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  • What's the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you?

  • What's the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you?

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    Old 07-19-2010, 08:46 PM
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    We hear all too often about all the horror and tragedy in the world, so I thought it would be nice to have a thread where each of us can share something a little different. What's the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you? Does something immediately come to mind? Was it something small and simple, yet it meant so much? Or something on a larger scale? I'd like to hear your stories if you'd like to share them with us. We could all have our spirits lifted by them. :)

    My own story goes back to when I was 7 years old. I was actually a very quiet, demure child. I had two best friends at the time, Laura and Lisa, who decided they would be my "co-girlfriends" (Hey, we were 7, we didn't know how the whole boyfriend-girlfriend thing worked). Anyway, one day during lunch I didn't want to eat my mashed potatoes and English peas, so I just played with them and mixed them all together. My teacher saw this and gave me the "People are starving in China..." lecture and told me that I was not going out to recess until I ate every bit of it. As the other kids got up to go put away their trays, I was sobbing because I really did not want to eat it. Laura and Lisa came and sat on either side of me and said "Don't cry, Eddie, we'll eat it for you." And they did. Later in life, a good friend of mine told me that when God sees us hurting, He sends us people. I firmly believe that. :)

    Would you like to share?
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    Old 07-19-2010, 08:57 PM
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    Eddie, you're a regular gem! :D

    I needed your story today. I'll be back with one from me.
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    Old 07-19-2010, 09:01 PM
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    Just telling a friend today about my "special moment" when someone did something special for me! AND my family!

    Many years ago, my children were 6 months and 2 1/2 yrs old. My husband had congenital heart problems....and ended up in the University hospital 1 1/2 hrs away----for 2 months, getting IVs around the clock. It was hard...I had no family close by to help. We also weren't getting any pay because his sick leave had run out. Had problems getting info so I could get food stamps, etc. One day our minister called. Asked to come over. The church had taken up donations....had box after box after box of food!! And an envelope full of cash! I'll never remember if I EVER thanked them enough. They saved our lives...seriously. I'll never forget those wonderful people and what they did!
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    Old 07-19-2010, 09:02 PM
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    When I boarded with an elderly lady I was homesick and couldn't afford the plane ticket home. She knew this and letting me keep my pride, and save more, she lowered my rent without me asking. I didn't pick up on it at the time but later I figured out why she had done that. She passed away soon after I moved out and I have always passed her kind act forward.
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    Old 07-19-2010, 09:07 PM
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    Oh Eddie, what a wonderful thread!
    I got broadsided several years ago. I was unhurt but shaken up of course. A couple of days later one of my sons sent me a package of goodies. Inside the box was a copy of his favorite book from childhood "Goodnight Moon". He inscribed it telling me how much that book soothed him when he was little and hoped it did the same for me..
    I cried and cried and put it on my nightstand, where it stays.( and still gets read)
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    Old 07-19-2010, 09:09 PM
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    Well there are so many things I could write here...but I will go with a watered down version of my life path:

    I was the oldest child in my family and I was not "wanted" so to say ( I was reminded about how I ruined her life..regularly) and men came in and out of our lives regularly ( abusing us)..the one that stayed the longest was a drug dealer..so people were literally in and out of our house regularly.
    Fast forward.........About fifth grade I met my BFF.....We are still friends to this day but I had moved from the state i lived in my 8th grade year and we would visit eachother...but for the three years before I moved her family opened their heart to me fully...they took me to church with them...they would let me be a part of the scripture readings at night after dinner...the kids in her family would complain about it..but I was engrossed I loved it! I would look forward to that every week.
    I also moved frequently and every weekend her parents would drive any where from 30 minutes to 45 minutes each way to pick me up and drop me off because they knew I NEEDED out of the situation and I wanted to be such a part of their family I appreciated every minute with them and we are all still in contact...After I had my children I actually wrote them a letter telling them how much they impacted my life and because of that I will lead my children up in a Godly life..so they didn't do any of that work in vein.......I am forever grateful to God for placing them in my life. They would pay for church camp in summer....they bought me my first bible...endless......I can't even express how much my life was impacted.
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    Old 07-19-2010, 10:34 PM
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    We had a childless elderly couple who lived next door as we were growing up. Their door was always open to us, they showered us with so much love and affection, as if we were their own :D:D:D

