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  • Sept 2011 Weight Loss Adventure -- Sept Winner is Katvert!

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    Old 09-08-2011, 11:01 PM
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    Originally Posted by Joyce99
    Can't remember who recommended this, but thanks for the reminder about drinking water. I forget to do that and become dehydrated (pinch the skin on the back of my hand and it stays up).

    One thing I did when starting this journey last month was to throw away nearly everything in my kitchen that I didn't want to put in my mouth. That has really helped.

    I started a vegan diet but realized it wasn't realistic for me to do such a radical change 100% of the time so I've modified it somewhat so that it works for me. A way that will work for me for the rest of my life. (By the way, there is protein on a vegan diet, it's just in the form of vegetables.)

    I learned the hard way that I cannot have wheat. I had none for a couple of weeks, felt good, then had sandwiches every day for a week. Oh, my. Besides the physical problems, I became horribly depressed. (I went to Hancock's sale and didn't care!) Went back to wheat-free eating and within 24 hours I felt okay again. Staying away from it is going to be hard but I can do it.

    I've got to get back to walking. Having a destination in mind sounds like fun. I think I'll walk to Paradise, a town in the foothills.
    Good for you.I did the same,I had to change all my bad eating habits and get new ones.I too tossed all the junk out.And if I can't have it,I don't buy it.But hubby has a sweet tooth,so what we do is buy stuff that he will eat,but I don't like.And that has worked good.Because it's not his problem,it's mine.And I have to say no,and do it.I say no to myself all the time.And as time goes on,it gets easier.Now I buy stuff and don't even blink or miss it.I can say no and not do it.That was a battle for awhile,but I stuck with it,and am doing good at it and getting better as I go.It's a life style change,not a diet I keep telling myself.I fall off,we all do.But I pick myself back up and keep going and a few more pounds drop off.It may take me another 2 yrs to get the rest of my weight off,and that's ok,as long as I keep going I'll eventually get there.I started out at 250 pounds after all,it isn't going to come off in a few months.I know some do lose it that fast,and a lot of vegans are losing it that fast juicing fasting,all over utube.But I'll tell you,when or if they ever do start eating,the gates of hell are going to open up and not only are they going to regain all that weight back,but their going to put on 1/2 again as much and be twice as big as when they started.Crash diets are just that.Crash diets.You crash down,but skip back up.So if you were 250,and lost down to 125.Unless you drink all your calories,you will baloon back up to 250,plus gain 100 pounds.so will end up at 350 pounds.Not good.I'd rather take it off like I'm doing at 3 pounds a month for 4 yrs.It stays off and will probably not come back.Plus I'm still eating,only way less.It's not easy to lose weight,we have to work hard to keep it off after we get it off.That is where I have to work my hardest,doing that.I have been checking the vegan thing out lately watching utube vids on it.I think all of us eat raw,because we all eat green salads.I'd say 50 % of my diet is raw/vegan.As we eat cooked vegies too.So I think a 80/20 vegan would help me lose more weight,so am going to eat more veggies steamed/and raw.I wish you luck,and if you have any tips for me,let me know.I know nothing about it.Except I am a meat and potatoes gal.I got to have my steak for every 20 pounds I get off,it keeps my sanity in check and gives me something to look forward to.My reward!YUM!!!!
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    Old 09-08-2011, 11:12 PM
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    Originally Posted by irishrose
    Lynne, you learn to live with them. They were here first. I smelled that stinky odor they leave behind when were in the woods today. Lily was high alert, but we were the only things moving. Could have been from overnight. They can have the area from midnight to 6:00 a.m. and we humans can have it during the other hours. One showed up at the courthouse this Summer during the day - and that's heavily residential. I've only encountered one in the early evening close to the house. I have a recovering frozen shoulder to prove it. My recently acquired coyote/dog tried to attack over and over. I was able to hold her, but it tore my shoulder up. My 75# wolfdog in my other hand was perfectly behaved and was told to "Leave it", so she did. I think I was using Mia for an anchor to help hold Kylee back. The joys of living on the edge of a National forest - less than two blocks.
    OMG!What are we going to have to do to keep you out of the woods?????How about we put you on a sled with wheels to train your dogs on?Then they could expend that energy pulling you around.They sell those harnesses for dogs on ebay used,at not bad prices.Just have the boys make a sley with wheels and a chair for you to sit on anchored down good with a seat belt,and mush them puppies on!And for god's sake,stay out of the woods.Have you not learned your lesson?Last month you were all blistered up from god knows what head to toe,now your shoulder is torn? Irishrose,hook those dogs up and mush them around the north forty pulling you,even in a wagon.But do put breaks on it first,I'd hate to have them haul you to canada,or mexico chasing a wild coyote or deer,or even a bear.It'll be xmas and we'll say,well,here comes irishrose,forget santa,irishrose just blazed by!!!!!!!!!!!
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    Old 09-09-2011, 12:07 AM
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    xylie you are wonderful!! you are on a roll!! i needed a laugh tonight. i came home from taking my son to the train and found my dh at home. no car in the drive. hmmmmm. well, hit an oil slick and may have totaled the car. no injuries to him (he says) and get this, it happened this morning! what!?!
    he says since he wasn't hurt there was no sense in telling me. add insult to injury, he was given a ticket for 'careless driving' based on his own account and will have to go to court . i didn't tell him i went to salvation army and found a couple fall items to wear soon(whooppee) i love fall. and winter, and spring. oh, and summer. each haas something good!but my favorite colors are the fall ones in the northeast.
    as for sharing olivia, she has enough shine for all of us, so yes, i will share, but i get to hold her the most. i miss her already!! i have seen her on skype and she is growing like a mushroom! i will post more pictures till you all tell me to stop! foodwise, i did better today, but didn't have an opportunity to drink my water. i lost my good water bottle and i really miss it! as soon as i find another one i'll be back in business! monkey needs to walk as she is getting quite pudgy and the dog door is getting tight.(probably shrank in the rain). i so wish i could send the water to texas. my kids are ok, but others' kids are not. i worry! well, it's 4 am. time to turn off qvc, put my computer to sleep, and try to sleep myself. keep well, sleep well, and i'll talk with you tomorrow!
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    Old 09-09-2011, 02:46 AM
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    Good morning everyone. Sounds like most are doing well.
    MJ - congrats on the weight loss. I think you should get to count your mileage even if it is in a wheelchair! So where are you going?
    Lisa - I strongly in food addiction. I'm a recovering addict/alcoholic and know what addiction feels like. When I quit using drugs and alcohol I just replaced my addiction with food. Food is a harder addiction because you have to eat to live. You can't just not eat. I'm a strong believer in Overeaters Annonoymos. It is based on AA program but is geared toward overeaters. They don't have a meeting near me so I go to meetings online. I miss terribly not having a sponsor though. In many ways I use my friends on this board as my sponsors.
    Pam H. - I wish I knew earlier you were going to the Quilt Expo, I would have volunteered with you and gone through the quilts with you. DH and I are going to Expo on Saturday. No buying just looking! We have so many projects to finish now it's shameful. Maybe we can get together before you go back to TX. Where in WI do you live? I'm so sorry to hear about Ethan. I put him and family on my prayer chain and will be praying for him dailey,

