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April 2012 Weight Loss Adventure With A Prize!

April 2012 Weight Loss Adventure With A Prize!

Old 04-19-2012, 02:43 AM
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Missy you are truly an inspiration. I hope every one is doing well halfway through the month-really??? I am really nervous about tomorrows weigh in, our 1st since the beginning of the newest session of Biggest Losers at work. Last session was the first time we've ever had 2 young girls and a young guy, none who needed to lose more than a total of 5 pounds join. Of course they won. Since the contest is based on percentage lost they killed us fatties. Now I know this is a personal journey and all but if you are competing it should be fair. Well, one of the girls who is in her 20's and lost her 5 pounds last time has joined again. We're not oblivious to the irony of this but Claire, who is about my age and weight and is the one organizing Biggest Losers actually went to HR to see if there was a politically correct way to discourage individuals who don't have at least 10 pounds to lose from joining. IMHO there is a reason they only have people who actually need to lose weight competing on the television program. Anyway, in an effort to at least be competitive I got in the bad habit of only eating enough calories each day to cover the amount of calories burned off with exercise. Not only is this unhealthy but towards the end my weight loss had slowed considerably. So, I am pushing the calories up to 1,000 a day this week with the intention of adding more until I am back up to 1,200 per day. I am doing 6 hours of cardio per week and strength training 3 times a week. We did add a prize this time for the person who loses the most pounds-unbelievably there was a complaint from one of our thin competitors that this wasn't fair because we don't all start out at the same weight. He got over ruled. Too bad he couldn't wrap his head around the fact that it may not be fair for him to lose 3 pounds and 10% of his body weight and my 3 pounds may count for way less than half of that-after all we don't all start at the same percentage either. Sorry for moaning-regardless I need to hang in there and do MY best. It's about me and my journey back to better health.
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Old 04-19-2012, 08:03 AM
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Missy, you have done a fabulous job!!! You should be proud of yourself!! Keep up the good work. No Mod is going to kick you off of here unless you do or say something really offensive!!!! We don't kick people off for not participating as much as "others"
Of course, this is not my thread and I am not in charge of it by any means.
Thank you every one for your well wishes. I slept good last night after 2 nights of hardly sleeping. Of coursed the Vicodin and the Ambien I took probably did the trick. DH just left for work and I told him to leave me here in front of the computer. My DD#1 is supposed to be here in about 40 min with my grand-daughter. If the foot starts throbbing I will put it up. At the moment I am in the wheel chair but I could put the foot up on a desk chair and twist my body. I think I can carefully transfer myself to my recliner if I need to. Dr indicated that this is the nastiest heel spur that he had ever seen. He called me last night, personally, to see how I was faring. Nice guy!
I'm not sure how I will weigh in at the end of the month. I will have to balance on one foot on the scale, but we have some time for that yet. I am also at the mercy of what people bring for dinner. I know that tonight's dinner will be low-fat & low cal cause the couple bringing it are on a vegetarian diet and know how I am trying to eat. Tomorrow night's dinner is coming via one of my quilting friends and she understands what I am trying to do as well. I think my DD#3 is coming over to cook either Saturday or Sunday dinner and DD#1 may do the other. Another understanding quilting friend is bringing Monday's dinner. I have tons of veggies in my fridge that hopefully one of my kids will cook up for me before they go bad.
I did not weight myself right before surgery but I think I have been basically maintaining. It was hard with that boot, I think it weighed at least a pound or two and this splint on my foot now is pretty heavy.
I want to sew but that may not be good to do yet. I spent a bit of time this weekend cutting out kits to work on. All baby size. 5 are for baby girls that are on their way and I cut out 12 Quilts for Kids type quilts that I and my friend Toni(who' bringing monday's dinner) will put together for our local Quilts for Kids chapter. I have quite the fabric stash and can put together all kinds of kits.

