
Old 01-12-2011, 07:36 PM
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Prednizone can drastically raise blood sugar, normal is around 120, on pred it can easily go to 300 which in turn brings on diabetes and kidney problems. Was on pred for cancer. Please be careful, prayers with you.
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Old 01-12-2011, 07:42 PM
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I have had fibromyalgia for the past 16 years and finally gave up working in May of last year. The release in stress was remarkable. I was using a cane as I have fallen many, many times and was black and blue all over, which did not help at all. I have flown to Colorado to a "special fibro clinic", a waste of money for sure. I finally went to an acupuncturist with a masters and she has gotten me to the point where I don't fall as much and can at least set still for more than 20 minutes at a time. The Mayo would not see me as they see fibro patients all the time and there is no cure so it would not benefit me or them to see me. Some of the things that go with fibromyalgia are IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) sleep apnea and the biggest one is depression which can rule and ruin your life. As said above, diet makes a big difference along with small amounts of exercise, warm baths, (a hot tub is great) and a support group is also very important as there are other people that actually know what she is going through. The gabapentin (also a mood alterating drug)can be a good thing for some people but not for everyone. Also there is Lyrica that works well. Make sure she has a good neuro doctor. That is extremely important and visits a local health store for good vitamins.
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Old 01-12-2011, 08:10 PM
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my mother used prednizone for 20 years and was pain free/
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Old 01-12-2011, 08:26 PM
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Originally Posted by morelcabin
She needs a very good herbal parasite cleanse. That's how I was cured from mine...and I have two other women I know who were cured with the same cleanse

And I also totally agree with the vitamin D issue.
I tried this a couple of years ago. It did nothing for me and wasn't cheap. If it "cured" what was ailing you, I am very happy for you. For those of you looking for help, this won't hurt you, but it's unlikely it will cure your fibromyalgia...Sorry Momma_K....please don't take it personally.
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Old 01-12-2011, 08:26 PM
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I went into 3 years of depression before I found out what I had, MOST Dr. do not like to say you have Fibro, as we know it is a name made up because they don't know what really causes it, Trauma, a fall (I fell on the job), car accident, loss of a mate, many tings cause fibro. They tried me on many medications, I looked up the names of these meds, nothing was working so I said why take it, My memory went wacko, I quit being able to sleep nights, after 15 years I've learned to adapt. I take no medication, when I feel I'm being ate alive and can't stand it, I take two extra strength excedrin, go sit down and drink something warm. I've been told to excerise, that is pain PLUS, sleep study says I wake up 18 times an hour. I've learned to feel rested, If you live close to your daughter and can help her with the little one, that is what I would suggest. Let her go and just be quiet for a bit, with no worries or thoughts. By the way excerise hurts because of my back Sciatic nerve issue. I also like Amanda's plan, omit certain things in a diet, it has been know to do wonders. :)
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Old 01-12-2011, 09:11 PM
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I have heard that since sugar is an inflammatory and can contribute to joint pain, watching her intake of sugar may help some. I don't have her problem, but if I eat much sugar I hurt.
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Old 01-12-2011, 11:02 PM
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I have had fibromyalgia for a number of years and for the first few years I tried everything anyone would suggest. None really hellped and I felt the frustration your daughter feels. Eventually I learned that my attitude had a great deal to do with how I felt. I finally decided I was tired of being a victim and I was going to do the best I could to make my life worth while. The things that help me are hot baths, walking, and doing things that kept me busy and occupy my mind. Quillting, embroidery, finding something you enjoy. No one who does not have this can truly understand what it is like, and sometimes its just darn hard, but please tell your daughter that in time we learn to deal with it and to put it on the back burner so that it is not the focus of our lives.
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Old 01-13-2011, 10:03 AM
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Truly sympathize with her. I ahve had it for eons. Use to take Solibid, and it seemed to help. Since I was a teacher, could not take anything that would make me sleepy. Check Mayo Clinic Site out. Good luck!

Keep us posted.
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Old 01-13-2011, 10:37 AM
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I didn't know so many of us are aflicted with this nasty disease. I too have had it most of my adult life(now 81). I had it before it was recognized. Am now on Lyrica and Ultram(a pain med) and it is mostly under control. You just have to roll with it. Coast on bad days and try and catch up after. Important that you keep a positive outlook. Realy tough on your daughter with such a young child. She really needs some outside help. Keep a smile:)
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Old 01-13-2011, 11:42 AM
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All of your comments I can relate to and have been very helpful. It is so nice to know that there are others that are going through what I am going through. People that don't have fibro just don't understand the pain, depression, and sensitivity that we all have. I have become so scent sensitive that some of the cleaning stuff I just can't use because of the smell. I can't be around ANY perfumes/colognes. This disease takes over your life to the point where you just don't want to get out of bed. Exercise for most people works but in my case, I can hardly walk because of a birth defect in my hip. I can't lift weights because of nerve damage in my neck and lower back from a car accident. I have fallen so many times that it's not funny, the most recent (and worst) is when I slipped on the ice, fell on my back after twisting my bad hip, and hit the back of my head on concrete. I still have a knot from that. We use to have a hot tub and that worked wonders but we (or should I say my husband) got rid of it because our water is so bad that the calcium would just cover everything (even with the chemicals they suggest). It's hard to stay positive because of the pain 24/7 but with my crafts, my quilts right now, and with wonderful people such as yourselves keep me going.
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