    If we weren't crazy about what mom was fixing for dinner? We could eat there LOL Power out on a school day? One of them would come over to invite us for pancakes cooked on their old cast iron cookstove.
    On the rare occasion Mom couldn't be home when we got off of the school bus? She was at the end of her driveway, no matter what the weather was like, waiting to bring us to her home.
    As older kids, if anything happened and parents were gone? Their's was the go to home...
    There wasn't anything they wouldn't have done for us... including discipline, when not if, we needed it LOL

    He ate sooo many boxes of a cold cereal one year that he wasn't really that fond of, just because he knew my brother's and I were saving the box tops for prizes LOL

    They taught us so many things, I could sit for hours as a child and an adult, at the kitchen table with them... They were both so full of love, wisdom and kindness.

    He would let us go into his green house full of orchids. Patiently answering all of our questions, over and over and over again, about everything under the sun :D:D:D

    When my Dad passed, I was 19 and I had all of the responsiblility on my shoulders. It was the two of them who helped me through it, as my Mom was a wreck after Dad's 3 year battle. I will never forget that. Without them? I wouldn't have had the strength to be there for my younger brothers and Mom.

    As hard as we all tried, I don't think any of us could ever express to them just how much they were loved and appreciated. How much their kindness impacted all of our lives. How much our parents all appreciated all they did for us. How I couldn't imagine my childhood without them in my life :D:D:D
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    Old 07-19-2010, 10:40 PM
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    I will be forever grateful to the selfless woman in the Phillipines who allowed me to adopt her son. Her greatest wish was that he could be an American.

    She was so scared and so worried and so hopeful that I would take him and love him and provide for him.

    Today he is an American citizen, employed, and a senior in college. I believe that she died when Mt Pinatubo erupted, we never heard from her again, but I hope that somehow she knows what a wonderful young man he is and how much I love her for what she did for me.
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    Old 07-19-2010, 11:08 PM
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    Yesterday I was getting completely overwhelmed by a move we have to make by Friday. In the evening my daughter brought in two of her friends (two 6'3" brothers)who made light work of moving much of our furniture.
    Their kindness willingness and sense of humour certainly took some of the stress away. Thx guys.
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    Old 07-20-2010, 12:33 AM
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    Unexpectedly about seven years ago one of my young nieces called me and asked me if I could take her 4 children. Her and her husband were separated and he didn't want them and she didn't have room for them in her one bedroom apartment. They were 3,4,6 and 7. I told her yes and that I would be there within 30 minutes. When I picked them up they didn't have anything but the clothes they were wearing and they weren't even completely dressed. I took them straight from there to KMart just to get enough clothes for that night and the next day. The next morning I called my boss and told her that I needed the day off to get things setup for taking care of these 4. I was single at the time and worked full time. Anyway, I got childcare taken care of for them while I worked, managed to get enough clothes for several days changes and adjusted my schedule to fit their needs. This all happened the middle of October. As the holiday season approached I was trying to figure out how to give these 4 children some sort of Christmas. Along with the 4 children came all the extra expenses of taking care of them. At our montly meeting the group of people I worked with had all got together and bought clothes, toys, books, shoes, and wrapped them all for those 4 little ones. They gave me so many presents for those 4 that I could hardly get it in my car. Plus they gave me a gift card for $200 for the supermarket. I was so touched my their generousity for these kids they had never met I will never forgot what they did for them for me. Miracles do happen when you least expect them. Just as a follow up the mom got remarried and all the kids are back with her and her husband who cares and provides for them all very nicely.
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