Cat lover or not....

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Old 02-02-2011, 11:26 AM
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This man is being very unreasonable. See what you can do to get him to take his sign down and camera. Call the Police and the City. You should not have to live like you did something wrong.

I have a cat that never ever goes outside. I love him too much to have something happen to him. I have only had Dukie for 1 year. Never had cats before, only dogs.

I have had strays use my yard for a litter box. My family and friends have had the same and it always under the living room windows. Why??? I have used moth balls, but they stink up the front porch. I changed 2 years ago to Cayenne Pepper, I have to put it on several times a year. No more cats using my front yard for their litter box. Good Luck!!! HUGS to you.
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Old 02-02-2011, 11:48 AM
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I truly feel for you, I'm sure you didn't "purposly" trap your neighbors cat, rather one that was using your yard as a litter box. Unfortunately, as long as cat owners allow their cats to go outside, there is a chance that bad things will happen to them. I'm a volunteer with a rescue group and a foster mom and I can't tell you the number of times I have taken in a kitty that has obviously had a loving home. Thankfully we are a no-kill shelter so all the ones I have fostered are now in their forever homes, but none ever found their way back to their original home. Like some of the others who have responded, I would contact your local police department and make a report of harassment. Best of luck.
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Old 02-02-2011, 11:59 AM
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Originally Posted by Ritacarl
Put the signs away and take out the gun!! Cat lover or not, get rid of the strays!!
This is NOT the solution! At least with trapping and then taking the animal to a shelter, hopefully a no-kill one, they at least have a chance of finding a family who will love andtake care of them responsibly. We require all the kitties we adopt out to be inside cats only. Shooting them is absolutely inhumane. This reply moved me to tears.

Shelter volunteer and foster mom
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Old 02-02-2011, 12:09 PM
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Thanks, luv...I did not know who the owners were..that dog must have lived at least a half a mile away as I heard the howls as they diminished in the distance ...
The hot sauce didn't do any damage to the dog but it was convinced that my garbage was mighty unpleasant, and never bothered it again.
It must have eaten a ton of chicken bones it got through the holes it bit in my tough paper garbage bags over time.
I asked an animal scientist...
He said birds and rabbits and mice are natural diet for the dogs ancestors..they are full of bones..He said look at the teeth in a dogs head and said that dogs are not stupid, and they can crush bones much better than we can. J
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Old 02-02-2011, 12:19 PM
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LOL, my dogs (and cats) will steal chicken bones any chance they can get! Off the counter, off of a plate, from the bottom of the garbage... They like meat, any form or fashion!
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Old 02-02-2011, 12:26 PM
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Thanks again Melinda!
I appreciate you defending me!
By the way I look like your avitar too!
I'm 81, and now live in a little town called Port Lavaca TX. Jeannie
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Old 02-02-2011, 02:33 PM
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Jeannie, I'm sorry if you thought my reply was directed to you. It wasn't. Stray animals getting into our garbage is a real problem and you have a right to try to stop it. After having one of our dogs die by having a chicken bone puncture his throat, I'm not sure I would feed anything chicken bones but it, the dog, was obviously used to eating them. Chicken bones tend to splinter very easily as compared to many other bones so they, and most fowl, are not recommended to be fed to dogs. Cats will eat differently than a dog will so they don't have as much of a problem with fowl bones. You solved your problem to the best of your ability. My response was to the person who said to take out a gun and just shoot the strays (cats). I don't believe shooting an animal is ever a good or humane solution.

Our first kitten resisted every effort we made to get him to stop chewing on the furniture. We were at the end of our rope so we finally tried hot sauce on the wood. It wasn't the really, really hot stuff but only what I could tolerate which really isn't very hot. Apparently however, it was enough to make him stop. He sure had a mind of his own though.

Hopefully Wonderwoman can come to some sort of peaceful solution with her neighbor. I wish her the best.
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Old 02-02-2011, 03:58 PM
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about bones - I understand that it is cooked bones that cause the problem - something dogs and cats do not encounter in the wild.
I read this on another forum where a lady was having a problem with neighbor walking his dog to do doo-doo on lady's lawn. Apparently if you get some bacon fat (liquid) and pour it over the doo-doo, the dog will eat it and then later (hopefully in his own home) throw it up.
And please don't say this is cruel, you KNOW dogs eat stuff like this all the time... ;)
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Old 02-02-2011, 05:02 PM
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Look, I am an animal lover too.
I am sorry you lost a pet.
Actually, I wanted the dog to stop eating my garbage both because I hated cleaning up the mess and I was worried about it eating too many bones. I confess I baited the aluminum pan with chicken skin and bones...but the bones were wingtips only. I made it tasty with lots of gravy, meat scraps and things like that to see if the dog would eat that,and go on its way and it did, leaving the bag alone. But that wasn't practical. So I sprinkled some extra firey hot sauce on my scraps, and because it didn't taste it in time, it went howling home in misery.
The next day when it came to my neighborhood it passed my house, not even looking into my carport. Because my
neighbors were still suffering from holes bitten in their garbage bags by the same dog, i gave them the rest of the hot sauce...
I knew the person who owned the other dog, who denied its guilt. So, one day I wrote a note that said: " I am tired of your dog getting in my garbage bag - so next time it happens, I will put him in it!" petted the dog, and slipped the note into his collar. No more problem, BUT sometime later, I was at a party...and she was telling some of the people there about "this really mean and evil person who lived in the neighborhood who want's to kill my dog" I interupted her to say " but you are talking about me - I was the one who wrote the note, because I was tired of your dog breaking into my garbage bag." She said: " but you love dogs!" "...and you aren't mean either."
I said I only wanted you to know about the mischief it was getting into, and wanted you to keep it in your fenced yard.
And everybody laughed! J
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Old 02-02-2011, 08:29 PM
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Guess this will teach me to keep my thoughts to myself! I will take responsibility for what I say and who I say it too but once again, I never said anything was cruel, mean or anything else about putting the hot sauce on the garbage or that you weren't an animal lover. You did what you had to do to keep the dog out of the garbage, that's great. I'm glad it worked. And dogs will do what dogs do, including eating their own poop. What I DID say was that it was cruel to suggest getting out a gun to shoot an animal and I referenced the comment to which I was refering my comment to. Done. No more. I'm out of here.
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