My newest Grandson, Caleb Austin, was born May 29th. I am now Grandma to 4 precious babies. I am so blessed!!!!
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Old 04-19-2012, 10:36 AM
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Gayle, I'm glad you are up and around. I managed to make drapes and valances for an entire house and replace the wallpaper border in a bedroom (I'm not sure how I managed that) while wheelchair bound with one foot in the air. Doesn't your wheelchair have leg rests? - that and two pillows kept my foot up. I took the unused one off for better mobility. I also had a birthday party for my youngest daughter. Baking and cooking is a little messy, but it can be done. My husband's idea of 'getting dinner' was bringing home Taco Bell food and I didn't consider that healing food.

Pam, the dress is not a nightmare. I have done so many wedding dresses and prom dresses than none of it is new to me (quilting is new to me - almost 18 months now).The problem is the long distance fitting because it has to fit like a glove - and the time constraints. I sew well under pressure, but I can't control the USPS. I love this child dearly and so I can do whatever it takes. I want to start the underskirt today though I am trying to talk her into the shorter view. If she comes around, I can shorten it from the top later. I hate ruffling tulle. It's like trying to sew air.

Off to make a quick trip to town, walk the dogs, sweep outside and start cutting. I ran out of varigated thread FMQ last night and it was purchased out of town. Grr. I will stop at the LQS to see if I can find anything usuable.

blondeslave, you have a dilemna. I'm not sure how to work it out. Can you have separate prizes - one for losers with under 20 pounds to lose and one for others? If you like your low calorie diet (IMO, too low) then have a feast day to trick your metabolism into thinking you are not starving. Every five days or at least once a week. Saturday??

I am losing weight and getting healthier.
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Old 04-19-2012, 03:02 PM
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Hi Everyone, No, I haven't fallen off the face of the earth- just some lousy circumstances that have kept me away from home & the computer. My nephew died of a drug overdose last week. Such a waste & such a sad time for the family. There is not much else I can say about it other than it really stinks. I just hope it can be a lesson to others so maybe some good can come of it.

I have kept up on the reading of the thread on my phone, so I have seen what is going on with everyone.

Glad the surgery is behind you Gayle. That heel spur sounds nasty & painful! Hope you are getting along in your wheelchair ok.

I have done a lot of garment sewing in my day too Irishrose. I have been quilting about 10 years, but have been sewing since I was 11 or so. I still enjoy making the occasional dress or top. I still do a lot of alterations for my short self & am just now letting out a pair of pants for my husband. He has gone from a size 31 waist from when we met in 1977 to a 32......I don't feel too sorry for him!

Looking good Missy! What a difference!

That's too bad about the work contest Blondeslave. I guess in these politically correct days you couldn't exclude anyone from a work contest. Go for it & win that most pounds lost prize!

I have no idea how my weight is. There was so much food surounding the funeral & services it was unbelievable. I will get back on track & weigh in next week.
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Old 04-20-2012, 02:12 AM
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maggiemay-- so sorry to hear of your nephew's passing. drugs are such harsh mistresses and killers. it is a terrible loss.
irish--you are so knowledgeable i thought you had been quilting for years (i am being serious). i have a similar background, long history of sewing, new to quilting (one year in march). as different as baseball and football. i still think the best part is the shopping--please, someone take away my card! i love getting the new fabrics in! i found a cache of breakfast at tiffany's. i had previously bought 3 prints on sale and couldn't find any others. now i have enough to make a beautiful quilt for someone. one thing i like about the swaps i've discovered, is that i can explore and make something new, then ship it off to someone new and not have to find it a home or a place to stash it in my already over=stuffed house. i buy these fabrics because i love them, but i don't have a very large family and i don't think they are going to want 20 quilts each, lol. i've gotten by up to now by doing swaps and baby quilts. time to grow up and do full size quilts. have several cut out because i'm doing a couple mystery quilts. if i could tear myself awaay from the qb i could get a lot of quilting done. lol hope everyone is having a good week! when are we doing the quilt along? definitely want to be part of that! this sunday is good for me if anyone wants to meet here!
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Old 04-20-2012, 05:08 AM
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Maggiemay, our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. Death, no matter how, is emotional.

