. Trying to limit my food intake today so I can chow on some great MD steamed crabs and then it's FOOTBALL. Going to work on my hand sewing hexi's while watching football. But this afternoon I'm heading to the basement to do a little quilting.

    I'm gone ladies, catch up with you tomorrow. Going to take a long walk out to the mailbox to mail my 1/4's off. I'll through a couple bucks in to help with postage as well. Take care all, drink lots of water!!!! And get moving....
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