    For those of you wondering about my medical issues: I've seen the neurologist and have an EEG scheduled for the end of the month. He's concerned about possible seizure activity. I also have an appt with endocrinology first part of Oct (why does it take months to get into specialist). I haven't had a hypoglycemic episode for almost a week but my eating hasn't been that good either. I eat every three hours, have increased my protein but also have been making poor food choices for weight control. I haven't been exercising and hopr to get back to water aerobics Monday. I would like to get walking before that.Maybe I'll pick a destination and start heading that way. I think I will start by heading to WI Dells - that's pretty country and I would like to hike the state parks up there. I'll have to go back in this thread to see how to figure my formula for dailey walking.
    Have a good day everyone. It sure is good to be back on this thread. God Bless everyone! Jeanne
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    Old 09-09-2011, 05:25 AM
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    Joyce, here is the link (I hope) to a blog for crock pot meals. I am pretty sure they are all gluten free. http://crockpot365.blogspot.com/
    Today I am heading back to the quilt show for my 3rd day. They are still in desperate need of volunteers so I might give them a few more hours. I think I am recovered from yesterday. I got a pretty bad migraine and my feet were killing me. I wish I would have had a pedometer to keep track of my steps. I had my eye on a couple of things I want to buy so I'll do that plus take pictures of a few of the quilts.
    Jeanne, I live in Chippewa Falls. It's about 180 miles from Madison. No plans yet as to when I head back to Texas. It might be January.
    Have a good day, everyone. I'm not eating much while at the quilt expo but I'm also not drinking enough water.
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    Old 09-09-2011, 07:41 AM
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    Good morning, everyone. Xylie, you can't keep me out of the woods. I refuse to live my life in fear. It's so pretty and shady in there. As a fair skinned redhead, I don't do well in the sun. Besides, the dogs love it. Dogs aren't meant to spend their lives on concrete. The woods are full of wonderful smells to investigate. It's bad enough they can't run free, but living contained has to beat being put down - that's what I tell them. I had a terrible time teaching Mia, the wolfdog, to pull a sled. She had been trained not to pull, now I wanted her to pull. That one had to know the reason behind any command. My son finally had to run with her to teach her the new command. She pulled each of my granddaughters on a sled and the older one on roller blades and a skateboard. I wouldn't ask a single dog to pull an adult. My current Sib mix, Lily, is a fearful dog and would freak out if a sled followed her, so she won't be asked. Moira is small and not very muscular so she not a candidate, though she's up for anything.