Gayle, I'm glad you are in good spirits. Blessings on your family and friends who are coming with meals. It shows that you are loved and they want to help.

Irish, it sounds like you can handle just about anything. Getting out with the dogs sound like a good release. Hope the weather is better there. We had rain here yesterday, so it's on it way to you.

Cool day here. Might be a day for the fireplace. I really want to go downstairs to play in my new sewing room, but Mom hasn't been up yet. So I probably will have to do a complete bedding strip along with her nightgown. This is what happened last Friday also, before we left for the bacc. show. Oh well, all part of life.

Been eating lots of raw veggies from last weekend. What a lifesaver. When in doubt, munch on the raw things. Yesterday the scale went up, today it's down again. Thank goodness I can handle the ups now. I get a little more excited to see the down arrow again. Tomorrow is a cheat day. Hungry for a grilled cheese sandwich.

Well time for a little breakfast and then I have some pillowcases to start working on.

Have a great day ladies. Take care of yourself.
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Old 04-20-2012, 06:25 AM
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Maggiemay, so sorry about the loss of your nephew. That is so very sad for your whole family.
I have some sad news also. I haven't given an Ethan update for a while. Ethan is my great nephew. He started having seizures just over a year ago. He was just diagnosed with Batten Disease. It starts with losing vision, then seizures, then they lose the use of their legs, then dementia, then they become bedridden with a feeding tube and then death. No one has ever survived with this disease. Ethan will be 4 next month. The disease is progressing so rapidly that they don't expect him to live much over a year. We are all praying that his siblings (1 yr old twins) do not have the disease also. They recently weaned him off of the horrible ketone diet where he was forced to eat mainly fat and protein. This past week he started back on sugar. The picture of him eating his first chocolate chip cookie was priceless. I am hoping to do a benefit this summer to help with the medical bills that are becoming overwhelming for his parents. Sorry for the huge downer but several people here have been praying for Ethan since last fall.
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Old 04-20-2012, 09:07 AM
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MaggieMay, my condolensces to you and your family. Losing young people is so hard, but when it's meaningless, it's heartbreaking.

nancia, the Jewel Box I am FMQ was pieced almost a year ago when I knew even less than I do now. My first HSTs and, of course, 4 patches. I can't believe how many corners are not perfect, but I don't have time to redo them. I guess we learn by our errors. The bride and groom will love it anyway. It's a good thing wedding presents aren't late until the first anniversary. I have until July 19, but it should be done tonight if I remember to do a label. I have a habit of thinking I'm finished without one. BTW, I went to the LQS for thread and didn't buy any fabric. For me that is a victory.

Pam, my prayers are with Ethan that he can enjoy his time on Earth and his family can stay strong. Children aren't meant to suffer like this, IMO.

Di, I've had to do the bed change all the way to the mattress twice this week - even the blankets and quilt. Lily's Siberian blood is showing and she ate a sock and then a piece of a toy. Apparently she no warning when her body decides to upchuck it. Better than surgery, but still too much work. I'm trying to figure why she has done this twice in a week. Usually it's only when she's upset like during fireworks. I wonder if she has a tummyache or something. She isn't showing any other symptoms.

My GSs aren't coming tonight. I'll have more time to sew, but I have enjoyed our Friday evenings. Di, we are getting your cold, wet rain - some ice and snow mixed in about 5:30 yesterday. We need the moisture so much after a less snowy winter, but I'd prefer a warmer rain. I hope my young friend's ball game is cancelled, because I'm not going.

nancia, I'd love to have a quiltalong this Sunday if I can work on the dress while the rest of you quilt. It willl be quilt related in that the sooner it's done, the sooner I can get back to the red quilt, another Spicy Spiral and an Asian fan quilt. When you have as many children, GC and GGC as I do, someone is always having a birthday. Anyone else want to join us? I can't start until 1:00, but others can start sooner. I'll catch up.