    I saw the pictures from my grandson's wedding yesterday. My legs look like stumps and that was a week after the bites. Thank goodness everything is pretty much back to normal, but it's been since the end of July, for Heaven's sake.

    I'm working our quilt guild's show tomorrow. I have to call soon to see if I need to do anything today for set up. I hope not. Thank you all for reminding me to take a couple of water bottles.

    Jeanne, it sounds like you are a little better. I'm glad you are seeing the right doctors. Isn't it amazing what 'immediately' means? The EMG doctor wanted me to see a neurologist 'immediately'. I think there was a 2 month gap.

    Did we decide how many minutes of exercise equal a mile? If I get brave and ride my bike, is 20 minutes on the bike equal to one mile? I haven't timed a mile walk yet. I know I'm not doing 13.5 minutes anymore.

    Well. I'm off to fold clothes, put borders on a quilt and run out to the college to see if my section of the quilt show is set up.

    I AM losing weight and getting healthier.
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    Old 09-09-2011, 09:16 AM
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    So many people can't have gluten in their foods. Fortunately, many things in the stores are now marked gluten free -- even in the cereal aisle !!! We have 2 bakeries that are totally gluten free within 50 miles. Here in Maine we call that close by.

    And as I was researching restaurants in Portland for visiting friends on a cruse, I saw a lot of menu items labeled gluten free.

    Businesses do listen if enough people ask. Isn't it wonderful when we can make a small change somewhere!!!!
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    Old 09-09-2011, 10:08 AM
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    The crockpot 365 does have some yummy recipes on it. My crockpot gets used a lot too, making 15 bean soup tonight.

    Good job on keeping up with the exercise ladies! It rained last night, so hopefully I can get some exercise tonight.

    I know what you guys mean about not eating regular food makes the weight come back later. Whenever I've followed a fad diet, the weight comes right back after. Even if this takes longer, at least I'm setting myself up to eat well for the long run.

    Thanks for the water reminder, need to go grab a glass. :-)
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    Old 09-09-2011, 10:17 AM
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    No gluten free menu items in restraurants here. As far as purchased items, I can't have corn, yeast or sulfites, so I'm still limited. I simply don't care. If I were a child, it would be sad because you have to be so careful out in the world, but as a senior citizen, I can still find plenty to eat. The sulfites are very sneaky. There are so many other names for it. I truly recommend that everyone try a gluten free diet for two weeks to see if you feel better. If your bloated tummy goes down and your joints feel better, it's a possibility. I think there are lot of undiagnosed wheat allergies and celiac disease out there.

    Another pound down!! Xylie, I'm staying ahead of you. You lost two, so I lost two. Catch me if you can! (I know you can, but I'll take any success I can get.)

    BTW, when I did a 30 day juice fast for health reasons, I lost 15 pounds I didn't need to and they didn't come back.
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    Old 09-09-2011, 12:05 PM
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    Jeanne, I'm heading to Birmingham!

    I woke up this morning feeling awful, wheezing, so I got on the scales and I put on 9.2 pounds last night! I had Kraft Homestyle Macaroni and Cheese for supper, it must be loaded with sodium!

    Today I am eating "natural", I had a peach for breakfast and that's what I've eaten today. I think I'll have a banana for supper.

    When my fluid gets this high my head pounds and my tummy is so nauseated that no food is interesting.

    Irish, I want to see you on a sled! LOL! It is good for your doggies, but not so for your skin.
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