Gayle, I hope you were able to sleep. It's always hard for me to sleep on my back with a foot propped up. The orthopedic pain should be better - bones don't have any nerves. The soft tissue will take longer, especially if the Achilles tendon is involved. My prayers will continue.

From April 20th OA book:
'Not in the clamor of the crowded street
Not in the shouts and plaudits of the throng,
But in ourselves are triumph and defeat. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
There is no better triumph than feeling good about myself - not because of acquisitions or recognition, but because I have come to like myself, to accept and feel at peace with myself.'

Wow, That's thought provoking. I'll take the triumphs over the defeats. I AM losing weight and getting healthier.

Last edited by irishrose; 04-20-2012 at 09:10 AM.
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Old 04-21-2012, 02:50 PM
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Looks like I am talking to myself.

Hi, everyone. It looks like I can quilt tomorrow - the dress bodice hasn't made it to Alb yet. If you are joining Nancia and me, post in the morning or whenever you can what your goals for the day are and then have at it. Check in here occasionally when it's break time.

My goals for now are put away the groceries, walk Cheech and Chong then press a wedding dress. Only walking the dogs sounds like fun.
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Old 04-21-2012, 04:06 PM
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So sorry to hear of your nephew Maggie May. Such a tragedy!!!
And Pam with your Ethan. My prayers are with the family. It must be extremely difficult to see a young child suffer like that.
It is a gorgeous day here today. I got DH to "walk" me around the block. It was a nice walk and we talked to a couple of neighbors. Wish I could get this chair in an out the door by myself!!!!! I had been stuck inside since Tuesday. Maybe tomorrow I can get him to take me around the block again or even park me out back so I can get some beautiful fresh air.
I good friend came over and visited with me for a couple hours today. I think my oldest daughter is doing dinner tonight but we have not heard what or when. If she doesn't, we have some left-over chicken from last night's dinner to eat.
I have some hand sewing I need to work on, a label for a wedding gift (last weekend) and a couple of sleeves so I can hang a couple quilts at our Guild's show next month. My right hand is so bruised from the first 2 failed attempts at getting an IV started that I havn't felt like hand sewing. I'm going to wait until after the 1 week mark before I sit at my sewing machine to sew. I did get a bunch of "kits" cut out last weekend to work on.
I have been able to sleep. I take a Vicodin and half an Ambien and I sleep well for about 4 hours, have to get up and have DH wheel me to empty the bladder and then back to bed for another 3-4 hours. Not bad. Eventually I will need to get off the Ambien again. I don't like to become dependent on it.
Got in the shower this morning and washed my hair, that felt great. It was a lot of hard work getting in there though. Years ago we re-did the master shower, made it bigger, put in a seat and added a second shower head that is hand-held. Let me tell you that that was one of the best decisions we ever made concerning home improvements!!!! There was not way I could have gotten in there myself. I am so thankful that my husband is around and is very helpful! He's wonderful!!!!
I am not going to attempt to go to church tomorrow. Jim has to get there early as he is one of the pastors. I can't get myself out the front door yet, let alone into and then out of the car. Though it is close enough that if I could get out the front door I could almost wheel myself there(I'd be pretty tired though)
I managed to get myself onto the scale today and I am happy. It has me down about 3 lbs since I weighed in last week, even with the cast on my foot. I guess not being able to hit the fridge or the pantry on my own yet has helped with any kind of snacking. I eat what I am served and no sneaking extras!!!
I hope everyone is having a wonderful day!!!

My newest Grandson, Caleb Austin, was born May 29th. I am now Grandma to 4 precious babies. I am so blessed!!!!
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